Who impressed the most?

Jancek. At the end of last season I wanted him replaced and am now totally blown away with how much improvement there was on defense last night. No missed tackles, great speed, discipline - everything that was wrong last year suddenly looked right. Perhaps it's too early to say for sure (let's see UGA and UF games to confirm) but it really felt like we are on completely different level. Kudos to Jancek and the whole defensive staff. One thing we still need to see is when physically dominant (ie bigger) offensive lines start running right at us how will we hold up given we are smaller than last year - but I'm hopeful all the blowouts and 50+ yard plays we used to routinely suffer watching over last several years against our defense are the thing of the past - looks like we will be much more competitive this year.

Yep. Several times I told my kids, "Last year that's 35 yards," or, "Last year he's still running."
I was impressed how well we spread the ball around, 7 receivers had at least 2 catches and over 20 yards.
I know Hurd never did have a breakout run... but oh that screen when he seen then checkerboard there was no way anyone was stopping him. Love the determination. I thought everyone expect for Coleman played great.
I know Hurd never did have a breakout run... but oh that screen when he seen then checkerboard there was no way anyone was stopping him. Love the determination. I thought everyone expect for Coleman played great.

Coleman had one bad play. The other PI call was bogus on him.
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Justin Worley, especially with the new Oline, he was able to avoid the rush many times due to missed blocks, but looked like a senior QB leader and no turnovers....that's huge
Can't pick just one - which is a beautiful thing! If I had to pick one, I'd have to go with Butch for getting the team where they are.
Justin Worley on offense and AJ Johnson on defense. However Cameron Sutton wasn't far behind. I was really impressed by what I saw last night.
Cam was a lock down CB, had an int, one or two tackles behind the line of scrimage and caught about 5-7 tough punts for the conditions...surrounded by aggies.

AJ had a remarkable game with a forced fumble, int and 10 tackles, not to mention keeping the young bucks lined up and knowing their assignments.

Except for the first few early passes and a disconnect with Malone, Worley had a great night and looked much improved from last year.

Pig had a TD and caught several key receptions

Marlin Moved the scrum pile to get those tough first down yards.

Others: TK2, Barnett, LaTroy Lewis, Jordan Williams, Josh Smith, North, Croom, Von, Weathard, Darr all looked good.
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AJ, Sutton, Worley, and others played great just as I expected. The one who surprised and caught my eye was Barnett. You see him rushing the QB, and in a blink, he is chasing down a receiver on the flank. That kid has some scary speed. He really clocked one of their WRs near the sideline in the 1st half.
Hands down Worley. Showed great poise and confidence, managed the gameplan and offense very well, was very efficient throwing the ball......no turnovers. We had a lot of good performances and I don't know if there is really a wrong answer, but for me, the guy who plays the most important position playing very, very well makes him the most impressive.
Top 5 on Offense:


On offense, I thought Josh Smith, Josh Malone and Jason Croom each had better days catching the ball than Pig.

On defense, JRM was outstanding as well and I was really happy to see Weatherd with that early tackle for loss. He's gonna be huge for us IMO.
Butch's offense. Really didn't see it last year. But now I sorta understand now what he's up to. Fulmer was run, run, pass, punt. Butch has more variety, usually involving small pass first. I think we will see Worley pass over 90% of the time within 10 yards of the LoS. The run, usually done once a series, is at least this year, just to keep the defense honest. Same with the long ball, which Woorley struggles with anyway. I can't say I'm exactly impressed with the points it puts on the board (ok 38 ain't bad), but I do like how it can keep the chains a moving. Although we stalled a lot due to penalties and mistakes, we put some real drives together. And That's what impressed me.
When was the last time you have seen Tennessee do so well in the tackling department? I'm going to say 2001, I was very impressed with the improvement on the defensive side of the ball. I think the improvement on the offensive side will be more noticeable when the play book is opened up.
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The freshmen impressede the most. I've seen the others and they are improving like 4th year players should.
But the froshs made the whole team look faster.
Barnett was a beast on the DL.
All the receivers looked good.
All the LBs looked good, quicker and faster.
Offense = Worley
Defense = AJ
Special Teams = AJ

Sutton was great too though. So were a lot of other guys. It was a fun game to watch!
Most on here will say A.J. or Worley, and rightfully so, but I was absolutely blown away by the dominant performance of Cameron Sutton. We haven't had a lock-down CB in a long while, and he proved that there is no sophomore slump or lack of physicality in him. Played like a senior, looked like a future NFL-er.

Who is your most impressive?

It starts up front with the D-line and those guys kept Chuckie Cheese contained forcing him to throw when he wasn't ready. This allowed AJ, Sutton, Reeves Maybin to make plays. Sutton is a lock down corner, I was extremely impressed with him. Worley played lights out only issue is the deep ball which will come with timing. Pig is great, Pearson played great, North is incredible! O-line needs work on run blocking. TE's were impressive! Kick coverage was outstanding! D as a whole was impressive. Utah St. only crossed the 50 2 times! Josh Smith looked good in 1st half especially on that short pass he nearly took to the house. Maggit played well for no more practice than he has had.

My vote would have to go to AJ with forced fumble, interception, almost a 2nd, 10 tackles and complete command of the D!

Go Vols!


Most on here will say A.J. or Worley, and rightfully so, but I was absolutely blown away by the dominant performance of Cameron Sutton. We haven't had a lock-down CB in a long while, and he proved that there is no sophomore slump or lack of physicality in him. Played like a senior, looked like a future NFL-er.

Who is your most impressive?

Oh forgot to mention Cam Sutton on punt returns and the sure handed catches he was making! Also Chris Weatherd played well for being the last of the 32 into school!

Pig throws the ball a little further and D. Young scores again!


I will readily admit - I'm one who said "Holy cow! What the heck is AJ doing on special teams? He's way to valuable to risk injury on such a ...."

It was right about then when he made a flying tackle and forced a fumble.

Yeah, good call coach.


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