25th Amendment talk...

Circumcision is genital mutilation. 100 + boys die each year in the US from the surgery.
Where's the outrage??????????????????????
How about a tad bit of intellectual honesty and consistency.
Antisemitism. I had no idea you hated Jews.
I believe intent is key. Are you saying their intent was the same?
I don’t believe either is innocent on the intent front, but like I said - difficult to establish.

The other difference is it's quite clear Biden knew he couldn't take those files. I believe Trump thought he could. He was wrong. But the intent is very different

Eh, maybe. Hard to prove intent.

And I’m not inclined to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on it.
And I’m not in favor of excusing his actions after the fact, either.

But the underlying crime was and is the same.
The opposition leader got charged by the incumbent’s DOJ. The incumbent got a pass.

That’s banana republic stuff.
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Have you reversed your position on elective mastectomy for minors?
I hope not. But I have no idea what my previously stated position was. I would assume it would be along the lines of "it seems extreme, but there may be circumstances where it is warranted."
I don’t disagree with you, but if it’s truly bipartisan, it seems to be the right thing to do. Not to say that I think this will be

This seems to be a classic case for them to use the 25th, but as of today I hope they don't.

Biden has the experience and learned in his 50 years even with his bad policy, Harris just doesn't know much of anything it seems.
I hope not. But I have no idea what my previously stated position was. I would assume it would be along the lines of "it seems extreme, but there may be circumstances where it is warranted."
A person cutting one's penis or breasts off is, I believe, never warranted.
I hope not. But I have no idea what my previously stated position was. I would assume it would be along the lines of "it seems extreme, but there may be circumstances where it is warranted."
The exact procedure presented was elective cosmetic mastectomy, but “elective” was the operative term.

You were a definitive “no”.

I wouldn’t consider mastectomy for a physical malady to be elective.
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Not emotionally. Not even close.
Trump has the emotional makeup of an adolescent girl. Far more dangerous than Biden's diminished mental capacity.

But as I've said for years - neither is qualified to be president - they both should face the 25th.
Trump’s middle school cut down show was adolescent. Biden’s diminished mental capacity is dangerous because he’s clearly being used, told where to stand and can be taken advantage of within his own admin and those behind the scenes running whatever this is. I’m starting to believe his own DNC apparatus could likely pull him going into the summer, calling an audible for a candidate they could already be having discussions with.
Trump’s middle school cut down show was adolescent. Biden’s diminished mental capacity is dangerous because he’s clearly being used, told where to stand and can be taken advantage of within his own admin and those behind the scenes running whatever this is. I’m starting to believe his own DNC apparatus could likely pull him going into the summer, calling an audible for a candidate they could already be having discussions with.
He will not be the nominee.
I'm more comfortable with people behind the scenes pulling the strings.
Trump would have been much better off had others been pulling many of the strings.
One of his many problems was in pulling strings he was in no way qualified to pull.
So a little unnecessary mutilation with risk of death is okay?
But sure, it's extreme; but extreme measures may be warranted at times.
Would you remove your sons penis if he thinks he is a girl?

Do you consider that extreme?
Hey, I'm one of the mutilated, as is my son.
I'm just glad there were not radicalized extremists trying to take away that right.

Dont worry Luther...they passed a law/change a couple years ago and Medicaid (my tax dollars and yours) doesnt pay for circumcision anymore unless Biden has ruined that too....

So i would bet that when folks actually have to PAY for it, theres waaaaaay less penis "mutilation" as you call it.

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