


Rational Thought Allowed?
Mar 9, 2006
Maybe the GOP will finally learn their lesson, drop any pretenses of social conservatism, and nominate someone who is willing to tell the religious right that the government is not their to institute and reinforce morality.
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I agree. The party needs to move toward libertarianism, return to fiscal conservatism (which actually is still appealing to many) and drop the social conservatism. I don't see that major overhaul happening though. There are too many old guard politicians in the way.
I agree. The party needs to move toward libertarianism, return to fiscal conservatism (which actually is still appealing to many) and drop the social conservatism. I don't see that major overhaul happening though. There are too many old guard politicians in the way.

Fiscal conservatism is very appealing, but the social conservatism is disgusting.
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Maybe the GOP will finally learn their lesson, drop any pretenses of social conservatism, and nominate someone who is willing to tell the religious right that the government is not their to institute and reinforce morality.

This times 1 million. I have said it all year this is why they will lose. I don't feel anybody truly believes Obama is better for the economy, but unfortunately people vote for what I think are stupid reasons.
I find it funny the Republicans usually rally people in church to vote, and Democrats usually rally people in the welfare/unemployment lines to vote. Just funny how that works.
This times 1 million. I have said it all year this is why they will lose. I don't feel anybody truly believes Obama is better for the economy, but unfortunately people vote for what I think are stupid reasons.

I would say a large percent of Obama voters do believe in Obamacare. I wonder if fiscal conservatism would really be all that appealing. You can't want "free" stuff and be for small government too.
I would say a large percent of Obama voters do believe in Obamacare. I wonder if fiscal conservatism would really be all that appealing. You can't want "free" stuff and be for small government too.

This will break our country, and make our healthcare system near impossible to work for. I've installed several new networks, and setup new EMR's for customers, and everyone of the people who work there are completely dreading the implementation of Obamacare. It will put a lot of private small practices out of businesses.
Maybe the GOP will finally learn their lesson, drop any pretenses of social conservatism, and nominate someone who is willing to tell the religious right that the government is not their to institute and reinforce morality.

So you consider Romney a part of the religious right?
He definitely catered to them during the primaries. It's a must if you want to be the GOP candidate.
Maybe the GOP will finally learn their lesson, drop any pretenses of social conservatism, and nominate someone who is willing to tell the religious right that the government is not their to institute and reinforce morality.

couldn't agree more with this; I believe this has to happen for the GOP to gain mass appeal again.
I wish they would move away from social conservatism as well, but I believe it is delusional to think this would solve their problems.

People want free shiz. People will vote for who they think will give them free shiz. People want to punish the wealthy. I don't think they even care if taxing the wealthy will help the middle class. They just feel better if they are told that more money will be taken from the wealthy.

Only thing that can help is to get people off the government dole. However, as history shows, it is essentially impossible once they are on it.
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And Barry didn't cater to the far left?

Yeah, and it won him the election by a landslide.

Don't you get it? IF they start putting forth candidates that mute the biblical influence for social policy, they'll start grabbing votes from the left. A lot of D's are open to fiscal conservatism whereas the conservative social policies are a huge turn off for A) the majority of D's and B) more Republicans than you'd feel comfortable knowing about.

If Romney was pro-choice and OK with same-sex marriage, would you have still voted for him? You're not the average conservative, no doubt, but you'd be a good example for this.
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I don't really care for Bill O'Rielly but I think he hit the nail on the head last night.

He said ( not qouting) America has changed, we now have an electorate that wants stuff from the gov't instead of one that simply wants oportunity.
I really don't think that's the case, hog. I think it's time for the GOP to socially progress.
Yeah, and it won him the election by a landslide.

Don't you get it? IF they start putting forth candidates that mute the biblical influence for social policy, they'll start grabbing votes from the left. A lot of D's are open to fiscal conservatism whereas the conservative social policies are a huge turn off for A) the majority of D's and B) more Republicans than you'd feel comfortable knowing about.

If Romney was pro-choice and OK with same-sex marriage, would you have still voted for him? You're not the average conservative, no doubt, but you'd be a good example for this.

No way will Dems ever vote for fiscal conservatism. They are the party of handouts. Romney is not a far right guy, you all keep trying to paint him as one but it's simply not true. He rarely went to social issues in the campaign he made it about the economy. This is not about Romney it's about either the voters. They are either ignorant or the country has went left of center. Not sure either can be fixed.
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People like to say they are fiscally conservative, but as soon as a cut is discussed that affects them they change their tune. Essentially why Romney could not specifically mention potential loopholes to cut.
I don't really care for Bill O'Rielly but I think he hit the nail on the head last night.

He said ( not qouting) America has changed, we now have an electorate that wants stuff from the gov't instead of one that simply wants oportunity.

Simply not true.
No way will Dems ever vote for a fiscal conservatism. They are the party of handouts. Romney is not a far right guy, you all keep trying to paint him as one but it's simply not true. He rarely went to social issues in the campaign he made it about the economy. This is not about Romney it's about either the voters. They are either ignorant or the country has went left of center. Not sure either can be fixed.
First sentence is incorrect.
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No way will Dems ever vote for a fiscal conservatism. They are the party of handouts. Romney is not a far right guy, you all keep trying to paint him as one but it's simply not true. He rarely went to social issues in the campaign he made it about the economy. This is not about Romney it's about either the voters. They are either ignorant or the country has went left of center. Not sure either can be fixed.

Okay, I'll play. Even IF the country is so left to the point that they will continue to win the Presidency, then you REALLY don't think they could start grabbing some female votes by making their social policy a little more, I don't know, 21st centuryesque?

Yes, the average American voter is ignorant. Why doesn't the GOP play off that.

Think of how many people voted Obama based off A) women's rights [abortion] B) same sex marriage and C) Obama's pigmentation.
Okay, I'll play. Even IF the country is so left to the point that they will continue to win the Presidency, then you REALLY don't think they could start grabbing some female votes by making their social policy a little more, I don't know, 21st centuryesque?

Yes, the average American voter is ignorant. Why doesn't the GOP play off that.

Think of how many people voted Obama based off A) women's rights [abortion] B) same sex marriage and C) Obama's pigmentation.

You keep acting like Romney was out there pounding social conservatism, that's simply not true. Barry won simply on his willingness to give half the population handouts. I will concede some Senate seats were lost on moronic statements but simply saying one is pro-life will not lose a R an election.
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I really don't think that's the case, hog. I think it's time for the GOP to socially progress.

I really don't think social issues had much to do with this election, Romney stayed away from most all of that. Plus he is pretty socially liberal.

Let's face it, this came down to what is the gov't going to do for me? I relly think Obamas class warfare tactic went over well.
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I really don't think social issues had much to do with this election, Romney stayed away from most all of that. Plus he is pretty socially liberal.

Let's face it, this came down to what is the gov't going to do for me? I relly think Obamas class warfare tactic went over well.

We have a winner. Some just refuse to get this

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