U.S. Navy Not Fit For War

C'mon... you're better than this. You are more disturbed at the headline and want to nitpick it than the actual event in question. Recon or spy whatever... now we are arguing balls and strikes on something that distracts from the actual real issue.

No one (in this particular event) is placing blame on Boeing.

The event in question happens from time to time. Military aircraft have mishaps just like civilian ones do.
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C'mon... who determinbes where this gray line is? If you are looking for submarines, how is that anydifferent than a U-2 looing for bases on the surface? Stop splitting hairs.

Who said anything about having to be stealthy in order to now qualify to be a spy plane? Who makes these rules?

Splitting hairs/euphormisms... The headine was not incorrect in calling it a spy plane. Maybe the word "spy" adds an enhancement to most people's perception... but it is what it is. It is performing recon on Mexican and Angolan submarines.
I know you are being hyperbolic to try and have an argument, as usual, but considering this happened in Hawaii I would think you could come up with more appropriate countries.

The difference is in the definition:
work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.

They work in the open in international territory around US forces as a uniformed combatant as a defensive measure. I would also typically use spy to imply so form of illegality or criminality in the matter, and as said above some measure of trying to hide/disguise the mission from others. and unless they have found someone their patrol job is searching for anything/anyone without a specific thing they are looking for. We aren't spying on Chinese subs in their ports with this thing, we have other things for that. this is openly patrolling the waters looking for any threat or unannounced presence that could be perceived as a threat as a part of an unclassified military operation. The Geneva Convention would protect their crew were it wouldn't apply to anyone "spying".

you say semantics but I see a whole lot of differences in the distinction you are actively avoiding in order to sensationalize it. And as I said above it would still be a good/important story to just say "Navy plane confuses its role and lands on the water". they get to crack a joke and not rely on misinforming people about what actually happened with a click bait title.
As much as it pains me to assist our rezident Russian propagandist there are or were special mission variants of the P-3 airframe dedicated to overt (as opposed to covert) spying. The most notable being the EP-3.

There were plans to replace the EP-3 with the EP-X similarly derived from the base P-8A however last I’d heard the EP-X had been cancelled. And I’m not aware of any other special mission P-8 variants in operation.

ETA: however the aircraft in question was a fleet P-8A assigned to VP-4 just a run of the mill P-8 squadron

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You really think using the word spy isn't misleading?

You're better than this.
I already addressed this earlier...

Splitting hairs/euphormisms... The headine was not incorrect in calling it a spy plane. Maybe the word "spy" adds an enhancement to most people's perception... but it is what it is. It is performing recon on Mexican and Angolan submarines.

If you want to say it adds some spice to the headline, then we can agree on that. But it also wouldn't be incorrect to call it either spy or recon.
The text message to members at Minot Air Force Base warned "that participation with groups such as Turning Point Action could jeopardize their continued service in the U.S. military."

So I guess if the soldiers decide to attend, they need to be discharged? That should help recruiting.
The text message to members at Minot Air Force Base warned "that participation with groups such as Turning Point Action could jeopardize their continued service in the U.S. military."

Whoever wrote this needs to be reprimanded. How can a text message sent before November 17th to warn soldiers be aware that there would be a shooting on November 17th?

At issue was a planned Nov. 17 event dubbed the "Dakota Patriot Rally" at the state fairgrounds in Minot, and the text warned personnel "to be cautious" if they were in the area, especially because some rally-goers "could be confrontational to military members." The text, which was shared with the popular "Air Force amen/nco/snco" Facebook page, also noted that the event would feature a guest speaker from Turning Point Action, which the warning noted is an "alt-right" organization.

The text message also alludes to a shooting that happened in Minot on Nov. 17, noting that it is "unclear if it was related" to the Dakota Patriot Rally. According to the Minot Daily News, that shooting happened in northwest Minot and resulted in a 29-year-old man being hospitalized while a suspect fled the scene. The state fairgrounds where the Dakota Patriot Rally took place is in the far eastern portion of the city.
Ras, you realize sub hunting has been around nearly 100 years, right?

Ras would rather take his chances of being nuked by a sub cruising off the coast than to admit the military actually has a defensive role. US military is obviously an offensive term to Ras, and militaries unallied to the US are benign, friendly, and generally unappreciated.
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Hawaii Residents Want US Navy Aircraft Removed from Waters over concerns of jet fuel and toxins will destroy marine life after Pilot Overshot Runway and Crashed Into Kaneohe Bay​

A crashed Navy aircraft could be sitting in a picturesque Hawaiian bay for weeks as fears grow over its impact on the islands' delicate ecosystem.

The $150 million P-8 Poseidon spy plane overshot the runway during a training exercise at Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Monday afternoon and came to rest around 50 feet offshore in the waters of Kaneohe Bay.

All nine people on board managed to swim back to shore but the 130-foot aircraft suffered a deep gash to its fuselage as it scraped over the coral lined bay that is home to endangered hammerhead sharks.

'There is jet fuel, anti-freeze and other toxins.'

The $150 million P-8 Poseidon spy plane overshot the runway during a training exercise at Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Monday afternoon and came to rest around 50 feet offshore in the waters of Kaneohe Bay

The aircraft manufactured by Boeing and based on the similar sized 737 but is used for hunting enemy submarines, reconnaissance and intelligence gathering.


Hawaii Residents Want US Navy Aircraft Removed from Waters over concerns of jet fuel and toxins will destroy marine life after Pilot Overshot Runway and Crashed Into Kaneohe Bay​

A crashed Navy aircraft could be sitting in a picturesque Hawaiian bay for weeks as fears grow over its impact on the islands' delicate ecosystem.

The $150 million P-8 Poseidon spy plane overshot the runway during a training exercise at Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Monday afternoon and came to rest around 50 feet offshore in the waters of Kaneohe Bay.

All nine people on board managed to swim back to shore but the 130-foot aircraft suffered a deep gash to its fuselage as it scraped over the coral lined bay that is home to endangered hammerhead sharks.

'There is jet fuel, anti-freeze and other toxins.'

View attachment 597183
The $150 million P-8 Poseidon spy plane overshot the runway during a training exercise at Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Monday afternoon and came to rest around 50 feet offshore in the waters of Kaneohe Bay

The aircraft manufactured by Boeing and based on the similar sized 737 but is used for hunting enemy submarines, reconnaissance and intelligence gathering.

here’s the crew



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Ras would rather take his chances of being nuked by a sub cruising off the coast than to admit the military actually has a defensive role.
WTF are you talking about? When have I ever said we don't need a military for defense? Show me the post where I said anything of the sort?

Where me and you disagree is where use our military for offensive measures halfway around the world in non-existential conflicts.

US military is obviously an offensive term to Ras, and militaries unallied to the US are benign, friendly, and generally unappreciated.
We have done a lot since WWII to stir up anomosity and hate, but even still, if we decided to engage in business and commerce instead of trying to escalate militarily, we all could rest easier.
Even without the grasping at straws on this event in an earlier reply to you that picture likely isn’t the crew in the crash. That picture memorialized a flight from Sept 21 in FLA of a VP-45 flight

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WTF are you talking about? When have I ever said we don't need a military for defense? Show me the post where I said anything of the sort?

Where me and you disagree is where use our military for offensive measures halfway around the world in non-existential conflicts.

We have done a lot since WWII to stir up anomosity and hate, but even still, if we decided to engage in business and commerce instead of trying to escalate militarily, we all could rest easier.

Who do you suppose should keep things under control off the coast of Yemen (and many other places) so we could peacefully engage in business and commerce?
Who do you suppose should keep things under control off the coast of Yemen (and many other places) so we could peacefully engage in business and commerce?
The countries in that region. The UAE, KSA, Iranians, Israelis, Egypt, etc all have economic incentives to keep the Suez, Gulf of Aden and Strait of Hormuz open.

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