Why is everyone bashing Tennessee?

The record books will always have it 27-13. Don’t care about hypotheticals.

That was the score on paper but anybody that watched the game saw it as a complete annihilation. That's why every Single sports media publication or outlet is talking about the fact that the score does not adequately reflect how bad Georgia really beat Tennessee. Georgia did nothing but manage the Clock the second half and everyone saw that because they didn't have to do anything else. They played Tennessee at their peak whereas Oregon has done nothing but improve every week. It will be interesting to see what happens if Oregon wins their division championship. Everyone knows that Georgia put on the brakes the second half just to run out the clock but if they wanted to score more they could have.
If we win out and GA does the same there is a good chance we will see them again on a neutral field. If you would have told me that we would be here when the season started, I would have poured orange kool-aid all over you. At least we are in the conversation. As they sometimes say "bad publicity is better than no publicity". We are now in the conversation and that is good.
What did you expect? Vol fans escalated immediately to putting 50 on UGA. I’m still amazed that everyone just takes it for granted that we’ll win out.
You're "amazed." Really?

@ South Carolina
@ Vanderbilt

I don't think it's much of a stretch to assume that Tennessee will win those 3 games. We blew all of 3 of them out last year. Heupel usually makes quick work of these lesser teams, especially at home.
That was the score on paper but anybody that watched the game saw it as a complete annihilation. That's why every Single sports media publication or outlet is talking about the fact that the score does not adequately reflect how bad Georgia really beat Tennessee. Georgia did nothing but manage the Clock the second half and everyone saw that because they didn't have to do anything else. They played Tennessee at their peak whereas Oregon has done nothing but improve every week. It will be interesting to see what happens if Oregon wins their division championship. Everyone knows that Georgia put on the brakes the second half just to run out the clock but if they wanted to score more they could have.
It could’ve been worse, but not 49-3 worse. We also had the ball w/ a chance to cut it to a 1 score game late in the 4th quarter. Yea their game was in Atlanta, but it wasn’t a true home game for UGA. We lost by 2 scores on the road to the # 1 team in the country.
You would think we put ourselves in the #1 position last week. We were given the vote. Now that we lost one game, we are being made the butt of jokes. Bama loses, and you have tears and handkerchiefs coming out. Mourning of the fallen leader and a dirge is sung.

Clemson loses to a team that is coming back but is still shaky. We lose to the best team in the country and 2021 champion, and you would think we did not belong on the same field with them. We did score and could have made some strides to either tie and win or give them a much better game.

I will continue to wear my gear in GA. No shame in losing in a game we were not really prepared to take on. Onward! Forward! Next game up.

It's the nature of a 4 team playoff. Georgia and OSU/Michigan are virtual locks if they take care of business. That leaves 2 spots for teams to qualify. Some fans think that a narrative tearing one team down helps their team rise above. They desperately need that to be true to keep playoff hopes alive.
It could’ve been worse, but not 49-3 worse. We also had the ball w/ a chance to cut it to a 1 score game late in the 4th quarter. Yea their game was in Atlanta, but it wasn’t a true home game for UGA. We lost by 2 scores on the road to the # 1 team in the country.
Excuse me but I think it was the Vols that was the number one team in the country. To anybody that watched the game that 14 points was like 30 or 40. Read any national media summaries of the game. They are all consistent in that 14 points does not adequately reflect the beat down that it was
Excuse me but I think it was the Vols that was the number one team in the country. To anybody that watched the game that 14 points was like 30 or 40. Read any national media summaries of the game. They are all consistent in that 14 points does not adequately reflect the beat down that it was
Congratulations. Here’s a 🍪
You would think we put ourselves in the #1 position last week. We were given the vote. Now that we lost one game, we are being made the butt of jokes. Bama loses, and you have tears and handkerchiefs coming out. Mourning of the fallen leader and a dirge is sung.

Clemson loses to a team that is coming back but is still shaky. We lose to the best team in the country and 2021 champion, and you would think we did not belong on the same field with them. We did score and could have made some strides to either tie and win or give them a much better game.

I will continue to wear my gear in GA. No shame in losing in a game we were not really prepared to take on. Onward! Forward! Next game up.

This is insane. Nobody is bashing Tennessee outside of UGA fans. Some of you just look for stuff to bitch about. We got ran out of the building. Anyone that says “look at the score” evidently didn’t watch it, it was more like a 4 score game. Georgia dominated us. We didn’t get a road game in a hostile environment until week 9 and it bit us. Pre snap penalties, the team including Hooker playing tight, you name it and it went wrong.
We’ll regroup and be fine, no matter what all the “bashers ” say 😂
It could’ve been worse, but not 49-3 worse. We also had the ball w/ a chance to cut it to a 1 score game late in the 4th quarter. Yea their game was in Atlanta, but it wasn’t a true home game for UGA. We lost by 2 scores on the road to the # 1 team in the country.

Don't you know that you are not playing along with the narrative that some of our fans want to push? A fumble and back to back 3 and outs forced by the TN defense is not putting on the breaks.
Excuse me but I think it was the Vols that was the number one team in the country. To anybody that watched the game that 14 points was like 30 or 40. Read any national media summaries of the game. They are all consistent in that 14 points does not adequately reflect the beat down that it was
We were the #1 team that were 8 point road dogs to the defending national champions. UGA covered. 14 points may not accurately represent the entirety of the game, however it was the final . I don’t need Rece to tell me that it was the same as Oregon. It wasn’t .
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What did you expect? Vol fans escalated immediately to putting 50 on UGA. I’m still amazed that everyone just takes it for granted that we’ll win out.
Oh look, here's the guy that says he's not a troll again. What's he doing? The same thing he does that makes people call him a troll, putting down Tennessee. You're a joke dude, most everyone can see through your crap. Go back to the bama board, or Kentucky, or wherever you came from. All you do is put us down, and try to pass it off as "truth". Many of us can post truths without bashing our team.
This is insane. Nobody is bashing Tennessee outside of UGA fans. Some of you just look for stuff to bitch about. We got ran out of the building. Anyone that says “look at the score” evidently didn’t watch it, it was more like a 4 score game. Georgia dominated us. We didn’t get a road game in a hostile environment until week 9 and it bit us. Pre snap penalties, the team including Hooker playing tight, you name it and it went wrong.
We’ll regroup and be fine, no matter what all the “bashers ” say 😂

This ^^^
Georgia could have beat us 52 - 13
Point is they can turn it on at any moment.

They scored 3 TDs on 12 possessions, but you think they could have scored 7 TD if they would have just "turned it on". Nevermind the fact that it took a perfectly executed 50 yard strike and a scramble (and missed tackle) on 3rd & long for them to score the first TD, a 75-yard punt for them to get in position for the second TD, and a perfectly placed ball in the back of the end zone for them to score the 3rd TD. Man. Sounds like Bennett should be the #1 overall pick if it's that easy for him every time he just turns it on.
Excuse me but I think it was the Vols that was the number one team in the country. To anybody that watched the game that 14 points was like 30 or 40. Read any national media summaries of the game. They are all consistent in that 14 points does not adequately reflect the beat down that it was

Which media? The one that does not like Tennessee and does not want two SEC teams in the final four? A few key plays go the other way, we are very much in the game even with us playing very poorly.
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We were the #1 team that were 8 point road dogs to the defending national champions. UGA covered. 14 points may not accurately represent the entirety of the game, however it was the final . I don’t need Rece to tell me that it was the same as Oregon. It wasn’t .


They scored 3 TDs on 12 possessions, but you think they could have scored 7 TD if they would have just "turned it on". Nevermind the fact that it took a perfectly executed 50 yard strike and a scramble (and missed tackle) on 3rd & long for them to score the first TD, a 75-yard punt for them to get in position for the second TD, and a perfectly placed ball in the back of the end zone for them to score the 3rd TD. Man. Sounds like Bennett should be the #1 overall pick if it's that easy for him every time he just turns it on.
I swear we have a handful that's been waiting all season for a loss, just so they could proclaim how horrible we are, and whoever beat us could've done it worse if they wanted to.
With a small number comes a big target. I'd prefer that to the recent alternative
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That was the score on paper but anybody that watched the game saw it as a complete annihilation. That's why every Single sports media publication or outlet is talking about the fact that the score does not adequately reflect how bad Georgia really beat Tennessee. Georgia did nothing but manage the Clock the second half and everyone saw that because they didn't have to do anything else. They played Tennessee at their peak whereas Oregon has done nothing but improve every week. It will be interesting to see what happens if Oregon wins their division championship. Everyone knows that Georgia put on the brakes the second half just to run out the clock but if they wanted to score more they could have.
Our defense shut down their running game the second half. That’s not UGA taking their foot off the gas. If anything our offense just had an off day. Idk why people can’t admit to that. Hooker had 3 overthrown wide open TD passes that he normally hits on any other week.
I will continue to wear my gear in GA. No shame in losing in a game we were not really prepared to take on. Onward! Forward! Next game up.

Well, there's your problem. I live in Atlanta, and UGA fans have been salty all year over TN being the hot team and stealing their victory lap, lol.

Objectively, TN has had the best season of any team in 2022, and the movie ain't over yet.

Act III: Redemption in Atlanta.
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It's the way we lost...So many mistakes.
Many people felt we were invincible, well, that myth got destroyed...

Maybe next time...
Georgia's fans brought it that's for sure. I have to say I didn't think they could get that loud. But also Tennessee didn't play like they did against Lsu or Bama or Kentucky. They played like they did against Pitt and Georgia took advantage. But Tennessee still won the second half.
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They looked better because they sustained drives, we got no pressure but the bend don't break defense worked, we are a big play offense when that's not working we look like we did Saturday, I agree with the previous posters, hit three of those deep passes and it's a different ball game.
One game at a time just like we have been doing all year. It will all fall into place if it's meant to be... but our immediate focus is the Saturday game. After that......One game at a time. This staff has done an excellent jobn and my hat is off to them. I will take this team and staff over all the teams we have seen since 98. And just think, old Butch is still trying to get his Arkansas State team built brick by brick. Looks like he didn't learn what car soap to use after washing Saban's cars all those years!!!

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