Butch Jones Crashes App St Post-Game Huddle

Was hoping someone may have reported exactly what he said - I've missed it if they have. Anyone know?

SIAP - I just did a quick search through the FF threads

I hope he told them the truth. "I don't care what the scoreboard says, y'all won this game. Y'all whipped us in every phase of the game and were the better team today; we damn lucky is all."
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I saw good and bad in it.

On the plus side: nice show of respect by Butch.

On the minus side: he seemed uninvited by the ASU coach (guy seemed surprised, more than anything), and you generally don't barge into a peer's meeting without permission. Plus, his body language was wrong; too much pointing of his finger at them. I'm sure his words were complimentary, but his body language was aggressive.

On the whole, might have been better if he had walked up to the coach and quietly asked if it would be okay to address the fellows first. Then keep his hands down to his sides.

As a spur of the moment thing, it was clearly well-intentioned, but not well-considered.

That's how it seemed to me, anyway.

That's how I saw it. The App players' expressions said it all, "This guy's team barely squeaked by us and we're supposed to be glad he crashed our team huddle?"
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That's how I saw it. The App players' expressions said it all, "This guy's team barely squeaked by us and we're supposed to be glad he crashed our team huddle?"
You can tell their feelings by a photo? Have you ever taken a photo? Many, many times photos look one way when the other is reality as far as expressions go. Ever see a pic of person who has had NOTHING to drink and yet the pic makes them look wasted etc. Their reaction when it happened via video disagrees with your assessment.
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You can tell their feelings by a photo? Have you ever taken a photo? Many, many times photos look one way when the other is reality as far as expressions go. Ever see a pic of person who has had NOTHING to drink and yet the pic makes them look wasted etc. Their reaction when it happened via video disagrees with your assessment.

Get back to watching film. You need to be prepared Saturday.
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I'm just wondering what other coaches would interrupt an opponent's postgame huddle to tell them how great they were or whatever.

Too me, that just meant CBJ and the staff CLEARLY overlooked them as a team and made sure they knew it.

If we had blown them out, would he have done the same? I doubt it.
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I saw good and bad in it.

On the plus side: nice show of respect by Butch.

On the minus side: he seemed uninvited by the ASU coach (guy seemed surprised, more than anything), and you generally don't barge into a peer's meeting without permission. Plus, his body language was wrong; too much pointing of his finger at them. I'm sure his words were complimentary, but his body language was aggressive.

On the whole, might have been better if he had walked up to the coach and quietly asked if it would be okay to address the fellows first. Then keep his hands down to his sides.

As a spur of the moment thing, it was clearly well-intentioned, but not well-considered.

That's how it seemed to me, anyway.

Don't have a team meeting on the field immediately after the game. Take it to the locker room.
You all got it all wrong. Butch found out Appy State's starting right tackle was getting married and he told the rest of the team that he thought some nice candle sticks would make a great wedding gift.
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I agree with it being a classy move.

Ever see the movie "Zulu" (1964). Great movie. Reminded me of a scene from that movie.
The next morning, the Zulus approach to within several hundred yards and begin singing a war chant; the British respond by singing "Men of Harlech". In the final assault, just as it seems the Zulus will finally overwhelm the tired defenders, the British soldiers fall back to a small redoubt constructed out of mealie bags. With a reserve of soldiers hidden within the redoubt, they form into three ranks and fire volley after volley, inflicting heavy casualties; the Zulus withdraw. After a pause of three hours, the defenders are still recovering when the Zulus re-form again on the Oscarberg. Resigned to another assault, the British are astonished when the Zulus instead sing a song to honour the bravery of the defenders before departing.

OK, well maybe that's a little over the edge.
Don't have a team meeting on the field immediately after the game. Take it to the locker room.
Hello Vols fans. Thanks for the hospitatlity. Neyland is a special place and you guys are as rabid ans any fan base.

As far a Butch goes I thought I'd give you the App State view.
He may have been well intentioned and his comments were as I understand them....but he should have waited until we did get to the locker room. Did you see the faces of our players? they were not real enthused. Did he do it because it was spontaneous or because he knew the cameras were rolling.....Quite frankly we viewed it as condescending on the field and the Vol fan who said it was a "generous" gesture on Butch's part says it all. I'm sure if the roles were reversed you would feel the same way.
That should not take away from the exciting game or the hospitality that the vast majority of our fans received.

Anyway both teams have bigger things to worry about. Tennessee nor App got any respect from the polls for that game and the best thing we can do is roll up some scores to shut the media up. The better you guys play the better we will look!
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Hello Vols fans. Thanks for the hospitatlity. Neyland is a special place and you guys are as rabid ans any fan base.

As far a Butch goes I thought I'd give you the App State view.
He may have been well intentioned and his comments were as I understand them....but he should have waited until we did get to the locker room. Did you see the faces of our players? they were not real enthused. Did he do it because it was spontaneous or because he knew the cameras were rolling.....Quite frankly we viewed it as condescending on the field and the Vol fan who said it was a "generous" gesture on Butch's part says it all. I'm sure if the roles were reversed you would feel the same way.
That should not take away from the exciting game or the hospitality that the vast majority of our fans received.

Anyway both teams have bigger things to worry about. Tennessee nor App got any respect from the polls for that game and the best thing we can do is roll up some scores to shut the media up. The better you guys play the better we will look!

I think Big Dave has said it all

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