The Official Tennessee vs. #20 Missouri Game Thread, 7:30pm ET, ESPN

The future is bright! Top 5 in recruiting and getting depth that we lack against these others programs. We lose very little contributors for next year. It is frustrating but look at the big's going to be great!

How many wins next year? It will be year 3 so how many wins for next season to be considered a success?
I would love to see what we could do on the field at full strength... would be cool... we haven't been full strength all year....
There is nobody offsides on that kick, that's for damn sure--and if those officials called offside on the kicker, well, I assume that is the first time in the history of football that call has been made.
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Medley planted his left foot across the line when he kicked it. That could only be the offsides they called because all 10 other players were not across the line when he kicked the ball.
The future is bright! Top 5 in recruiting and getting depth that we lack against these others programs. We lose very little contributors for next year. It is frustrating but look at the big's going to be great!

Added bonus: Coleman graduates
Thats a darn shame. Butch and his gang looked like they did week 3-8.

We thought a mobile qb was the answer, and for two weeks, it looked it was the case. But...its the same results, mobile qb or not. I think butch has "most" of the staff he needs and we want, but just shy of 1-2 key coaching positions. I dont understand why he doesnt see the eye ball test.

Missery exposed what the other guys did earlier in the season. Any time we play a well coached staff, we lose. I really hope the learning curve gets short moving forward. We will beat Vandy next week, and the 15 extra practices will do us well. I just hope it does the coaching staff better than the kids.

Play hard Vols!

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I'm so sick of watching Coleman look awful in coverage but on the brightside I never expected this team to win more than 6 games as long as we take care of Vandy all I really care about is the bowl practice.
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That one hurt. Hindsight being 20/20, should have turned Dobbs loose throwing earlier. Should have moved the pocket.

Defense gives up two long touchdown throws. No excuse for that.

We let (another) one slip away. Young team. Needs to find a way to win the tough ones.

That being said, this team beats Vandy. 6-6. Bowl game. It's a step in the right direction.

Next year, with what we have returning, expectations rise, and the heat is on.

Go Vols.
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Bad match up for us. Pretty good d line against a below average o line. No matter what offense you run, you have to be able to run the ball. Every team that has ever won consistently runs the ball effectively. We'll get there. BTW, we weren't offsides.
It would have at least given us a chance, but that chance was as big of a long shot as the challenge!

No. Stop. No.

Scoring a TD in 30 seconds is far and away better than hoping the space-time fabric shifts in a way that moves Coleman a yard upfield.
So many reasons for that loss.

But that onside kick was on the refs.

You can't call a new penalty after a review.

I don't understand why the trolls are so stupid that they don't realize this. Butch did what he had to do on the challenge. We only had two timeouts left anyway and would have had little to no time to do anything.
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O-line and justin Coleman

It is not even debatable that the challenge ended the game.
We had a chance to win before the challenge.
We had no chance after the challenge, except for a lucky fumble.

The challenge didn't put us down 29-13.
But, it ended the game.

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