'13 FL RB AJ Turman (UGA commit)

OCI says vols, skeeter has not really said anything in this thread, and Hubbs from volquest really has not said much either about him.

Things have obviously changed since Turman's visit. At this point, it's UGA or UT. I still believe he ends up at UT. The Collins flip from Miami to FSU eliminated FSU.
Collins hasn't flipped to FSU, he just decommitted from Miami. He has said Florida and Florida State were his top 2 though.

He very well may end up at FSU though.

What would Turman to GA do for Kamara?
Things have obviously changed since Turman's visit. At this point, it's UGA or UT. I still believe he ends up at UT. The Collins flip from Miami to FSU eliminated FSU.

thank's oci. i haven't had a chance to talk with anyone i know due to my work schedule.
The Collins flip from Miami to FSU eliminated FSU.

Where do you get your info? Collins hasn't flipped to any team, yet. Regardless, even though Turman's friend, Marvin Bracy, signed with FSU last year, there's almost no chance of him going to Tallahassee, anyway.... I'd say Turman commits to Tennessee.
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In other words " I wanted to commit to UT after my visit, but my parents said I should wait until I talk all my visits first. After I took all my visits I still want to be a VOL"..... and if it isn't UT he is saying he may his decision months ago.

It sure doesn't sound like Georgia. He made his decision and then was basically forced by his dad to go to UGA and it didn't change his mind.
I could see him saying that in an article so it would be a surprise. Since Callahan saying Georgia and with that too obvious a quote, I would guess UGA. Hard to see a guy not putting his commitment off if it was UT with a change about to happen so he could be sure who his coach would be. Nothing inside here. Just trying to connect dots. Hope I am wrong.
I dont see Tennessee being the pick here. Im sure CJG has told him he will be back next year, but he has no way of really knowing at this point.
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I dont see Tennessee being the pick here. Im sure CJG has told him he will be back next year, but he has no way of really knowing at this point.

This will be one of the more interesting announcements for me. It's hard to imagine any kid with other big-time offers announcing for UT right now, but Turman has been ours for a while. Guess we'll know tomorrow and he'll announce Tuesday.
Is this your opinion, prediction, or concrete info?

I thought Tennessee was in really good shape with him. The timing of his announcement is strange to me. I think he picks UGA and Kamara goes to Bama. I have not heard anything on him for awhile. so more of a gut feeling. For right now, ill toss anything i hear about recruiting out the window until a new coach is hired.
I thought Tennessee was in really good shape with him. The timing of his announcement is strange to me. I think he picks UGA and Kamara goes to Bama. I have not heard anything on him for awhile. so more of a gut feeling. For right now, ill toss anything i hear about recruiting out the window until a new coach is hired.

Why would Kamara choose Bama with a Turman commit? They have 3 backs committed and UGA is still only 2 deep at RB.
I don't see how any recruit picks UT right now unless they just really love the school. I think this one is UGA. A new HC will have to be named before we see anymore commits.
Showdown?...ocivol vs skeeter....who is right?...who is the real insider?...time will tell...stay tuned

Because skeeter says he is throwing everything out the window till coaching is resolved, and OCI says "guess we'll find out", you are ready to get definitive?

... Yeah, that seems about right
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