Butch Jones Crashes App St Post-Game Huddle

Apparently opposing fan bases think it was a bush league move.

I don't know if I'd call it bush league, but thought it was the wrong way to show his respect. I think his intentions were likely good, just thought it was wrong place, wrong time.
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Still can't believe you guys are getting up in arms about a coach showing respect to his opponent.

UT paid them over 1 mil, it was UT's stadium and their 50 yd line.

Butch could have dropped a deuce in the middle of their huddle if he wanted to.

No. No, he couldn't. That's just inane. Not to mention crude.
Classy move....nothing else. You whiny conspiracy "fans" need to find another team / coach to root for. I hear Vandy and Kensucky (both 0-1) are looking for new fans.
Classy move....nothing else. You whiny conspiracy "fans" need to find another team / coach to root for. I hear Vandy and Kensucky (both 0-1) are looking for new fans.

Okay, LO1, that's just dumb. Not a single conspiracy theory anywhere in the thread. Criticism, most of it mild and considered, sure. But nothing about a conspiracy.

Not even gonna get into the whole Fan Police thing.

Next time, use your words.
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I saw good and bad in it.

On the plus side: nice show of respect by Butch.

On the minus side: he seemed uninvited by the ASU coach (guy seemed surprised, more than anything), and you generally don't barge into a peer's meeting without permission. Plus, his body language was wrong; too much pointing of his finger at them. I'm sure his words were complimentary, but his body language was aggressive.

On the whole, might have been better if he had walked up to the coach and quietly asked if it would be okay to address the fellows first. Then keep his hands down to his sides.

As a spur of the moment thing, it was clearly well-intentioned, but not well-considered.

That's how it seemed to me, anyway.
'Appreciate your input, JP. I look at it like this: Butch is Butch and you and I are...well...ourselves. Right? We all present ourselves in our own characteristic manners, and considering the emotional roller coaster ride these two HCs had just completed, who are any of us to judge their actions at such a moment. You're correct as to Butch's great intentions and...let's face it...most HCs would've been berating their players at such a moment and not showing tremendous class by applying credit where it was clearly due. Outside of that, I believe (as another poster put it) a lot of folks are simply overanalyzing something only coaches Jones and Satterfield would've grasped at that moment. I'll back Butch on this.
'Appreciate your input, JP. I look at it like this: Butch is Butch and you and I are...well...ourselves. Right? We all present ourselves in our own characteristic manners, and considering the emotional roller coaster ride these two HCs had just completed, who are any of us to judge their actions at such a moment. You're correct as to Butch's great intentions and...let's face it...most HCs would've been berating their players at such a moment and not showing tremendous class by applying credit where it was clearly due. Outside of that, I believe (as another poster put it) a lot of folks are simply overanalyzing something only coaches Jones and Satterfield would've grasped at that moment. I'll back Butch on this.

Well just remember, some on here just make better decisions than CBJ and have been there done that and have so much more experience in a matter such as this. At this point who cares it's days old and doesn't have any bearing on anything anymore.
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Maybe wait until Satterfield is done talking with his team? This is a pattern with Butch, he treats his life as if he's the subject of a running biography, the star of the show. He could have waited to meet Satterfield in their locker room. But there aren't any cameras there.

Only problem with that assessment is when you're BJ and you coach UT the camera's are always around. Its fairly clear there was nothing wrong with what he did and a lot right with what he did. However you certainly have the right to your opinion. If I remember correctly it use to be called sportsmanship which is a nasty word in our PC, dog eat dog and hate said dog at the same time world.
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Well just remember, some on here just make better decisions than CBJ and have been there done that and have so much more experience in a matter such as this. At this point who cares it's days old and doesn't have any bearing on anything anymore.

Just guessing but I bet this board is filled with FAR more who make worst decisions and than ones who make better decisions than CBJ. Now that's just a guess but prob about as rock solid of a guess as one can make. My aching back!
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Don't get me wrong, I agree it was a nice and respectful gesture.

Sometimes the "what" and "why" can be right, and the "how" still be off-kilter. That's all I meant to say in my mixed response. The "how" was off.

I do not fault Butch at all for what he did or why.

Go Vols!

Well said. Good intentions, poor execution
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Maybe wait until Satterfield is done talking with his team? This is a pattern with Butch, he treats his life as if he's the subject of a running biography, the star of the show. He could have waited to meet Satterfield in their locker room. But there aren't any cameras there.

I'm sure Satterfield forgot what he was going to say. Should have waited until they were flopping and dripping from their postgame showers?
Still can't believe you guys are getting up in arms about a coach showing respect to his opponent.

UT paid them over 1 mil, it was UT's stadium and their 50 yd line.

Butch could have dropped a deuce in the middle of their huddle if he wanted to.

And if he is ever that crass to an opponent whether we played them tight or blew them out THAT would be a reason to fire him.

The fee for the game doesn't include entitlement rights to be an ******* towards them I am pretty sure
We have lots to complain about from this game. We're bored, so we're reaching REAL HARD. Fresh in his mind and a class move. Got in, said it and left. NEXT! :boredom:
I've seen a lot of second guessing, but this may take the cake.

Thank you. Several usually respected posters on here didn't bring their sane game today. :hi:
Yeah but we're not taking about championships. We're talking about morals, qualities, and characteristics of a coach. Saban and miles are both complete pricks. I'd rather have a respectful coach than a dick head[/QUOTE]

You are so wrong on so many levels. Miles especially has done more for a community than CBJ albeit he has had a longer tenure there. You would be amazed if you actually spent 15 minutes researching how Miles gives back to his community especially this year with the tragedies befallen on Baton Rouge. As far as Saban goes, I agree with you. :)
Yeah but we're not taking about championships. We're talking about morals, qualities, and characteristics of a coach. Saban and miles are both complete pricks. I'd rather have a respectful coach than a dick head[/QUOTE]

You are so wrong on so many levels. Miles especially has done more for a community than CBJ albeit he has had a longer tenure there. You would be amazed if you actually spent 15 minutes researching how Miles gives back to his community especially this year with the tragedies befallen on Baton Rouge. As far as Saban goes, I agree with you. :)

I thought the same thing about Miles, he maybe a little quirky, but he appears to be sincere and really cares about his players and community.
I thought the players looked at him like he was stupid and thinking we just about beat you and should have don't come to our huddle telling us how good we were. I felt like they were the better team on the field
Was hoping someone may have reported exactly what he said - I've missed it if they have. Anyone know?

SIAP - I just did a quick search through the FF threads

He should have crashed his local church this morning and thanked God for giving us that game LOL
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