Never thought I would say this.

When you're a program with the history like Tennessee has had you should be able/willing to pay market value for a football coach. They took a chance with a really good defensive coordinator and this is what they got. By all accounts he is not ready at this time. Where do you go from here? You take your medicine, you have to suffer through it. This is the bottom or very close to it. I've never seen a more ill prepared team. I don't think they could've been worse even if I had been the coach. One thing is for sure, If he can turn this around he deserves the greatest coach of all time award. I like Pruitt, but this is the risk you take when you refuse to pay money for a head football coach.
I'm only 28. I dont actually remember the 98 championship game. Despite enduring more bad seasons than good and some embarrassing losses, I've stayed interested and excited even, watching even to the last whistle in big blowout losses. I've considered myself a big passionate fan.

I'm no longer interested in Tenn football. The program hasnt been interested in actually winning in awhile now. There's more to life than sports.

This could be one of those games that changes a season, a program.

I'm expecting "see ya" comments. I'm not boycotting, quitting like some of these guys. I've seriously, legitimately lost interest in watching them play. If I get a chance to watch and it's a close game, I'll tune in. Outside of Dobbs, the program has been a dumpster fire and this is an all time low. I'm just going to stop planning my life around gameday. I just dont care anymore. Obviously, Tenn athletics doesnt.
Thanks for letting us know.
It’s always value hires and safe decisions. When fulmer was named the ad I was like wow...this isn’t going to turn out well. In the first half today we twice had 4th and short and punted. They twice had 4th and short and converted both. We have an ultra conservative coach and an ultra conservative ad. So we’re going to be a ****** team for a long time
I disagree. The talent gap should've never resulted in a single 4th down all game. Complete trash coaching.
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I'm only 28. I dont actually remember the 98 championship game. Despite enduring more bad seasons than good and some embarrassing losses, I've stayed interested and excited even, watching even to the last whistle in big blowout losses. I've considered myself a big passionate fan.

I'm no longer interested in Tenn football. The program hasnt been interested in actually winning in awhile now. There's more to life than sports.

This could be one of those games that changes a season, a program.

I'm expecting "see ya" comments. I'm not boycotting, quitting like some of these guys. I've seriously, legitimately lost interest in watching them play. If I get a chance to watch and it's a close game, I'll tune in. Outside of Dobbs, the program has been a dumpster fire and this is an all time low. I'm just going to stop planning my life around gameday. I just dont care anymore. Obviously, Tenn athletics doesnt.
Apathy ☝️..the worst sign for sure
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My first college football game was the 1966 UT/BAMA game. I was a junior in HS. I've been a lifetime die hard fan who has had 4 season tickets most of my life. Age has caught up and I can no longer attend games. You cannot measure or weigh the excitement I've experienced at Neyland and other stadiums around the country.

But I'm left just dumbfounded by what I saw today. This was hands down the worst performance by a Tennessee team I have ever seen. I honestly don't know where we go from here. It may be years until we come out of this tailspin if we ever do.
50 years of being a fan. I am in shock, but slowly coming to the realization - the coaches and team didn’t want to be on the field in the 2nd half. They were whipped by a 2-10 team from minor conference. Not upset, not fluke, dominated. We are big overweight and slow and mostly afraid of contact and playing foorball. Not what this game is all about!

At least I did not waste 1/2 the season figuring out this is not the team to return UT pride!
Same here... really sad 😞 I so look forward to football seasons but this just sucks. No hope that I saw tbh, this team was 2-10 last season and like their coach said “they pushed us around”
Agree I wait all year for this then we are done. If I’m at all realistic there is no hope for the season, which might possibly be the worst ever. Recruiting will suffer and extend our misery.
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