Going for 2 Points

99% of coaches go for 1 there after trailing all game.

And the 1% that have the balls to go for 2 are hall of famers!
We had momentum and a penalty in our favor. Would of lived with a W or L if he went for it.
If he had and didn't make it he would of took some heat, but people would be daying best loss ever, most exited after a loss etc...,

If he went for it and made it he would be right up there in legendary UT moments with Jennings's catch
I didn't mind the extra point but thought we should've gone for it on 4th and 1 in OT. Not necessarily saying I the FG was the wrong move though.
This decision convinces me that there is no situation and under no circumstances where we go for 2. Heres why I say that: I wasn't overly impressed with our defensive play on those last two A&M drives...we were very fortunate to knock the ball out and avoid a TD. We don't have home field advantage. We hadn't held the game lead in the entire game. We had the ball on/near the one after the penalty. Kamara is playing like a rock star. WTF else could you want? I'd rather lose playing to win.
I here you, I am convinced too. That would of been a spurrier type call
I think the percentage play after the offsides penalty is to go for two, and here's why: even if you don't get it, the game's not over. You can still onside kick, with 40 seconds left, and one timeout, if memory serves. So you have two chances to win the game: probably better than 50/50 making the 2 point conversion from a yard and a half, and then an additional 15% chance that you recover the onside kick (college onside kick success rate is about 20%), move into field goal range, and Medley kicks the game winner as time expires.

I get the arguments for kicking the extra point, although you have to account for the fact that extra points aren't 100% successful: could have been a bad snap, could have been blocked. Yes, at that point, we had the momentum, we have the superior kicker, etc. On the other hand, we're walking wounded and we're on the road. Overtime is a crapshoot. If you tell me we have a better than 50/50 chance to win the game after the offsides penalty, one play, do or die, in a game that we really had no business having a chance to win given the turnovers and penalties, I'm taking that chance.
1st of all proud of our boys and coaches for not giving up.... now when we scored and they jumped offsides on the extra point with 40 seconds left... I felt we should have gone for 2pt conversion then. We killed them up the middle all game long and John Kelly could have punched it in I believe. It's in hindsight now...but I was screaming it at the TV when it happened. What do you guys think? I will hang up and listen.haha

We had 2 points when a@m ran into end zone on fumble ! Oh well bama is dead
Butch made the right call kicking the extra point. You only go for 2 in that situation if it all but guarantees a win. Risk/reward. With 41 seconds left, even if you make the 2pt conversion, there was plenty of time for A&M to set up for a winning FG, which is exactly what they did.
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Butch made the right call kicking the extra point. You only go for 2 in that situation if it all but guarantees a win. Risk/reward. With 41 seconds left, even if you make the 2pt conversion, there was plenty of time for A&M to set up for a winning FG, which is exactly what they did.

Ok but by that logic why even go for 1? A&M is going to kick a FG right and win the game. Sometimes you got to play to win and this was one of those times.
I didn't have an issue either way. We talked about it where I was, and ultimately in a game like that, give yourself a chance to win as long as you can.

The int was just a bad throw.
Didnt go for it on 4th and 1 in OT either ---- earlier in the game failed on 4th and 2 from the 25 instead of the FG ---- 2nd guessing it all, magnifies the loss even more
We had the momentum right there and going to OT was the right call. If it was the other way around and struggled in the second half and allowed a comeback then you go for the win.
No way in He**....

If we go for two and fail..the outrage today would be epic in proportion.

Personally, I am a risk taker and would have done it..

But butch would be catching it today, had he done it
change the situation on the field? You make one yard, you have an excellent chance of winning the game. Let's admit the obvious about Jones: He has shown time and time again when a game is there to be won if you are willing to be aggressive--with one first down, or one yard today--he always gets squeamish.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we would all have a Merry Christmas. You bash him for calling a play that likely most coaches would have played. We lost. Yet if he would have went for it and failed, you would have bashed him for going for it.

Ypur screen name is correct. You're an armchair coach. A keyboard warrior who loves to sit back and think they have it all figured out. You bash Jones constantly but rarely if ever give him credit for what he has done here at Tennessee. You're one of the worst type of fans.
I would have loved it. The excitement leading up to the snap would have been fabulous. I have long held the philosophy that you roll the dice on a 50-50 chance to win with the 2pt, rather than just waiting and rolling that same 50-50 as overtime (overtime is a 50-50 proposition). Especially after you had just made their defense look like a high school team for the last two drives. I also would then have gladly lived with it not working out. Because I still ended up having to live with the overtime 50-50 not working out.
We had 2 points when a@m ran into end zone on fumble ! Oh well bama is dead

yeah how does he get forward progress when he picked it up in the endzone and never made it out, with a football move ? Another reason this crew of clown refs should be suspended but of course there is also clown disguised as an SEC commissioner
He should have huddled the offense and asked them if they want to go to OT or win it right now. We would have had the ball at the 2 yard line
I would've gone for two simply because of how crazy the game had gone up to that point and how we somehow kept shooting ourselves in the foot. At that point in the game we had the momentum. I mean we were on the one.

I'm not mad that Jones didn't try, though.
Merge if necessary. What are thoughts on Butch going for 2 after scoring late? Not upset at all but armchair. Would you have been mad to lose 35-34? Very undisciplined to that point but our athletes had done away with game plan and put game on shoulder and we had MO. Maybe we don't get it but I think my feelings today after loss would have been better than how it turned out. Just question. No advocation here just curious.
I thought we should go for it after the penalty. Admittedly, it would have been a tough call and I cannot blame Butch for kicking the extra point.

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