Vaccine or not?

At this point, especially with Omnicron, it is all anecdotal. There hasn't been enough time to do the research that would provide reliable results.
The early results of studies say the vaccine and natural immunity doesn’t provide protection vs the Omni variant.
But you’re correct. It’s early and will evolve over time.
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Question: do the mRNA shots carry a risk of myocarditis in younger males?

We were hoping you could provide that answer for us doc. It's definitely raising some questions among top doctors and scientists whether it's worth the risk. This is not some right wing news source.

The risk of mRNA Covid booster shots causing heart inflammation in young adults continues to worry top scientists weighing whether to approve third doses for anyone over 12, Dr. Ofer Levy, a voting member of the Food and Drug Administration’s advisory panel, said Friday.

Levy, the director of the Precision Vaccines Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, spoke just hours after the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee unanimously recommended giving second shots to all recipients of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Covid vaccine over 18 years old.

As we go into younger and younger age groups, they’re less and less at personal risk of severe Covid, and on the other hand, somewhat more at risk of this inflammatory heart condition with the mRNA vaccine,” Levy told CNBC’s “Closing Bell.” “So it’s a risk benefit analysis, and that’s why you’re seeing that deliberation.”

Though uncommon, myocarditis has been found mostly in male adolescents and young adults who received a vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cases typically arise within days of vaccination, usually after the second dose, and subside with medicine and rest, the CDC said.
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The COVID infection rate for residents of Dade County, Florida Dec. 31 – Jan. 6 was 3,796 new “cases per 100,000 population”—a rate far higher than any other county in Florida, according to the Florida Department of Public Health. This is an eye-opening statistic as 94 percent of Dade County residents age five and over have now received at least one dose of the vaccine—a vaccination rate among the highest in the country and by far the highest rate in Florida.

Florida: Highest Rates of Infection Occurring in Counties with Highest Vaccination Rates - UncoverDC
Given her advanced age, it makes sense.

She's as old as the hanger-on who killed my father-in-law by prescribing an antibiotic contraindicated to anyone with a pacemaker. Fried his ****ing heart.
That’s strange, we never give education about antibiotics affecting pacemakers. Can you be more specific. What antibiotic and what type of pacer.
Medications Associated With Implantable Cardiac Devices
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I would say that the answer is "yes, rarely"...however according to the CDC, C19 also causes myocarditis, so one needs to weigh the risks
So, wouldn't you say that Djokovic might have the right to look at that data, weigh the risks, and make a choice whether or not to inject himself with something that could cost him his professional career (or life)?
The family of 26-year-old Joseph Keating is still grieving after a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine booster jab led to his untimely death from myocarditis last November.

The South Dakota man’s official autopsy report, exclusively obtained by Children’s Health, shows he suffered “multifocal myocarditis” just days following his third dose of the experimental mRNA shot, which his family said was required by his occupation.

A death certificate issued by the State of South Dakota and obtained by the Defender lists Keating’s cause of death from “multifocal myocarditis involving the left ventricle and septum,” with a second cause of death listed as “Recent Pfizer Covid-19 booster vaccine

Keating’s mother says she’s glad they authorized an autopsy as it’s definitive proof the vaccine was what caused her son’s death.

“It’s documented proof,” Cayleen told the Defender. “He died directly from the Pfizer booster.”

The family says despite the surprising nature of Keating’s death and official documents, they have yet to be contacted by the CDC, the FDA or any other federal health agency about his death.

“You would think the death of a child from a reaction to a COVID vaccine that’s documented on the death certificate and autopsy, the CDC would have reached out to us immediately,” Cayleen bemoaned. “You would think the CDC would have called the pathologist.”

Pfizer Booster Listed As Cause of Death in 26-Year-Old’s Autopsy, Death Certificate After Work-Mandated Jab - American Faith
We were hoping you could provide that answer for us doc. It's definitely raising some questions among top doctors and scientists whether it's worth the risk. This is not some right wing news source.

The risk of mRNA Covid booster shots causing heart inflammation in young adults continues to worry top scientists weighing whether to approve third doses for anyone over 12, Dr. Ofer Levy, a voting member of the Food and Drug Administration’s advisory panel, said Friday.

Levy, the director of the Precision Vaccines Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, spoke just hours after the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee unanimously recommended giving second shots to all recipients of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Covid vaccine over 18 years old.

As we go into younger and younger age groups, they’re less and less at personal risk of severe Covid, and on the other hand, somewhat more at risk of this inflammatory heart condition with the mRNA vaccine,” Levy told CNBC’s “Closing Bell.” “So it’s a risk benefit analysis, and that’s why you’re seeing that deliberation.”

Though uncommon, myocarditis has been found mostly in male adolescents and young adults who received a vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cases typically arise within days of vaccination, usually after the second dose, and subside with medicine and rest, the CDC said.

And this was written before the release of the study I linked regarding the risk of myocarditis with a booster released 12-25-21
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Never seen anything like this , I’d love to see the state’s disclaimer these people have to sign before receiving that money .
Vaccines should be able to sell themselves. If there really was an urgent need for them of if there was evidence that they worked as advertised, then people would be lining up like crazy. No need for cash, doughnut, and other incentives.
While the case fatality rate is 3 times higher in Hungary:
View attachment 429050

So lets put this in its proper perspective. Taking the data from both of these charts and doing the math we see that currently Hungary, with almost no restrictions is at approximately 186 deaths per 100,000 (61x3% death rate) while Austria is at 160 deaths per 100,000. How can you seriously justify saving 26 lives per 100,000 by locking down 2 million unvaccinated citizens. How many lives are being destroyed by people losing their income?? Does poverty suddenly not matter You? You have lost your mind if you are seriously going to try to defend this. It's absolutely insane!
So lets put this in its proper perspective. Taking the data from both of these charts and doing the math we see that currently Hungary, with almost no restrictions is at approximately 186 deaths per 100,000 (61x3% death rate) while Austria is at 160 deaths per 100,000. How can you seriously justify saving 26 lives per 100,000 by locking down 2 million unvaccinated citizens. How many lives are being destroyed by people losing their income?? Does poverty suddenly not matter You? You have lost your mind if you are seriously going to try to defend this. It's absolutely insane!

"If it saves 1 life"....that's why I support restrictor plates limiting all cars to 4 mph.

That's impossible! That Joe Rogan guest everyone keeps tripping over to praise - McCullough? - said it's impossible to have Covid-19 twice! You must be mistaken.

Seriously though, I'm glad yours went well. Out of the many friends and family I know who have had it, only two have had experiences different from yours.
What’s great is that it’s actually a perfect, albeit small, example of natural immunity be vaccine. 2 of my coworkers also got it at the same time I did. One has had the 2 shots and the other 2 plus booster. We’re all within 7 years of each other in age (36-43) and none of us have any co-morbidities. We all experienced the same symptoms for about the same amount of time. Low grade fever for about 24 hours, mild head pressure, tiredness, an occasional cough. In 4-5 days it was back to normal.

The first time I got it basically was the same except the symptoms were stronger (fever was 103-103.5 without meds and 101.5 with; strong head pressure, etc.) and they lasted twice the amount of time but that was also a different strain.
This has never been about saving people's lives

Keep in mind that Viktor Orban is another one if these leaders that is demonized by The West for not embracing their globalist/fascist ideology. This guy is looking after the best interest of his country, not the best interests of the globalists. We must protect Viktor Orban at all costs.

Hungary Is a Dictatorship Now. Kick It Out of the EU and NATO.
It is time to kick Hungary out of the European Union and NATO. The country entered the Western alliance in the aftermath of the Cold War as a fledgling democracy, but has since reverted to autocracy.

Hungary's loyalties lie with U.S. and NATO, not China and Russia, Viktor Orban challenger says

A "traditional conservative" and practicing Catholic, Marki-Zay has nonetheless positioned himself as a defender of the LGBT community besieged by Orban and his nationalist Fidesz party—a campaign of hate Marki-Zay described as "disgusting."

The mayor has also committed to repairing his country's relations with the European Union, and ambitious climate goals that Orban has dismissed as a "utopian fantasy."

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