Sapp issues statement

We already have video of Pruitt hitting a player on the sideline. Granted, open hand to the chest, but a hard hit nonetheless.

You should probably watch swimming or tennis instead because you have clearly never played football if you think Pruitt is too hard on the players. I have been dog cussed by more coaches than not and slapped on the helmet
The Hurd incident started at halftime in Athens,Ga. as a result of Hurd "showboating" going into the endzone. Prior to reaching the endzone he slowed some not knowing he was about to get his bell rung plus cough up the ball and not getting the TD. Jones got him off to the side in locker room at halftime and chewed his azz out. Hurd when ask to go in in 3rd qtr. said no and told Jones UT couldn't win without him. Jones covered for him or himself by saying he felt Hurd was concussed mildly although Hurd did re-enter game and caught TD pass and took ball to Jones when the statement was made. Practice was bad that week and Hurd wouldn't let it go holding it against Jones for lying to him after bowl game win because Hurd knew he wasn't good fit for Jones' RPO system and wanted to transfer to power running school. Jones then mislead Jalen saying he would install some power-I formations.
Bad events unfolded during practice prior to the T A-M game that I'm not comfortable repeating here. They occurred in front of the whole team or part of the team saw it so I don't feel it's any big secret. Jones didn't allow Hurd to travel with team to Texas. Hurd "got even" if you want to call it that during the USCe game when he refused to go in.CFA went in and DeBord called his # on the 1st play resulting in a fumble. UT also lost that game and team meeting was called where players felt they had seen enough and Hurd was asked to leave the team.
The point being made is this divides the team. Doesn't matter who's at fault or to what degree just that a tiny spark can become a towering inferno if it isn't attended to and addressed ASAP. Every Vol fan should be well aware of what the results were. Losing to both SC and Vandy cost UT the east title and trip to Atlanta and a Sugar Bowl bid as well. Some good cash right out the window because a coach jumps a player. Could have just as easily patted him on the back and told him to shake it off we'll get'em next time. Would have had better results,IMO. These are very young men and in many cases come from respectful families where their own parents don't chew 'em out or belittle them publicly much less lie to them. Jones knew Hurd, who could have easily set the all-time rushing mark at UT, transferring would be a bad reflection. It's always good to walk in another's shoes and see their point before making any type of judgement. In this case one millionaire vs. another potential millionaire.
Jalen had gone to south Florida in the Ft. Lauderdale area to work out with NFL pro players after his 1st bowl game. After his 2nd bowl game he went again and took Kamara with him. I feel he was well intentioned young man. He didn't like the offensive scheme because Jones was using him as the bread and butter and continually pounded him into the LOS. I think he was concerned about his health and his durability in the tough SEC and always the lingering thought that Jones mislead him. Hopefully Pruitt or Sapp don't offer up any explaination at all and sweep it under a rug and there's nothing to it. We may never know the total truth but those two need to find common ground just because of what I just posted and the overflow of a bad situation having an impact on the entire team just like the 1st domino falling leading to collapse of all the dominos.

Tapping a player on the helmet and telling him “he will get him next time champ” works great if they are six but when a player continually makes the same basic mistakes over and over at this level warrants a much more harsh response. Some players need their egos checked not coddled
Love the speculation without all the facts, but since we are speculating. Could it be possible the kid issued a statement to make himself look good, and have this play out in the eyes of the media? The media will never come down on a student athlete like they would a coach. Given all the drama last year and these still being Butch's recruits could it be that certain players could be the issue? Butch did not recruit character, he recruited stars only, no matter the positions he needed.
I doubt he even wrote that statement.
They pay their players enough to put up with it. Since we seem to cheap out on just about everything probably not the case here.

And there is your answer, this generation as a whole sucks at life. They can’t handle failure because they are given chance after chance in school while being constantly patted on the back. When life doesn’t work that way in the real world they pout or meltdown

Do you folks even have a clue that the same was about you and your generation. I'm 50 years old and heard the same about mine, read the same about my dad's and so on.

Socrates (according to Plato) said the same thing. For those that dont know; they pre-dated Christ. So cut back on the ridiculous "kids these days".

Do you folks even have a clue that the same was about you and your generation. I'm 50 years old and heard the same about mine, read the same about my dad's and so on.

Socrates (according to Plato) said the same thing. For those that dont know; they pre-dated Christ. So cut back on the ridiculous "kids these days".


Tell that to the thousands of coaches and teachers that burn out on a yearly basis. There is a noticeable difference with this generation as compared to the past
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Love the speculation without all the facts, but since we are speculating. Could it be possible the kid issued a statement to make himself look good, and have this play out in the eyes of the media? The media will never come down on a student athlete like they would a coach. Given all the drama last year and these still being Butch's recruits could it be that certain players could be the issue? Butch did not recruit character, he recruited stars only, no matter the positions he needed.


That's why arrest and poor grades were a hallmark of CBJs teams.
Tapping a player on the helmet and telling him “he will get him next time champ” works great if they are six but when a player continually makes the same basic mistakes over and over at this level warrants a much more harsh response. Some players need their egos checked not coddled
Explain "the same basic mistakes" so I'll know how to respond. The mistake I alluded to was Hurd not being aware that a Georgia player was coming from his blind-side to lower the boom on him causing a fumble and negating a TD. I'm unaware of Hurd continually making the same basic mistakes "over and over." He blocked exceptionally well for Dobbs. Caught most passes thrown to him. Ran routes well. I guess it was a mistake to take up for himself when he finally fiqured out what a BSer CBJ was. Like all the others that transferred out of Jones' system in more quite manner.
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Tell that to the thousands of coaches and teachers that burn out on a yearly basis. There is a noticeable difference with this generation as compared to the past[/QUOTE


For 2000+ years that line gets repeated and apparently still makes the old folks feel good today.

Believe what you will but if your kids are soft, brother that's on you. They will be what we teach them to be.

Also I would argue the teachers of today ain't what they used to be.
The Bama kids are “this generation” of kids too. They didn’t seem to mind
I think the main problem is the ones that bought into Butch are having problems buying into Pruitt, some of them may be trying but there are growing pains with that. But Pruitts way is the right way, ultimately the players that adjust will be what makes the core for which the others can feed off of. At this point it's about who is willing to fight and claw with all they got and who isn't. It all starts upfront on both sides, bottom line until we win them battles we aren't going to be a winner in the SEC. Pruitt knows this, the players need to look themselves in the mirror and buckle down and keep working hard. This is no time to feel sorry themselves, this is the SEC you must get better every week. I think we have some that need to wake up. We are a young team and the main thing we need to get across to the players is that if we work hard and keep at it better things will come later on down the line. We must strive to improve, by working hard and a winning attitude. This team is going to have to fight for wins, I still have confidence we can win 6 games if we just stay focused and the players buy into what the coaches want. We have to get tougher. GBO!
We already have video of Pruitt hitting a player on the sideline. Granted, open hand to the chest, but a hard hit nonetheless.
Oh PLease, I have seen Saban and many others grab and hit a player open handed. It's football they have pads on, them type of things aren't like they are hitting a player. Please get real. GBO!!!!!
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Explain "the same basic mistakes" so I'll know how to respond. The mistake I alluded to was Hurd not being aware that a Georgia player was coming from his blind-side to lower the boom on him causing a fumble and negating a TD. I'm unaware of Hurd continually making the same basic mistakes "over and over." He blocked exceptionally well for Dobbs. Caught most passes thrown to him. Ran routes well. I guess it was a mistake to take up for himself when he finally fiqured out what a BSer CBJ was. Like all the others that transferred out of Jones' system in more quite manner.
No, he didnt transfer.
Do you folks even have a clue that the same was about you and your generation. I'm 50 years old and heard the same about mine, read the same about my dad's and so on.

Socrates (according to Plato) said the same thing. For those that dont know; they pre-dated Christ. So cut back on the ridiculous "kids these days".

Sadly sir you are wrong. When a generation demands a safe space, isn't taught adversity and receives trophies just for participation then it is fair to say "kids these days." Stop trying to empathize with them. 23 years of military/combat experience, the one thing I have learned is that boys these days are getting softer, they fell more entitled, and most haven't had a clue of what adversity is like. In general, kids these days aren't held accountable for their actions, and when they are, they are dumb founded and play victim. I am not saying this is what happened with Sapp, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were. Accountability and responsibility is strongly lacking and I know this from experience. If you would like to argue otherwise than maybe you are part of the problem.
And there is your answer, this generation as a whole sucks at life. They can’t handle failure because they are given chance after chance in school while being constantly patted on the back. When life doesn’t work that way in the real world they pout or meltdown

Listen, this argument is so old and riddled with bad logic. Snowflakes usually recognize snowflakes, the rest of us adapt and learn how to work with all types of snowflakes. CJP has a history of that so, let give a little space.

Just one example, who do you think made them unable to deal with failure? The generation in charge of raising them!
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Sadly sir you are wrong. When a generation demands a safe space, isn't taught adversity and receives trophies just for participation then it is fair to say "kids these days." Stop trying to empathize with them. 23 years of military/combat experience, the one thing I have learned is that boys these days are getting softer, they fell more entitled, and most haven't had a clue of what adversity is like. In general, kids these days aren't held accountable for their actions, and when they are, they are dumb founded and play victim. I am not saying this is what happened with Sapp, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were. Accountability and responsibility is strongly lacking and I know this from experience. If you would like to argue otherwise than maybe you are part of the problem.
Hate to break it to you but its our generations responsiblity to raise the children....So, what does that say about us?
I remember all the crap Jalen Hurd got, even from me and now in retrospect I wonder how much of it was Butch's fault. This time around I am choosing to not take sides because no one knows the full story. I'm just sick that I've become this apathetic over Tennessee Football. It feels like the team of my childhood is never coming back.

Yep, gone are the days of old. No more, any given Saturday we could have a chance at winning. I thought Pruit said something about a team we could take pride in. ..

The SEC has passed UT up and I am not sure we will or can catch up...

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