FSU Freshman QB Deandre Johnson Indefinitely Suspended

I think once you verbally and physically assault someone you deserve the consequences. Strength and physical stature don't change who the aggressor was. They were both clearly wrong. She did start it and assault him first though.

He has more to lose...walk away.
Wasnt posting the link to give any credit to what the lawyer was saying, just that this is the first I have heard about her slinging around racial slurs......its irrelevant IMO though.

He Beat a Racist working title of Norfolk State's future QB.
1. They show up at the same time (1:45 in the video)
a)she gets a spot at the bar
b)he excuses himself past the girl who had been there, and has marked his place at the bar with both hands.
c)she turns around to say something to him, he ignores it.
2. he has to squeeze past the "victim" to get to his spot. (1:53)
a)he has a space at the bar, again he has his hands there
b)he gets stuck for a moment
3. things open up and he tries to get to the bar, at this point both hands are still on the bar
4. she freaks out and flips around, at this point he has still done nothing, both hands on the bar, not like he felt her up on the way past. (1:54)
5. she has completely turned around and engaged him, he still has one hand on the bar, clearly not fully engaged with the girl at this point, looks like he is facing the bar (1:55)
a)she already has her fist up
6. He is now looking at her, after she has been talking/yelling at him (1:56)
a)he still has a hand on the bar, hardly an act of the offender
b)she still has a fist raised while we see the other one pretty close to his body.
c) can't see his other hand
7. after a few seconds of her fist up the whole time her yelling, he grabs her fist, this is the first time both of his hands are off the bar. still can't see the right. The right hand has a wrist band, I kept looking for that clear identifier and dont see it until the punch.(1:58)
8. He drags her fist down and shoves her back (1:59)
9. at the two minute mark he has her hand pinned against her body and her leg lashes out. Can't tell if actual contact was made there. and her left arm looks extended but can't see it or his right hand.
10. he is still controlling her right arm, and someone else steps in to presumably calm the situation down, looks like this third person grabs his left arm (2:01)
11. she throws a left hook, any combination of drunkeness, use of left vs right, and or intention causes a clear punch to hit him high on the body, impossible to tell where it lands
12. she gets decked and he walks away. (2:04)

this whole thing evolves over 19 seconds. both need to be arrested. pretty jacked up how little reaction there is to this incident. in the bar fights i have seen the bar tenders and or bouncers are all over it, not the case here. makes me wonder if either there is a tendency at the bar for this action or if she is a regular at this. either would be speculation on my part at this point.

You missed the part where his scholarship sprouted wings and flew away. :)
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I agree. I just don't agree with the "she did nothing wrong," crowd.

This is basically where I stand on it as well. Not saying "she done got wut she deserved", but I also feel she should be equally culpable in this particular situation. They're both dumbasses
Wasnt posting the link to give any credit to what the lawyer was saying, just that this is the first I have heard about her slinging around racial slurs......its irrelevant IMO though.

While the video is obviously silent, I kind of assumed she might have dropped some racist nonsense. The fact that no one seems all that interested in helping her (other than one female who does nothing more than reach across in a weak attempt to break it up) says quite a lot.
While the video is obviously silent, I kind of assumed she might have dropped some racist nonsense. The fact that no one seems all that interested in helping her (other than one female who does nothing more than reach across in a weak attempt to break it up) says quite a lot.

I did find it odd that noone but her, probably equally big boned GF, didnt react much at all to the situation. Normally people try to jump up and rescue the damsel in distress in those situations.
I think once you verbally and physically assault someone you deserve the consequences. Strength and physical stature don't change who the aggressor was. They were both clearly wrong. She did start it and assault him first though.

So basically if a woman shows you a fist, you're going to knock her the #**# out?
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This is basically where I stand on it as well. Not saying "she done got wut she deserved", but I also feel she should be equally culpable in this particular situation. They're both dumbasses

Well, both were dumbasses, but i don't think either of them need to go to jail, either. Do we really want to be putting people in jail every time fists fly? I realize we do it already, but that doesn't make it necessarily right to throw people in jail for trading punches? I mean, as long as everything can be patched up with band-aids and at the worst stitches, why are people going to jail over minor stuf like this? Break the fight up, separate them and kick them out the club. Maybe have the cops very the two parties leave and be done with it. Now if someone gets clown stomped into the pavement like American History X or if you have a battle royale with 20 people in a bar, then you can haul them off to jail.
You are biased. If you look at the video she clearly starts the whole thing.

5 sec mark she turns and says something, 14 sec mark, after trying to block him from the bar, she turns and raises her right fist to threaten him,20 sec mark she tries to kick him in the groin then swings on him.

You can debate whether he should have hit her back. She clearly was the aggressor and assaulted him first though.

You are clearly blind; she raises her knee to back him off because he is holding her arm.
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All of her actions can be reasonably justified as self-defense even if they can't be justified as intelligent. If being a b**** was a crime, she'd be guilty.

His actions cannot be justified as self-defense. He touched her first, and when she retaliated, he continued going at her. Every time she responded physically, he escalated his own physical response. But even if she had been the instigator, self-defense has to be a reasonable use of force, and nothing that he did was reasonable.

You're being sexist there. Oh my, a woman could never harm another person! Let's flip the situation. Girl pushes into him, he turns around and balls up her fist, she restrains his hand and then he comes over with a punch. She then reacts with a hard blow. If it were him in her position, you would have called him the aggressor.
Both are guilty.
Case is closed.

My work here is done *drops mic*
I did find it odd that noone but her, probably equally big boned GF, didnt react much at all to the situation. Normally people try to jump up and rescue the damsel in distress in those situations.

Looked like after he popped her in the face he ran away. It happened fast so I don't think many people saw it. She was a dumb drunk and he simply should have walked away. No excuse. This guy is toast.
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You're being sexist there. Oh my, a woman could never harm another person! Let's flip the situation. Girl pushes into him, he turns around and balls up her fist, she restrains his hand and then he comes over with a punch. She then reacts with a hard blow. If it were him in her position, you would have called him the aggressor.
Both are guilty.
Case is closed.

My work here is done *drops mic*

No. If the exact same actions took place with the same level of intensity, but the gender roles were reversed, I'd say she committed assault against a man doing nothing but defending himself.
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period. I don't care if she is drunk and aggressive; you've got to understand the situation and who you are dealing with. It's called "self-control." People who defend this guy are the same people who defend somebody who shoots an antagonist during a fight and then claims self-defense--"Oh, he didn't start it." Self-control: that is what separates people who get into trouble from people who don't. No, she didn't have self-control--a drunk girl at a bar--which is all the more reason why the other person has to, as they say, rise above.
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While the video is obviously silent, I kind of assumed she might have dropped some racist nonsense. The fact that no one seems all that interested in helping her (other than one female who does nothing more than reach across in a weak attempt to break it up) says quite a lot.

I am not saying otherwise...............but this girl should be charged as well and shouldnt be given a pass to assault someone just because she is a girl.

Pretty much - her yelling at him from the start, kind of provoked the whole thing

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