Welcome to College Football 2024!

The Old NCAA rules as you put them, became an issue only when Ed O'Bannon realized that he could be paid for the use of his NIL. I'm sorry it's not federal law breaking what's happening in college athletics. If you ever read, then you would understand that the intent for NIL based on the Courts ruling of they said laws you are claiming broken was full cost of attendance at the school, Scholarships for Athletes, living expenses, and anything that the NCAA was not covering already. Football players were making on top of all that before this debacle an average prior to 2020 $30,000 to $40,000 each on top of all other expenses paid. O'Bannon also won from the Supreme Court $42.2 million for fees and costs as his case went nearly 10 years. He did not win all that money because of NIL itself! Read below the following based on the court ruling:

The trial against the NCAA lasted from June 9 to June 27, 2014. Final written closing statements were submitted on July 10.

On August 8, 2014, Wilken ruled that the NCAA's long-held practice of barring payments to athletes violated antitrust laws. She ordered that schools should be allowed to offer full cost-of-attendance scholarships to athletes, covering cost-of-living expenses that were not currently part of NCAA scholarships. Wilken also ruled that college be permitted to place as much as $5,000 into a trust for each athlete per year of eligibility.

The NCAA subsequently appealed the ruling, arguing that Wilken did not properly consider NCAA v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma. In that case, the NCAA was denied control of college football television rights. The Supreme Court denied the NCAA's appeal. The NCAA was also ordered to pay the plaintiffs $42.2 million in fees and costs.

So your quote of the "Old NCAA" should simply be providing additional funds to Student Athletes when their NIL is used outside of normal play on the field. I.E. name in a video game, commercial, billboard, jersey sell, .......It was never intended (just 3.5 years ago) for a school to pay a player millions, pick up $300,000 cars at dealerships, tampering, transferring for more, demanding anything from a coach etc....I'm not sure what more explanation you need but COLLEGE FOOTBALL is not and was not and should not be for this.

I don't care if NICO leads Tennesse to 3 straight NCAA Championships, paying him $8,000,000 is absolutely ridiculous and it started his senior year in high school and not even college. THAT IS F'ED UP! The argument that coaches can do it is absolutely stupid! The coach is a professional who HAS GONE TO COLLEGE AND is not enrolled in classes at the university and is paid to do a JOB! If another job is willing to pay him or her more, then because they are professionals, they have a right to barter that salary opportunity. This is the same as you can do with your career and anyone who is WORKING. The Student Athlete should come to the university because that's where they want to get their education and play for a school they love and want to be at. They should not be coming to that school because they will get paid more. That's the NFL a PAID job for professionals who have finished college and are now looking to expand on what they have learned and trained for.

College football may survive, but as we know and love, it will never be the same unless major changes happen very quickly. If people cannot realize what coaches, and leaders, "NOT KIDS" are saying, then there is no hope, and it will die! MONEY AND GREED ARE AT THE ROOT!

Of course the old NCAA model was lawbreaking. It violated the Sherman Antitrust Act, as the 9-0 SCOTUS decision in the Alston case showed.

Your shouting about "It's not the NFL" is a non sequitur. No one said that it was.

Why shouldn't an athlete choose a school based in his economic self interest? If you ever took a job due to your own economic self interest, then your entire though process here is nauseatingly hypocritical. 🤮🤮🤮🤮
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Here's the thing that those with your viewpoint seem to miss - most fans that yearn for the "days of old" are not saying that players shouldn't share in the revenue they are primarily responsible for producing, they are speaking as long time fans of the sport. It may seem incredibly selfish to you, and perhaps it is, but a fan is looking at sports as something he has poured his passion into for most of his life, and is now seeing that thing he loves changing in warp speed into something unrecognizable and not as appealing. It's not a matter of what is legally right or 'fair', it is having something you've loved your entire life being destroyed.

I remember when free agency first entered pro sports in the '70's and '80's, and anyone who expressed dismay at the constant movement of players was ripped for not caring about the players' rights. It wasn't about their rights, it was about changing something that had become a huge part of peoples' lives. Selfish? Short sighted? Absolutely, but it's human nature and completely understandable. Introducing the courts and politics into sports is not something most fans have the slightest desire to care about - they just want their game to be left alone.
The disconnect for me is all the people who say Donde Plowman and Danny White did a great job along with the Attorney General of TN in answering the NCAA about NIL.

Basically UT is arguing EXACTLY that the NCAA, which is trying to keep NIL regulated and not so much like pay to play, is the bad guy.

Everyone seems to LOVE that UT is "sticking it to the NCAA" when the NCAA is the agency that tried to stop NIL and tried to stop all the free transfers.

Basically, if you're for UT and all the states winning against the NCAA, you're against things staying like they were. UT DOES NOT want NIL regulation and TN joined the WV lawsuit which allowed multiple transfers without penalties.

It's not the current players and it's not the NCAA wanting the changes, it's the schools and the states (likely doing the bidding of the schools) that are suing for NIL and transfers to be unregulated.
The disconnect for me is all the people who say Donde Plowman and Danny White did a great job along with the Attorney General of TN in answering the NCAA about NIL.

Basically UT is arguing EXACTLY that the NCAA, which is trying to keep NIL regulated and not so much like pay to play, is the bad guy.

Everyone seems to LOVE that UT is "sticking it to the NCAA" when the NCAA is the agency that tried to stop NIL and tried to stop all the free transfers.

Basically, if you're for UT and all the states winning against the NCAA, you're against things staying like they were. UT DOES NOT want NIL regulation and TN joined the WV lawsuit which allowed multiple transfers without penalties.

It's not the current players and it's not the NCAA wanting the changes, it's the schools and the states (likely doing the bidding of the schools) that are suing for NIL and transfers to be unregulated.

Everything you said is correct, but I was making a completely different point.

Most people who hate this 'brave new world' of college sports don't give a rat's ass one way or the other regarding lawsuits, courts, and politics - they just don't want their game to be destroyed and made unrecognizable. They want to talk about recruiting, spring ball, and the 2024 season, not whether the CongressWhores will be able to "fix" this mess. Hell, I only want White, Plowman & Co. to win because I don't want to see UT punished for what everyone and their mother is doing and has been doing.

If I had my way we'd go back to the '80's and the 10-team SEC and none of this garbage would be going on, but that's beyond a fantasy, so the hope is to maintain as much of what we love about the sport as possible. I don't blame the players one single bit, it's the greed of the media and schools that created this, but I don't feel great about the future of the sport.
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Everything you said is correct, but I was making a completely different point.

Most people who hate this 'brave new world' of college sports don't give a rat's ass one way or the other regarding lawsuits, courts, and politics - they just don't want their game to be destroyed and made unrecognizable. They want to talk about recruiting, spring ball, and the 2024 season, not whether the CongressWhores will be able to "fix" this mess. Hell, I only want White, Plowman & Co. to win because I don't want to see UT punished for what everyone and their mother is doing and has been doing.

If I had my way we'd go back to the '80's and the 10-team SEC and none of this garbage would be going on, but that's beyond a fantasy, so the hope is to maintain as much of what we love about the sport as possible. I don't blame the players one single bit, it's the greed of the media and schools that created this, but I don't feel great about the future of the sport.
My issue from the start is the people blaming the students for having rights. The COURT is determining the NCAA is an illegal business but LOTS of people see it as the player's fault all this is happening.

These players were in middle school, at best, when Alston was filed. The transfer cases were filed by STATES, not students.

The schools are behind 100% of this from their greed for media money, to paying players illegally for decades, to immediately weaponizing NIL as soon as the court ordered it (UT memos showed they were ready for the NCAA, remember, BEFORE they started investigating our NIL,) to filing or joining the transfer cases.

The schools WANT these changes.

If you think they care about how the fans feel about the old days, think again. UT doesn't care about anything but the bottom line in all of this.

If you act like college athletics are a business, expect the courts to call it a business.
My issue from the start is the people blaming the students for having rights. The COURT is determining the NCAA is an illegal business but LOTS of people see it as the player's fault all this is happening.

These players were in middle school, at best, when Alston was filed. The transfer cases were filed by STATES, not students.

The schools are behind 100% of this from their greed for media money, to paying players illegally for decades, to immediately weaponizing NIL as soon as the court ordered it (UT memos showed they were ready for the NCAA, remember, BEFORE they started investigating our NIL,) to filing or joining the transfer cases.

The schools WANT these changes.

If you think they care about how the fans feel about the old days, think again. UT doesn't care about anything but the bottom line in all of this.

If you act like college athletics are a business, expect the courts to call it a business.

Listen, I know from seeing a lot of your posts that you just look for fights, and I'm not fighting with you. I agree 100% with you on where the blame lies for everything going on with college sports right now.

I'm not 'acting' like anything, and I never said that the schools give a damn what fans feel or think as long as they open up their wallets. I was making a point as to why many fans are disillusioned with the direction the sport is headed. Without thinking it through, the easiest to blame are the only ones they see or care about - the players.

It's as wrong as blaming players for signing huge free agent contracts in the pros. I remember defending A-Rod when he signed that $275 million contract and fans just eviscerated him, simply because "no one deserved" that much. I would ask them "if that contract was put in front of you, are you saying that you might not be 'deserving' of it, or are you signing it in a millisecond?" Same thing here. Funny thing is, A-Rod put fannies in the seats and sold a ton of Yankees merchandise at a time when the value of the franchise went through the roof, so his contract was actually a bargain.

You aren't wrong, but most fans just aren't going to look as dispassionately and objectively at this.
Listen, I know from seeing a lot of your posts that you just look for fights, and I'm not fighting with you. I agree 100% with you on where the blame lies for everything going on with college sports right now.

I'm not 'acting' like anything, and I never said that the schools give a damn what fans feel or think as long as they open up their wallets. I was making a point as to why many fans are disillusioned with the direction the sport is headed. Without thinking it through, the easiest to blame are the only ones they see or care about - the players.

It's as wrong as blaming players for signing huge free agent contracts in the pros. I remember defending A-Rod when he signed that $275 million contract and fans just eviscerated him, simply because "no one deserved" that much. I would ask them "if that contract was put in front of you, are you saying that you might not be 'deserving' of it, or are you signing it in a millisecond?" Same thing here. Funny thing is, A-Rod put fannies in the seats and sold a ton of Yankees merchandise at a time when the value of the franchise went through the roof, so his contract was actually a bargain.

You aren't wrong, but most fans just aren't going to look as dispassionately and objectively at this.
I'm just interested in honesty.

I'm old enough to know lots of things change and we're only lucky when they change for the better.

Since Alston happened, I've hoped the NCAA would die slowly so I'd be too old to care when it ended. It's not working out like that and it's extremely sad for the next generation of non blue chip athletes who may not play because small schools can't afford to, but may be court ordered to pay players.

Yes, it's sad for fans but I tend to think of the players. They're stuck with whatever the courts, the NCAA, and the schools create.
I'm just interested in honesty.

I'm old enough to know lots of things change and we're only lucky when they change for the better.

Since Alston happened, I've hoped the NCAA would die slowly so I'd be too old to care when it ended. It's not working out like that and it's extremely sad for the next generation of non blue chip athletes who may not play because small schools can't afford to, but may be court ordered to pay players.

Yes, it's sad for fans but I tend to think of the players. They're stuck with whatever the courts, the NCAA, and the schools create.

Not to mention the athletes in non-revenue sports that may be shut out entirely as programs are eliminated.
Everything you said is correct, but I was making a completely different point.

Most people who hate this 'brave new world' of college sports don't give a rat's ass one way or the other regarding lawsuits, courts, and politics - they just don't want their game to be destroyed and made unrecognizable. They want to talk about recruiting, spring ball, and the 2024 season, not whether the CongressWhores will be able to "fix" this mess. Hell, I only want White, Plowman & Co. to win because I don't want to see UT punished for what everyone and their mother is doing and has been doing.

If I had my way we'd go back to the '80's and the 10-team SEC and none of this garbage would be going on, but that's beyond a fantasy, so the hope is to maintain as much of what we love about the sport as possible. I don't blame the players one single bit, it's the greed of the media and schools that created this, but I don't feel great about the future of the sport.
Their game isn't going to be destroyed and it certainly isn't going to be unrecognizable.

The sky is not falling.

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