Vol uniform/helmet design discussion (merged)

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Why do I get the feeling that, the "black uniforms are so cool" crowd resemble this clown?


Hey...Where'd you get that picture of me?
Jerseys have not and will not change. See the media day pics where players wore same jersey as last year. END OF THE FASHION DEBATE. :clap:

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Why do I get the feeling that, the "black uniforms are so cool" crowd resemble this clown?

Because your correct. In the first place it's been done before, in the 2nd place can you all imagine the laughing stock the University of Tennessee would become donning the black jerseys to make a point...and then lose? It would take a decade to recover if not longer.
Because your correct. In the first place it's been done before, in the 2nd place can you all imagine the laughing stock the University of Tennessee would become donning the black jerseys to make a point...and then lose? It would take a decade to recover if not longer.

to recover what?

I would honestly turn, and walk out of the stadium.

I hope the $uper Buck$ donors have put the 'NO' stamp on this idiocy. Jim Haslam and Charlie Anderson are both former players. I don't think they would go for a color change. Hopefully, Mike Hamilton and Lane Kiffin have both been told, "changing our colors will get you fired".

this kind of thinking is what is wrong with sports today. i could give a rats @ss what Jim Haslam thinks. it is an absolute shame.
I talked to a player who didn't want his name mentioned that they will have black jerseys for the game on halloween. This player said that they will warm up in orange, and come out in black. He also said that he has seen the black jersey already, and it is very different from the jerseys we have now, and that style could become our regular jerseys. (not in black but orange) He said they have orange stripes down the side. I'm not a fan of the black jerseys, but I thought yall would like the info.
Call me skeptical but I seriously doubt that the coaches are talking to the players now about what the uni's will be in October.
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