Cade Mays waiver denied

Has the NCAA approved any waivers where a player has transferred to another school in the same conference?

If no, then it's going to be hard to prove that they are discriminating against him because his father is suing UGA because he managed to fail at using a folding chair while on campus.
If the kid can come from SC and play at Georgia it should be easy to let a kid come home. The bias is really unbelievable.
If the kid can come from SC and play at Georgia it should be easy to let a kid come home. The bias is really unbelievable.
that kid played a half of football last year and effectively redshirted. In fact he may be listed as a rs. Sophomore officially.
He was going to be a luxury this season anyway. OL is the strongest part of the team. Line will be just fine.
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If the kid can come from SC and play at Georgia it should be easy to let a kid come home. The bias is really unbelievable.
The "kid" from USC redshirted last year with an injury. He played in one game. That is why he is eligible this year at GA.
You're right and somebody flamed me with an explanation. Considering the season is almost here waiting to see what the NCAA was going to do about the possible new waiver rule appears to have been a misstep. And Kevin Mays lawsuit against Georgia made it a no brainer Cade would get a waiver according to his former attorney so I don't know how one could look at this and call it anything other than bungled.
I haven't read all this thread but when Cade snubbed UT for UGA I felt certain that it was because of coach Pittman being there and Cade was making a choice the was in his best interest. Now Pittman just left UGA and I thought that a coaching change was one of the factors that the NCAA considered when granting waivers. I've noticed several players getting a waiver under less favorable circumstances. Gatewood from Auburn to UK hasn't been decided yet.
Kevin's lawsuit will be thrown out, if it hasn't already. How can UGA be held responsible for an individual not knowing how to operate a folding chair? Cade will enter the draft in the spring. The family's obviously desperate for money.
So says Uncle Lou's illegitimate feline.:rolleyes:
Kevin's lawsuit will be thrown out, if it hasn't already. How can UGA be held responsible for an individual not knowing how to operate a folding chair? Cade will enter the draft in the spring. The family's obviously desperate for money.

So much butthurt and passive aggressiveness in that post. It could only come from a uga fan. Trash program, annoying fans. Check.

No offense, but you pulled this directly from your ass

That is where 99.651% of posts from uga fans originate.
Kevin's lawsuit will be thrown out, if it hasn't already. How can UGA be held responsible for an individual not knowing how to operate a folding chair? Cade will enter the draft in the spring. The family's obviously desperate for money.

Hmmmm....i'm betting you grew up in a time devoid of push mowers without deadman switches. (Or lawn darts! LoL!)
Kevin's lawsuit will be thrown out, if it hasn't already. How can UGA be held responsible for an individual not knowing how to operate a folding chair? Cade will enter the draft in the spring. The family's obviously desperate for money.

Pretty sure what you don’t know about the situation could just about squeeze into the Grand Canyon.

Thanks for your post.
The NCAA is just so lost right now. How the hell does UGA get not one, but two QB’s approved in mere days, yet Mays is denied and other teams all over the SEC are waiting, waiting and still waiting?

have you lost your mind.... one is a grad transfer,, 100% eligeble 100% of the time!!! the other played 2qtrs last year, less than 6, 100% eligeble 100% of the time!!!
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have you lost your mind.... one is a grad transfer,, 100% eligeble 100% of the time!!! the other played 2qtrs last year, less than 6, 100% eligeble 100% of the time!!!

Corrected about 7 pages ago. But the added exclamation points were 100% helpful!!!
Does anyone think if Cade Mays had transferred to Florida or Alabama (assuming the school was in his hometown) his appeal would have been denied?

Not sure about Floriduh, but if its Bama, it would have been approved. Simultaneously Bama would have been awarded another National Championship.
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