Big Brother 16

I can't stand Jocasta. Did she speak in tongues on After Dark? Somebody mentioned her speaking in tongues.

I love how she said "we pulled ourselves off the block" when she was the first one out of the competition and I love how last week she said "thank you, Jesus" when Donnie pulled her off the block. She also dropped the no-gratitude, humble brag, "I always give to others, and I never receive. I'm not used to this."

When people cry the way she does on the show, you wonder if they've ever faced any real hardship in their lives.


That lady is so weird, that noise she was making when Amber won it for them, what the hell was that?

So far this season has bored me, no one as of yet has been willing to make any moves. Same people on the block every week.
They've only evicted 3 houseguests (3, right?) and 1 was back-dooring Devin. That was a huge move. What's bigger than that? They are also talking about back-dooring Caleb this week.

Same people go on the block because they are crappy competitors. No real target is playing in the Battle of the Block, unless they aren't good competitors.
I didnt view getting Devin out as a huge move because by that time the whole house had done turned against him.
Can't wait for the next episode. Some **** must've gone down at the POV, the house is pretty divided on After Dark. Detonators don't know who to send home.
Should've put Caleb up and cut a deal with Brittany. I don't know why they're so worried about Brittany.
How long til people realize Frankie needs to go? He's the ultimate floater that just runs and tells people crap. There's always going to be leaks if he's still around.

Caleb should have been put up. This isn't world politics here....just put Caleb up and you're a hero for a week. What's the problem there?

The Florida guy is growing on me. He can be funny and he makes me laugh the way he's always yelling in the DR.
Zach is the life of the party. He'd get a little obnoxious being around him 24/7, but he's really funny and friendly and has an incredible social motor.
I couldn't stand him at first, but he would be fun to hit a club with.

I hate how he always does the gator chomp when he casts his vote to evict. I think I'd end up kicking him in the nutsack if I hung out with him for any amount of time.
Can we talk about BBAD in here, or is that a spoilers issue?
How do they do is put together like the cbs shows or it is just random footage in the house of what is going on live
Revealed on BBAD, Derrick's grandfather has passed away. First Frankie's, now Derrick's. This season of BB is cursed.
And they've already had the BotB. I know at least one of the contestants up for eviction, and think I know the other, but I didn't hear everything. Veto comp is supposed to be today. And everyone thinks this will be a double eviction week.

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