Petition for Secession

Apparently this is actual news. People kept coming into my business talking about it but I didn't know they were serious. Silly me thought they might have secession on the brain because of the new Lincoln movie but nope, they were up to date for a change.

I'll take this as a sign to take time from work and read/watch the news.
Just an opinion, but if you look at the electoral map from the election it resembles one from 1860. Back then the issue was slavery shrouded in States rights. Today it is personal and States right from the ever growing reach of a government that no longer follows the Constitution. Obamacare will bankrupt the country. The US will be a third world socialist state by 2016.

Worst post/prediction ever. Seriously, ever.
Worst post/prediction ever. Seriously, ever.

How so? Just because it does not fit into your world view does not mean it is incorrect. Obama added 6 trillion dollars to the debt the first time around. He supports the UN global gun control act. He nationalized 1/6th of the economy with obamacare. Unemployment, when including those who are under-employed or who have just stopped looking is 15%. He has stated publically he supports redistribution of wealth. So it would seem my post is based on facts you cant deny. That makes your post the worst ever. God bless the Free States of America. He certainly is not going to bless the godless, baby-killing, pro-homosexual United Stars of America (the Northeast, Midwest, and literally the left coast).
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Texas is actually the only state that would be able to completely support itself without the help of the US. It has access to the ocean, a strong economy, and (most interesting) Texas is the only state with its own electric power grid.
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Nick Saban wishes TX was never admitted.

He is 100% for a Texas secession .
Texas is actually the only state that would be able to completely support itself without the help of the US. It has access to the ocean, a strong economy, and (most interesting) Texas is the only state with its own electric power grid.
I was gonna post the same thing. Bammer fans would be all for it because I don't think A&M could play outside of Texas.
How so? Just because it does not fit into your world view does not mean it is incorrect. Obama added 6 trillion dollars to the debt the first time around. He supports the UN global gun control act. He nationalized 1/6th of the economy with obamacare. Unemployment, when including those who are under-employed or who have just stopped looking is 15%. He has stated publically he supports redistribution of wealth. So it would seem my post is based on facts you cant deny. That makes your post the worst ever. God bless the Free States of America. He certainly is not going to bless the godless, baby-killing, pro-homosexual United Stars of America (the Northeast, Midwest, and literally the left coast).
Great post. Real patriot. Damn socialists!!!
Is it irony that the poorest states that receive the most federal funding are the ones that (have a small-minded minority of citizens who) want to succeed?

Damn those red state takers for re-electing Obama.
I notice that only "red states" are being condemned. There are secession petitions signed by residents of California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Oregon. Crazy isn't exclusive to "red states". Feigned outrage over an insignifcant percentage of the public is ridiculous.
When a president receives any petition with over 25,000 signatures within thirty days he must make a formal reply.

Petitions have been started in every state of the union.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas all have reached the 25,000 level and Texas has almost 100,000.

Probably will be over 100,000 by the time I post this.

Texas's petition reads:

The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.

Combined, across the nation the number of signatures has exceeded 675,000 and is growing rapidly.
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I notice that only "red states" are being condemned. There are secession petitions signed by residents of California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Oregon. Crazy isn't exclusive to "red states". Feigned outrage over an insignifcant percentage of the public is ridiculous.

Possibly because only red states think it's serious?
Over 27,000 signatures... Um... ok

Well it is online so they all could be fake I guess. I wonder what the official response will be? Hope TN doesn't get kicked out of the US. lol (jk)
Over 27,000 signatures... Um... ok

Well it is online so they all could be fake I guess. I wonder what the official response will be? Hope TN doesn't get kicked out of the US. lol (jk)

and...? as I said, "liberal" states like California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Oregon are on their way to reaching the magic number of 25,000 signatures.

also, if you've noticed, you don't have to be a resident of the state whose petition you are signing. this is a drummed up non-story.
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I don't understand why the average citizen would oppose secession. I get why the federal government would oppose it. Say you live in TN...why would you care if California proposed a 4 year phaseout plan where they can settle up with the US government, and plan for their own democratic system? What advantage is there in having CA as part of the union? I can still trade for CA goods. I don't have to subsidize their state government.

People who are pro union, why do you care if another state wants to leave?

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