Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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I haven’t commented in a while but I read a lot of what you guys write. I just haven't been able to come up with anything of much good to add and I think all the negative has generally been well covered. jmo.

I think you sort of had to figure there was some smoke early on with the first game that this season might have some issues. Pruitt said he was "tickled" to get the win over South Carolina. I usually associate that expression as being sort of like pleasantly surprised. He followed that up by declaring that our record this year at that point was 1-9 and for us to get to 2-8 we’d have to earn it. That comment was met with some surprise by the guys on I think both the scoreboard show and the Big Orange Hotline.

I was dumbfounded that with a 5-star offensive line we couldn’t run the ball against Georgia. I still don’t get it. He said Kennedy had some issues with the line calls. Maybe, but why do you have him out there if he can’t do his job. I mean you have 4 five star linemen. How can you not be able to run the ball. That can’t be on the players. I mean it can be on the players but at that point it has to start with the coaches. jmo.

I said in the summer in response to someone posting that this might be a throwaway season that I didn’t think it could be because Pruitt was at the end of his 3rd year in a 6 year contract and we would need to write an extension. Well I guess Fulmer wasn’t taking any chances because he chose to write the extension before the season started. I think that means Fulmer may have more confidence in Pruitt’s ultimate future here than most fans who are judging this team’s performance on a game by game basis. jmo.

Obviously recruiting is important, I think. The fact that 4 five star offensive lineman couldn’t help us run the ball against Georgia still has me scratching my head. I mean, aside from the excuses, it doesn’t make sense to me. jmo.

Anyway, after the 2nd half of the Georgia game I mostly threw in the towel for the rest of this season and given how the team has performed since then I’m guessing a lot of those guys are keeping me company. jmo.
BTW, I finally know how this person feels.

Long time lurker here, this is my 41st season of pulling for our Big Orange. I realize the last decade has aged us all for years beyond the ones we're living. I don't want to say I've given up on us coming back to our glory, but it looks more unlikely every game we play. I wish I knew the answer for us to get there because I would do every damn thing in my power to bring it to fruition.
It’s obvious Meyer and Freeze will be coaching at one of USC, Texas, Michigan or Auburn in the next few years. We all know that right? Those teams will try and win. We will not.
U may be right, but if Tennessee wants Freeze, this year and will pay him, probably what we are paying Pruitt, right now, we got him. His dream job and I believe it. I just don't think we will do it, this year and then it will probably be too late. Plus, Tennessee may pull some holier than thou bullsh!t, despite sucking for 15 years and act like we are too good for him and never pursue him even if we can get him after the '21 season
I checked out after the KY game.

I’ll still watch when I can and I will die cheering for the Vols, but I just don’t care anymore.

One of Fulmer’s downfalls was not being able to hire coaches after Cutcliff left. It now appears he still doesn’t know how to do it.

Even the announcers tonight we’re getting hyped every time Ark made a 1st down. We are an afterthought, not relevant in the least, and as long as we are down and Bama is rolling then the establishment is happy. Hell, Mullen spit Covid, instigated a brawl, and wore a Darth Vader costume to a press conference and the press barely cares. UGA has thugs squirting water bottles on our players, starts fights, and has a coach that wears a bowl cut. But we are the laughing stock every week.

Everyone seems to like us being down and as long as that’s the case it will continue. If we fire CJP I fully expect him in Crimson next year while we pay his salary.

Screw Kiffin and Butch traitors. Screw this administration and this coaching staff.

(Breathe deeply).....sigh. Ok, I feel better, carry on.

We waited a year too long on Dooley and butch. It’s time with Pruitt. We’ve seen enough to draw all the conclusions. When the coach is saying stupid sh!t in post game because he can’t defend his body of work, it’s over. No player fact nearly across the board regression. We go backwards at halftime. Un-f#%!ing-beleivable.
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