Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Thunberg's inclusion does say something pretty dreadful, however, about institutional media. People who talk about a decline in institutions usually mean public entities like the Justice Department or the presidency, or civic organizations like the Lion's Club. But the media is an institution too, and it has been weakened not by the death of expertise (we have plenty of experts!) but by the cancer of cynicism.

Greta Thunberg Isn't a Coronavirus Expert
But if all these people had it and never knew then does it matter how fast it spreads?

Well, the post was intended to reply to your thoughts around whether there would be a massive second wave and that you think antibody tests suggest there won't be. A massive second wave implies fast spread. So are you not worried about a second wave because it's been here for a long time and won't spread or not worried because a lot of people will just be asymptomatic?

Regardless, my answer is that if from a public health perspective you don't want large outbreaks, then how fast it spreads matters (even if a large fraction of people are asymptomatic, though that makes the consequences of a massive wave less severe). The people who get it and do develop severe symptoms are getting it alongside the asymptomatic, and it's that wave that just passed through NY (along with a lot of folks that didn't know they had it) in order to get up to these 30% antibody levels. The shape of the death arrival curve implies the shape of the case arrival curve - and it rose quickly and fell off quite well after mitigation measures. But just knowing the 25-30% antibody levels doesn't tell you much about that's just an integral of cases/day to get total cases.
historically its all Democrat -- Kennedy and all
They have had RINO Governors like William Weld and Romney fairly recently. They always vote Dem for Pres and Senate though the last several years, I think. I do remember a black Republican Senator several years ago..... Edward Brooke, but that was probably in the 1960's-70's.
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They have had RINO Governors like William Weld and Romney fairly recently. They always vote Dem for Pres and Senate though the last several years, I think. I do remember a black Republican Senator several years ago..... Edward Brooke, but that was probably in the 1960's-70's.
kind of like Illinois -- last Gov was GOP everything else is Donkey
The media is quick to broadcast studies that slam hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for C19 and I've said that those studies that don't include Zinc and Z-Pack are worthless 'cause that's the proper cocktail.

Well NYU did such a study and the results are promising:

Researchers at NYU's Grossman School of Medicine found patients given the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine along with zinc sulphate and the antibiotic azithromycin were 44 percent less likely to die from the coronavirus.

"Certainly we have very limited options as far as what we have seen work for this infection so anything that may work is very exciting," said Dr. Joseph Rahimian, Infectious Disease Specialist at NYU Langone Health.

Drug Combo with Hydroxychloroquine Promising: NYU Study

Think you'll see this on any Evening News at 6:30pm?
Well that will help social distancing when people have to start moving in with relatives. Yay government directed problem solving!

The article mentioned most homeowners are in government-backed forbearance programs which will allow the owners to remain in their homes. As of now, the forbearance is only available for 12 months. I sincerely hope there isn't a bubble like 12 years ago. But if there is, I am ready.
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