Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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This thinking is why the numbers continue to rise man
Bull..not following this strategy aggressively is why the numbers continue to rise. I went to the store yesterday, and at least half the ones out that I saw looked to be my age or older. Look...I am not stupid, I do not want to contract this, it would have a really good chance of killing me.

If I could stay home for the next month, and have things dropped off as needed..then I would.

That should have been the strategy...and it would have been much cheaper and way less damaging to society.
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Virus’ don’t mutate from Human to Human as fast as a poster stated this one has. The poster stated a well renowned Dr. stated it jumped in 2 weeks from human to human. That is insane considering virologists have stated that SARS-CoV-2 mutates slowly. The swine flu took an entire year and it took approximately 9 years to jump from swine to human.
Just saying that viruses do mutate and why vaccines for viral diseases form most viral diseases must be made from year to year. I don not know of any studies have been conducted to determine the time required for that new virus to mutate. I am sure the geno of this new virus will be determined . However, it is clear that corona viruses do mutate and many mutute form year to year. If a vaccine is successfully developed for CIVID-19, the labs will be able to determine if the current virus mutates enough to require new vaccine for it every year. if not, Immune Globulin will be the best defense against this virus until a better treatment is developed.
he would laugh at you. No one said we shouldn’t do 15 day thing and stay inside etc but you guys quite 1 million plus dying are media sheep and say we have no soul because we see the numbers are not 1 million and we had 286,000 suicides last year. Need more mental health care but we do not hear anything about that from you guys who must not have a soul or care. We will all die at some point but 1-2 million is not overblown?
You just don’t get it, and that’s ok. Just stay your a$$ inside and don’t spread it. Dr. Fauci is actually recommending much longer than 2 weeks of social isolation. I’m a health care professional. We have 6 vents in our whole hospital, 6! That means after 6 people are in ARDS we can no longer provide life saving care to people. This is not a Fuggin joke like some you A$$ clowns are making it out to be. I’m sorry you can’t see the big picture and how bad this could get if we don’t take it seriously. Obviously I agree on mental health shortages, but this has nothing to do with mental health DA, this is viral pandemic.
I’m sorry you can’t see the big picture and how bad this could get if we don’t take it seriously.

The problem is that things can also get very bad if we’re not equally serious about the negative externalities of hiding in our houses for an indefinite period of time.

There is absolutely a real risk calculus that is going to have be made VERY soon about all of this, and you can’t just dismiss people as dumb/heartless because they think the long term damage of a strong isolation policy might outweigh the short term health benefits. I mean, maybe they’re wrong; but to have this attitude that “I definitely know and you’re just stupid” isn’t helpful to the situation.

This goes for the other side of the argument, too.
For sure postponed imo. It's going to be a total mess for everyone touring. I mean, let's say the venues re-open in May...the bands that had shows in March/April will now want to reschedule for May, June, etc, and we're talking 30-40 venues per tour, depending on the size of the band's tour schedule. But other bands will already be locked in those months and eager to get back to playing for all involved. So do bands that had shows for March/April get pushed to the back of the line, well into the Fall? As meticulously as tours are orchestrated to be efficiently traveled, it's going to be controlled chaos reworking everything. Crazy times for all in the music industry.
Yeah that's what happened with the revivalists... All March shows pushed to October... So no telling when any April shows get pushed to.
The problem is that things can also get very bad if we’re not equally serious about the negative externalities of hiding in our houses for an indefinite period of time.

There is absolutely a real risk calculus that is going to have be made VERY soon about all of this, and you can’t just dismiss people as dumb/heartless because they think the long term damage of a strong isolation policy might outweigh the short term health benefits. I mean, maybe they’re wrong; but to have this attitude that “I definitely know and you’re just stupid” isn’t helpful to the situation.

This goes for the other side of the argument, too.
You’re never going to win me over on a money over life argument. In addition, the financial devastation will be much much worse if we don’t take this seriously for a short time. I worry about having to turn away a kid from life saving care because we no longer have the resources. I’m sorry if the thought of that makes me a little fired up.
You’re never going to win me over on a money over life argument. In addition, the financial devastation will be much much worse if we don’t take this seriously for a short time. I worry about having to turn away a kid from life saving care because we no longer have the resources. I’m sorry if the thought of that makes me a little fired up.

Please don’t get sanctimonious here. If you don’t think there are real “human life” costs to economic failures, I suggest some reading on the Great Depression, Irish Potato Famine, the Great Leap Forward, and even the recent housing crash. Just because it doesn’t happen right in front of you doesn’t mean it isn’t just as tragic.

Also, I’m not trying to “win you over,” because I agree with you. But you can’t just dismiss the other aspects of this crisis. They’re real, and at some point soon, they will demand just as much seriousness as the disease prevention aspect. I don’t think we’re there yet, but I understand why some disagree.
Meh. Toxic conversation.

Truth as usual is in the middle.

The seriousness of this is in the "what could be" so preventative measures taken to reduce the chances of that coming to fruition. Makes sense to me. Inconvenient... Financially painful... Yes. But I'm willing to go thru it if we get to the other side "normal"with little chance of having to repeat later on.

Meanwhile the media in a lot of cases is doing it's best to scare people under the guise of "telling the truth"...

Some of it is borderline irresponsible... It's helping foster the panic and hoarding mentality. Additionally is helping strengthen political decisiveness as many play the blame, and shame, game. And that's on both sides of the aisle....

This is serious. People should follow the protocol in place... And also chill out a bit... The vast majority of the population will not be affected medically to any significant degree... So long as it doesn't spread...

And for those that are, another reason why people in general should chill so resources will continue to be available, go get the medical attention required.

Just apply some common sense. It's not as bad, for most, as many are proclaiming it to be. But... It could be. So do what they're telling you to do.

And if we get to the end of this and we have the ability to say "see, told us so", I'm rooting for "no big deal" crowd to be right on this one.

But don't worry, fear crowd... You can proudly retort "yeah thanks to quarantine measures", and everyone can continue arguing... Lol.
Saying the media has it overblown is the same as no empathy? No one said death was ok. No one said the families should get over it and it’s no big deal but I guarantee we will have more deaths by suicide and flu independent of each other than this. Do the 15 days and see where we are at and maybe add a week but we won’t have 100k in deaths so 1-2 million is freaking overblown.
Not what I said but carry on
Meh. Toxic conversation.

Truth as usual is in the middle.

The seriousness of this is in the "what could be" so preventative measures taken to reduce the chances of that coming to fruition. Makes sense to me. Inconvenient... Financially painful... Yes. But I'm willing to go thru it if we get to the other side "normal"with little chance of having to repeat later on.

Meanwhile the media in a lot of cases is doing it's best to scare people under the guise of "telling the truth"...

Some of it is borderline irresponsible... It's helping foster the panic and hoarding mentality. Additionally is helping strengthen political decisiveness as many play the blame, and shame, game. And that's on both sides of the aisle....

This is serious. People should follow the protocol in place... And also chill out a bit... The vast majority of the population will not be affected medically to any significant degree... So long as it doesn't spread...

And for those that are, another reason why people in general should chill so resources will continue to be available, go get the medical attention required.

Just apply some common sense. It's not as bad, for most, as many are proclaiming it to be. But... It could be. So do what they're telling you to do.

And if we get to the end of this and we have the ability to say "see, told us so", I'm rooting for "no big deal" crowd to be right on this one.

But don't worry, fear crowd... You can proudly retort "yeah thanks to quarantine measures", and everyone can continue arguing... Lol.

This is basically right.

I just hate that in these kinds of times, we can’t say:

“I understand why you’re concerned about X, but consider my position as to why Y might be a bigger issue right now.”

instead of:

“Y is obviously more important, and you’re a dolt/monster for even bringing X into the conversation!”
Just as bad. Just because it's not getting the attention does not mean that those families aren't hurting just as much.

1. This is not the flu, much more contagious and devastating. People of all ages are going into ARDS, and we have limited vents to care for them. This virus can literally cripple our health care system in no time. 330 million people and under 1 million hospital beds! You do the math, it won’t take much.

2. Suicides aren’t contagious. Yes, mental health is highly undervalued and we truly need medical professionals in this area. However, you can’t spread a suicide.

3. Car deaths aren’t contagious. Yes, automotive accidents cause loss of life, but you can’t spread car accidents to other people.

Y’all are comparing oranges to potatoes right now. Yes, people die in lots of ways, but it has nothing to do with a viral pandemic.
This is basically right.

I just hate that in these kinds of times, we can’t say:

“I understand why you’re concerned about X, but consider my position as to why Y might be a bigger issue right now.”

instead of:

“Y is obviously more important, and you’re a dolt/monster for even bringing X into the conversation!”
We manage everything by the exception in this country so it doesn't surprise me at all that the most attention is the "death" side of this. If it bleeds, it leads at its finest.

And from a discussion standpoint, too much is done in absolutes... Is either "just a cold, quit freaking out the flu is worse" or "the world's is ending".

It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.
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