Official What Are You Going to Do If

What exactly is Obama doing that is preventing your growth. This is not a challenge, I'm legitimately curious.


His EPA for one will be a huge job killer, there will be no restraint.

Obamacare will absolutley retard hiring.

Taxes on the "wealthy". Who do you think provides jobs, how many people earn more than their boss?
His EPA for one will be a huge job killer, there will be no restraint.

Obamacare will absolutley retard hiring.

Taxes on the "wealthy". Who do you think provides jobs, how many people earn more than their boss?

Thank yor for answering. What kind of business do you own if I may ask? How many employees?

Have you been affected by the EPA yet?? Or is it just something you see coming down the pipe?

What has Obamacare done to hurt your pocket as of this date? Or again, is this future looking - which is of course no less important.

Lastly, what has specifically happened to the taxes you pay?

I'm not being a jerk here - I geinuinly want to know. I don't know any small/mid sized business owners and I want to hear facts from them. I get tired of hearing what is in the press or the talking points from either party. I want to know what Obama has actually DONE to hurt you.

Do you own a business?

Look at what the EPA is rushing to do with regard to coal fired plants......this screws the mining industry.....which screws the fuel industry.....which also screws construction equipment mfgs.....which screws the suppliers to the construction equipment mfgs......consumers are screwed by higher prices and fewer jobs

Hi Carl - I'll ask you some of the same questions I asked Hogg.

Thank yor for answering. What kind of business do you own if I may ask? How many employees?

Have you been affected by the EPA yet?? Or is it just something you see coming down the pipe?

What has Obamacare done to hurt your pocket as of this date? Or again, is this future looking - which is of course no less important.

Lastly, what has specifically happened to the taxes you pay?

Again, I'm not being a jerk here - I geinuinly want to know. I don't know any small/mid sized business owners and I want to hear facts from them. I get tired of hearing what is in the press or the talking points from either party. I want to know what Obama has actually DONE to hurt you.

Do you own a business?

Look at what the EPA is rushing to do with regard to coal fired plants......this screws the mining industry.....which screws the fuel industry.....which also screws construction equipment mfgs.....which screws the suppliers to the construction equipment mfgs......consumers are screwed by higher prices and fewer jobs

YOUR business specifically. Give me an example of a decision you were forced to make regarding YOUR business based on the negative impact of industry regulation.
I predict that GS will be prowling the internet for weird pictures of Obama to post on VN.
I will officially be done with this country. If they elect this guy again it proves there is no hope for this country any longer. We will collapse and we will deserve it.'re gonna relinquish your citizenship, move away and never come back?
If Obama wins, I may have to watch Fox News again so I can witness Sean Hannity's head exploding on national TV. In fact, the entire line-up of on air personalities will have to be put on suicide watch.
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Hi Carl - I'll ask you some of the same questions I asked Hogg.

Thank yor for answering. What kind of business do you own if I may ask? How many employees?

Have you been affected by the EPA yet?? Or is it just something you see coming down the pipe?

What has Obamacare done to hurt your pocket as of this date? Or again, is this future looking - which is of course no less important.

Lastly, what has specifically happened to the taxes you pay?

Again, I'm not being a jerk here - I geinuinly want to know. I don't know any small/mid sized business owners and I want to hear facts from them. I get tired of hearing what is in the press or the talking points from either party. I want to know what Obama has actually DONE to hurt you.


I'm in the commercial insurance partner runs the health and employee benefits side of the house....11 employees. Due to this the EPA has not directly affected us other than through the trickle down effect from large companies being affected and passing it down to suppliers.

So far Obamacare has forced insurance companies to spend no less than .80 or every dollar on claims expenses.....which means they cut from other areas....commission structure being one..... Before OC commissions with BCBS were a flat % of the premium, but were changed to a flat fee per TN BCBS practically has the full market share so our pre-tax revenue has dropped over $180k year to date....or through we still have a quarter to go....other factors causing the drop are customers that have closed their doors.....if you're not out dealing with small businesses you typically don't hear about them me.....a lot are....others have dropped coverage due to increased costs associated with OC and poor economic conditions.

In many instances small business is taxed just as an individual so if tax rates or tax brackets increase for those making over $250k....then the small business gets hit as well.....with the number if small businesses struggling it makes no sense to pile on.....
It's not ringing any bells.

They used to be an environmental engineering and consulting co in Nashville. I was a chemist there for several years....they sold the engineering arm off to Brown and Caldwell..... The lab became ELab of TN and is now known as Empirical Lab.
I thought you might have known about them due to the line of work you're your company located in Nashville?
I'll laugh at the GOP for finding a way to lose an election which was gift-wrapped for them.
YOUR business specifically. Give me an example of a decision you were forced to make regarding YOUR business based on the negative impact of industry regulation.

We haven't been forced to make one yet....we have watched revenues fall .....customers reduce payrolls and go out of business....if things do not change quickly we will unfortunately be forced to start reducing the number of employees on staff.
I'm in the commercial insurance partner runs the health and employee benefits side of the house....11 employees. Due to this the EPA has not directly affected us other than through the trickle down effect from large companies being affected and passing it down to suppliers.

So far Obamacare has forced insurance companies to spend no less than .80 or every dollar on claims expenses.....which means they cut from other areas....commission structure being one..... Before OC commissions with BCBS were a flat % of the premium, but were changed to a flat fee per TN BCBS practically has the full market share so our pre-tax revenue has dropped over $180k year to date....or through we still have a quarter to go....other factors causing the drop are customers that have closed their doors.....if you're not out dealing with small businesses you typically don't hear about them me.....a lot are....others have dropped coverage due to increased costs associated with OC and poor economic conditions.

In many instances small business is taxed just as an individual so if tax rates or tax brackets increase for those making over $250k....then the small business gets hit as well.....with the number if small businesses struggling it makes no sense to pile on.....

Thanks. With you being in the insurance business, it makes sense to me that you are not happy.

As an insurance buyer - I guess I'm not too disappointed with 80% of premiums going back to claims... Should it be government regulated, debatable.

I know it's no comfort to you at all, but some may argue that the cost of "progress" are some casualities in the commercial insurance business. Others may find the fault with the insurance companies that were keeping too much money out of premiums to begin with.

I'm not sure where I stand. I hate that your business is hurting, but I'm not exactly upset that insurance companies can't take more in premium dollars. Guess I wish they didn't have the strength to walk over small businessmen like you.
They used to be an environmental engineering and consulting co in Nashville. I was a chemist there for several years....they sold the engineering arm off to Brown and Caldwell..... The lab became ELab of TN and is now known as Empirical Lab.
I thought you might have known about them due to the line of work you're your company located in Nashville?

Know Brown and Caldwell very well, the only two labs we use around here are Test America and Env Science.

So what are you going to do if the President wins Tuesday night? I know many on here will be totally devastated. Just interested in knowing how each one has prepared for this possibility.

I will be devestated if he doesn't win. Romney would kill America.
Thanks. With you being in the insurance business, it makes sense to me that you are not happy.

As an insurance buyer - I guess I'm not too disappointed with 80% of premiums going back to claims... Should it be government regulated, debatable.

I know it's no comfort to you at all, but some may argue that the cost of "progress" are some casualities in the commercial insurance business. Others may find the fault with the insurance companies that were keeping too much money out of premiums to begin with.

I'm not sure where I stand. I hate that your business is hurting, but I'm not exactly upset that insurance companies can't take more in premium dollars. Guess I wish they didn't have the strength to walk over small businessmen like you.

The insurance companies aren't the problem, which is the big lie propagated by the media and govt. when you hear them say "billions in profit" it is due the vastness in size if the industry and not their profit margin. Typically an insurer will have a 3-5 % margin, which isn't much when compared to virtually any other industry. I'm not sure what business you're in, but my guess is that their margin is much higher than this or they'd close the doors.
Major contributors to the cost of healthcare are medical costs and federal mandates on the insurance companies. A classic example if this is the new mandate associated with pre-existing exclusions....there is no way this can do anything but drive the pricing higher ....period.....allowing children to remain on their parents plan to age 26.....same lifetime get the picture

As far as the 80% on premiums to claims issue.....that's BS too.... Insurance companies have what is called a combined ratio.....which is basically how much they pay out for every dollar they take in. It may shock you, but there are many that pay out more than they take in..... If their combined is a 1.05 they pay out $1.05 for every dollar taken in.....all the requirement did was cause them to reduce staff and commissions and not necessarily provide better coverage or claims payment

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