Xbox One

If you didn't like 5, I don't know. It seems to be the go-to racing sim for all of my racing game friends ever since Gran Turismo fell off the radar.

You'd probably enjoy the more arcade style racers, instead of the "realistic" tuning and physics of the simulation racers.

Unfortunately, I can't help you much either way because I haven't played a racing game since GT on PS2 :p
If you didn't like 5, I don't know. It seems to be the go-to racing sim for all of my racing game friends ever since Gran Turismo fell off the radar.

You'd probably enjoy the more arcade style racers, instead of the "realistic" tuning and physics of the simulation racers.

Unfortunately, I can't help you much either way because I haven't played a racing game since GT on PS2 :p

Lol I liked it, but it got old quick. I'm going to try horizons
You know, don't get me wrong as I actually do enjoy my Xbox One. My biggest issue with MS and the X1's design is that if they weren't so insistent in the beginning on developing and packing in that damn Kinect camera, they could have devoted those resources to simply building a much more powerful console that could have handled 1080p/60fps on a more consistent basis. But instead they sacrificed raw performance in favor of trying to cater to the casuals and mulitmedia fanatics. The Kinect camera was estimated to add roughly 100.00 to the cost of the hardware. Imagine if MS allocated that extra 100.00 towards a better CPU/GPU or a larger pool of ESRAM?

Unlike the previous generation, they low-balled their userbase on system performance in favor to trying to cater to the casuals, which is why we're playing Battlefield Hardline at freaking 720p.
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You know, don't get me wrong as I actually do enjoy my Xbox One. My biggest issue with MS and the X1's design is that if they weren't so insistent in the beginning on developing and packing in that damn Kinect camera, they could have devoted those resources to simply building a much more powerful console that could have handled 1080p/60fps on a more consistent basis. But instead they sacrificed raw performance in favor of trying to cater to the casuals and mulitmedia fanatics. The Kinect camera was estimated to add roughly 100.00 to the cost of the hardware. Imagine if MS allocated that extra 100.00 towards a better CPU/GPU or a larger pool of ESRAM?

Unlike the previous generation, they low-balled their userbase on system performance in favor to trying to cater to the casuals, which is why we're playing Battlefield Hardline at freaking 720p.

I agree with all this. I saw at their last big conference (forgot the name), they talked about something that would boost the CPU/GPU so games could run at 1080p/60fps. I will look for the link when I get home later.

Obviously, I want them to show me and not just blow smoke up our asses. I will believe it when I see it.

EDIT: Phil Spencer just announced that Direct X12 will boost the XBOX ONE GPU 20%
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I agree with all this. I saw at their last big conference (forgot the name), they talked about something that would boost the CPU/GPU so games could run at 1080p/60fps. I will look for the link when I get home later.

Obviously, I want them to show me and not just blow smoke up our asses. I will believe it when I see it.

EDIT: Phil Spencer just announced that Direct X12 will boost the XBOX ONE GPU 20%

I imagine when DirectX 12 is put on the One, performance will increase. The Xbox was originally codenamed DirectX Box, so maybe it will be its graphical savior?

Most can't tell the difference between 720p and 900p; frames per second is what stands out the most, and neither One or PS4 can stand up to PC.

GameSpot did a small experiment on this very thing a couple of weeks ago
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I imagine when DirectX 12 is put on the One, performance will increase. The Xbox was originally codenamed DirectX Box, so maybe it will be its graphical savior?

Most can't tell the difference between 720p and 900p; frames per second is what stands out the most, and neither One or PS4 can stand up to PC.

GameSpot did a small experiment on this very thing a couple of weeks ago

Saw that video and enjoyed it.
I agree with all this. I saw at their last big conference (forgot the name), they talked about something that would boost the CPU/GPU so games could run at 1080p/60fps. I will look for the link when I get home later.

Obviously, I want them to show me and not just blow smoke up our asses. I will believe it when I see it.

EDIT: Phil Spencer just announced that Direct X12 will boost the XBOX ONE GPU 20%

Call me jaded kwebb but MS has been promising "secret sauce" since the launch of the X1. First they talked about cloud computing, then they talked about dormant apu's, now its DirectX 12. Yet here we are over a year since launch and X1 is still struggling to hit 1080p. Plus, I may be wrong but I believe that 20% benchmark test was done with Directx12 on a PC, not an X1 and even that performance increase was on 1 specific title, not a broad spectrum of all applications.

There's no such thing as software solutions to hardware problems. All the optimization in the world doesn't change what the hardware is. It can make what the hardware does more efficiently but it can't make the hardware do more than what it was designed to do.

As far as telling the difference between 720p to 1080p, I can absolutely tell the difference between 720p and 1080 on my TV. But even still that's not the point. The point I was making is that at some time during the design process of the X1, the powers that be decided to forego system performance in favor of forcing that camera on everyone. Now they've removed the camera in favor of price so what we're left with is an under-powered console and a peripheral that is doomed to never be supported because it no longer has a 100% adoption rate.

Now again, having said all that I still enjoy my X1. It just frustrates me to think about what might have been. The X1 could have been built to perform closer to high end PC specs where 1080p/60fps was the norm instead of the rare exception.
Brave, I don't doubt that you can tell the difference between 720 and 1080 resolutions, as you seem to have a fair amount of technical knowledge about gaming consoles. However, I'd be willing to bet that an OVERWHELMING majority of people who own the console, probably 95% or more, can't. I agree that MS should have taken some steps from the outset to give the console more power, but constantly harping on how it's not quite 1080p feels a little nit-picky.
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Brave, I don't doubt that you can tell the difference between 720 and 1080 resolutions, as you seem to have a fair amount of technical knowledge about gaming consoles. However, I'd be willing to bet that an OVERWHELMING majority of people who own the console, probably 95% or more, can't. I agree that MS should have taken some steps from the outset to give the console more power, but constantly harping on how it's not quite 1080p feels a little nit-picky.

I honestly didn't think I was harping on it. This is the first I've spoken about it since I bought my X1.

You're right. Most people can't tell the difference or simply don't bother to notice. And many of those who do have probably never known the touch of another human being. So there's that.

With me, I guess the reason it irks me so much is that when I think about how huge Microsoft is as a company and the absolute stockpile of cash and resources they're sitting on, they could have easily built a dedicated console that would have crushed the competition in performance. But instead they decided to low ball us on performance in favor of a camera that if you took a poll before hand, I guarantee you the majority of gamers never would have wanted it in the first place. They didn't learn that until after launch, which is why they removed it from the box.

So while most people don't know the difference between 720p or 1080p, my point is that it should've never even been a debate to begin with.
Agree completely with you about the Kinect. It should have been an add on from the start.

As far as the graphics and resolutions go, it really doesn't matter to me all that much at this point. I've got a middle of the road 60 inch Sharp TV that flat out has to be put into "game mode", which is effectively a graphics poverty mode, to get around the input lag and even make shooters playable. Until I either drop $3k on a top of the range TV, or am willing to play on a smaller gaming monitor, I'm not going to be seeing these games in anything even remotely approaching 720p anyway.
Agree completely with you about the Kinect. It should have been an add on from the start.

As far as the graphics and resolutions go, it really doesn't matter to me all that much at this point. I've got a middle of the road 60 inch Sharp TV that flat out has to be put into "game mode", which is effectively a graphics poverty mode, to get around the input lag and even make shooters playable. Until I either drop $3k on a top of the range TV, or am willing to play on a smaller gaming monitor, I'm not going to be seeing these games in anything even remotely approaching 720p anyway.

Fair enough. :good!:

Also to be fair, these issues aren't JUST with X1. I have 3 generation 8 consoles and to one degree or another they've all disappointed me this generation. I just picked on MS because I expected more from them considering they by far have the deepest pockets of the 3 providers and the momentum they had with the 360. Basically was expecting games to be a consistent 1080p/60fps across the board. While at first glance the games this generation look "good," once you look a bit deeper you begin to realize that ALL the console providers low balled us this generation on performance. Especially when you start looking at the compromises developers are having to make just for a rock solid 30fps, let alone 60fps. That's why we're seeing so many games with sub 1080p resolutions and I'm afraid its only going to get worse this gen as developers continue to try and push their game's further and further. It wouldn't surprise me by the end of this gen if all games are around 720p just so devs can push more and more graphic effects, AI, frame rate, etc.

In a nutshell, I was expecting Driveclub level graphics at a consistent 60fps.
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BTW I'm not sure when it updated, but I noticed today I can now access SECN and SECN+ on the ESPN app on the 360 and Xbox One.
are there any killer apps for xbone yet?

I want an xbone but right now I have a serious backlog of many of the best 360 games available.

Is there a game that is so amazing that I just have to experience it and/or its online play like right now?
are there any killer apps for xbone yet?

I want an xbone but right now I have a serious backlog of many of the best 360 games available.

Is there a game that is so amazing that I just have to experience it and/or its online play like right now?

Depends on who you ask or what you're into. Many consider Forza Horizon 2 a killer app. Many consider Sunset Overdrive a killer app. Many consider Halo: Masterchief Collection a killer app. It just depends on what you like.

For me personally, Killer Instinct is still my favorite X1 exclusive. Halo Masterchief collection, despite it's online issues, is an amazing value and would be my second favorite game. After that, Ori And The Blind Forest is a great "metroidvania" type of game that is fun but challenging. Titanfall is fun. Plus this holiday season we'll be seeing Halo 5, Forza 6, and there's rumored to be an HD remaster of the original Gears of War releasing.
Depends on who you ask or what you're into. Many consider Forza Horizon 2 a killer app. Many consider Sunset Overdrive a killer app. Many consider Halo: Masterchief Collection a killer app. It just depends on what you like.

For me personally, Killer Instinct is still my favorite X1 exclusive. Halo Masterchief collection, despite it's online issues, is an amazing value and would be my second favorite game. After that, Ori And The Blind Forest is a great "metroidvania" type of game that is fun but challenging. Titanfall is fun. Plus this holiday season we'll be seeing Halo 5, Forza 6, and there's rumored to be an HD remaster of the original Gears of War releasing.

I wish I could play fighting games for more than 15 minutes. I want to play Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat X.
I wish I could play fighting games for more than 15 minutes. I want to play Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat X.

I believe there's a "free" version of KI you can try out. I think it gives you one character to play as.

I love the game. I think it's really well done and it certainly takes me back to my early 20's playing the original in the arcade.

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