Coach Butch Jones Appreciation thread


Thunder Good-Oil

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
The trolls and haters will stroke out if they aren't allowed to rip on Butch. It's the wrong thread to whine about Vandy, USCe, charts, and the Butchisms that trigger your rabid responses.

I think that Butch has done a tremendous job building up the staff. Brady Hoke is a fantastic addition. I think that without the devastating injuries and with another year teaching his scheme, Shoop can look more like the DC everybody was expecting to see a year ago.

It's going to help Butch now that he has an interested boss that should give him good feedback and direction.

The talent in the trenches is getting back to where it needs to be. I hope that Drew Richmond steps up and Shy and KMac can be healthy.
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I appreciate the fact that Jones took over after Derek Fooley wrecked our program and has loaded up our roster, ended the Florida streak, has spanked Georgia's little bottom, and has us relevant again.
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Butch is a very good recruiter, loves Tennessee, and runs a clean program for the most part. Despite his warts, those are things I think we can all appreciate.
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I appreciate his enthusiasm and passion. Despite all the flack he received, I think his Champions of Life comment shows he genuinely cares about his players.

I also appreciate what he has done to raise the program from the depths of hell where the previous coach had taken it.
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I appreciate his enthusiasm and passion. Despite all the flack he received, I think his Champions of Life comment shows he genuinely cares about his players.

I also appreciate what he has done to raise the program from the depths of hell where the previous coach had taken it.

Here here 🍻
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I am grateful that Butch Jones is our coach, and I hope he is here for a VERY long time. Nobody's perfect, but I think he does almost everything right. Only draw back imo is almost TOO much attention to detail. I think sometimes it makes the team too uptight. But I wouldn't trade him for anyone, and I'm serious about that.
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I appreciate how Butch wears his faith on his sleeve. He is known to lead groups in prayer, and he sometimes wears a bible verse on his wrist. I'm proud to know my coach loves the Lord.

And I have to thank him for all the hard work he puts in. It's a bright and sometimes merciless spotlight where he is, but he is doing the job with class. Success is there for the taking.
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Love Butch the man, for his values, for his heart, for his deep devotion to making Tennessee football great again.

Think he's a true surrogate father figure for many of the lads he coaches, and probably for some of his assistant coaches and staff as well.

There are far too many bad people in this world. Thank the Lord we got one of the good ones to right the ship out of the Dark Ages.

I hope Butch is with us for many long and wildly successful years to come.
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Brought our roster back, Ended the streak, Smacked UGA around, Has tons of passion, cares about his players and seems to be a great person off the field.
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Let's be honest, what other SEC coach would you rather have to be your coach besides Saban? Kevin Sumlin? Gus Malzahn? Hugh Freeze? All of those coaches are trending down. The jury is still out on Kirby and Orgeron, but neither instill much confidence. You could make a case for Jim McElwain, but let's see how he does without Muschamps defensive players.
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CBJ took the job when seemingly no one else wanted it, or had the jewels to take on the team problems at the same time learning how to compete in the SEC. I'm grateful to him for that and admire him for the guts it took. McElwain has had it pretty easy so far if you think about it. Pretty much gifted an already built team that just needs tweeks occasionally, following the Urban Meyer method of finding programs already well on its way grabbing titles then going on to the next one.
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I love me some Butch. We are light years from where we were when he got here.

Has he made mistakes, sure.

I want to see some stability on the defensive staff. Let Shoop do his thing the way he sees fit for a few years. Let Hoke load up our DL with talent and Warren fix Martinez's mess.

The offense has and always will be fine. Butch's system produces.

We will be fine competing at the highest level in the SEC and it ain't the 90s anymore. Lots of good teams and don't bring it on a fall Saturday and you will lose. But as it stands today, wake up put on your orange and know we can and will compete with anyone on our schedule and have a legit shot at a W. A far cry from several years ago where you hoped against the worst, and thought we might get lucky and hang around against the big guys.

Outside of the short list of elite coaches that aren't coming here, Sabah, Meyer, Stoops, Petersen , etc, who would we replace him with? Pull an LSU and hire Orgeron, Yellow teeth at FL, not even sold on the Texas hire and look at the time and resources they had to do it.
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Butch truly cares about family, values and doing things right. Everyone knows we are on the tightwire this year. I think we will exceed expectations, and if we do, I think Butch has the chance to enjoy a great run staring next year with qbs stacked up and depth all over the board, rivaling everyone except maybe Bama.
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Let's be honest, what other SEC coach would you rather have to be your coach besides Saban? Kevin Sumlin? Gus Malzahn? Hugh Freeze? All of those coaches are trending down. The jury is still out on Kirby and Orgeron, but neither instill much confidence. You could make a case for Jim McElwain, but let's see how he does without Muschamps defensive players.

Saban trending
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