Big Brother 16

The guy who insists he's straight yet keeps cuddling and spooning with the gay guy...... that's exactly how I picture BJ
Devin is like a train just can't turn away from....bomb squad is detonated.....
There is no way I can continue to watch for another month or two with Devin. It's exhausting. He's an idiot.

I'm guessing he's gone within 2 weeks.

I'm interested in what happened after the veto. I bet it got interesting. I have not been reading anything online or watching after dark.
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You guys are crazy. Devin is what makes it so fun to watch. Yeah, he's an idiot and I hate him, but the house would be boring without him.
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You guys are crazy. Devin is what makes it so fun to watch. Yeah, he's an idiot and I hate him, but the house would be boring without him.

I agree 100%. If Devin wasn't on here acting crazy, this season would be dreadful so far.
I figured out how to get rid of the backdooring. Do it like now 2 HOHs put up 2 house guests, winners come off and HOH removed in the BOTB. Except immediately the remaining HOH names one person to go on the block, so you have 3 on the block. Those 3, the HOH and 2 other house guests compete in POV. If one of the 3 on the block win they come off with no replacement, leaving 2 on the block. If none of the nominees win, 3 people left on the block. Boom no more backdooring. Lol
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So if you are initially nominated and then win battle of the block, can you go back up after veto?
A summary of Devin's HOH:

- Alienates half the house
- Destroys his alliance
- Solidifies himself as the biggest target
- Eliminates the weakest house guest, whom he promised to keep safe

Incredible run
Also.....if you are Devins target at the beginning of the week you will prolly be his ally by the end of the week.

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