U.S. Has UFOs of 'Non-Human Origin', Ex-Intelligence Officer Claims

Does the .gov have Alien tech?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 31 24.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • It's Trumps Fault

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • Yes, but also....Pie

    Votes: 9 7.1%
  • No, but also... Pie

    Votes: 11 8.7%

  • Total voters

Americans Think they'd Be Safer Under Trump than Biden if ALIENS ATTACK: Daily Mail UFO poll shows 40% think aliens have visited in last 50 years - and 70% think Joe is hiding something​

More than seven in 10 Americans believe the Biden administration is withholding information about UFOs, a DailyMail.com poll has revealed.

And nearly four in 10 think that Earth has been visited by aliens from another planet in the past fifty years, according to the survey.

More than four in 10 respondents said they would feel safer if Donald Trump were President of the US if aliens were to invade Earth, while a third said they would feel safer under Joe Biden. The rest were unsure.



Americans Think they'd Be Safer Under Trump than Biden if ALIENS ATTACK: Daily Mail UFO poll shows 40% think aliens have visited in last 50 years - and 70% think Joe is hiding something​

More than seven in 10 Americans believe the Biden administration is withholding information about UFOs, a DailyMail.com poll has revealed.

And nearly four in 10 think that Earth has been visited by aliens from another planet in the past fifty years, according to the survey.

More than four in 10 respondents said they would feel safer if Donald Trump were President of the US if aliens were to invade Earth, while a third said they would feel safer under Joe Biden. The rest were unsure.

View attachment 582449


Any thoughts you would like to share? Mr. MAGA MAN!
I watched a couple of the newer History Channel shows about unexplained phenomena...there are new sightings which i did not know about. Some where large groups of unrelated people saw them and are willing to talk about them. Also more incidents around nuclear sites than i knew about previously....those are well documented with plenty of USAF guys that were there willing to give 1st hand testimonies. Theres also more people now willing to talk about the Navy pilots encounters when those great videos of alien ships harrassing the carrier battle group off the coast of San Diego happened....including the shipboard radar operators and sonar guys....not just the pilots who took the videos from inside their F18s...those "Tic Tac" videos, FLIR videos, 1st hand accounts from the pilots flying the F18s as well as the radar guys tracking them are by FAR the most believable and definitive UFO proof that the public has access to now in my opinion. Basically unless you believe that China or Russia have craft that have NO visible means of propulsion, NO wings or other control surfaces, NO visible means to create lift, and can instantaneously accelerate to over 20x the speed of sound....AND fly directly into the ocean at speed and then maintain a speed more than twice as fast as any US submarine....unless you believe that China, Russia, or the US has these capabilities and technologies but does not EVER use them nor admit to having them despite the obvious advantages of being lightyears ahead of every other military on Earth....unless you believe 1 of those 3 countries does that then you logically HAVE to believe those are alien craft. The video/FLIR/radar/sonar that clearly and admittedly tracked them as well as numerous 1st person accounts to corroborate all that data from our best and brightest demands that. Grainy videos from someones cellphone of lights in the sky are one thing... what clearly happened off our west (and east actually) coasts is undeniable. One can speculate about WHO or WHAT was responsible for those crafts being there...and whether they were drones or actually occupied by some living beings...but there is no room for speculation about WHETHER those events actually occurred unless you are willing to believe that every single instrument we use to observe and track flying AND submerged objects is completely unreliable...and that they all just happened to malfunction at exactly the same time and in the exact same manner in the same area many miles wide. Oh...and that all of the pilots, radar operators, sonar operators etc for that entire battle group are FOS. While it is astounding to believe that craft have travelled here from somewhere among the trillions of stars out there, it is MUCH harder to believe that entire laundry list of BS which I listed above that would be required for one to NOT conclude that those were UFOs. Same scenario applies to the round orb shaped craft encountered endlessly in the Atlantic by our Navy pilots which are well documented and recorded. The feds released the tapes from those fighters as well, and the pilots and sailors involved testify about them with the same sincerity. I think the biggest reason that the feds have started releasing more proof of these encounters is because they simply cannot keep a lid on it anymore. For decades they have controlled all media thru the CIA and NSA...that is well documented and easy to find on the web. They cannot hide stuff as easily anymore now that we have the internet, smartphones , and media that is not under their control due to it not being centralized. Anyway thats what i think. We must all draw our own conclusions based on the evidence currently available...theres a lot more out there than i previously thought though. I find that quite interesting. GO VOLS.
It's the same ol same ol. Some believe, some on here will make fun, and most won't even comment.

While I do believe there is something to this that isn't human, I always question the timing of the government having anything released. They're in control and aren't letting anything out they don't want. In my opinion, anyway.

Interesting nonetheless.
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I watched a couple of the newer History Channel shows about unexplained phenomena...there are new sightings which i did not know about. Some where large groups of unrelated people saw them and are willing to talk about them. Also more incidents around nuclear sites than i knew about previously....those are well documented with plenty of USAF guys that were there willing to give 1st hand testimonies. Theres also more people now willing to talk about the Navy pilots encounters when those great videos of alien ships harrassing the carrier battle group off the coast of San Diego happened....including the shipboard radar operators and sonar guys....not just the pilots who took the videos from inside their F18s...those "Tic Tac" videos, FLIR videos, 1st hand accounts from the pilots flying the F18s as well as the radar guys tracking them are by FAR the most believable and definitive UFO proof that the public has access to now in my opinion. Basically unless you believe that China or Russia have craft that have NO visible means of propulsion, NO wings or other control surfaces, NO visible means to create lift, and can instantaneously accelerate to over 20x the speed of sound....AND fly directly into the ocean at speed and then maintain a speed more than twice as fast as any US submarine....unless you believe that China, Russia, or the US has these capabilities and technologies but does not EVER use them nor admit to having them despite the obvious advantages of being lightyears ahead of every other military on Earth....unless you believe 1 of those 3 countries does that then you logically HAVE to believe those are alien craft. The video/FLIR/radar/sonar that clearly and admittedly tracked them as well as numerous 1st person accounts to corroborate all that data from our best and brightest demands that. Grainy videos from someones cellphone of lights in the sky are one thing... what clearly happened off our west (and east actually) coasts is undeniable. One can speculate about WHO or WHAT was responsible for those crafts being there...and whether they were drones or actually occupied by some living beings...but there is no room for speculation about WHETHER those events actually occurred unless you are willing to believe that every single instrument we use to observe and track flying AND submerged objects is completely unreliable...and that they all just happened to malfunction at exactly the same time and in the exact same manner in the same area many miles wide. Oh...and that all of the pilots, radar operators, sonar operators etc for that entire battle group are FOS. While it is astounding to believe that craft have travelled here from somewhere among the trillions of stars out there, it is MUCH harder to believe that entire laundry list of BS which I listed above that would be required for one to NOT conclude that those were UFOs. Same scenario applies to the round orb shaped craft encountered endlessly in the Atlantic by our Navy pilots which are well documented and recorded. The feds released the tapes from those fighters as well, and the pilots and sailors involved testify about them with the same sincerity. I think the biggest reason that the feds have started releasing more proof of these encounters is because they simply cannot keep a lid on it anymore. For decades they have controlled all media thru the CIA and NSA...that is well documented and easy to find on the web. They cannot hide stuff as easily anymore now that we have the internet, smartphones , and media that is not under their control due to it not being centralized. Anyway thats what i think. We must all draw our own conclusions based on the evidence currently available...theres a lot more out there than i previously thought though. I find that quite interesting. GO VOLS.

"Aliens" have been a useful cover story for a long time.
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Americans Think they'd Be Safer Under Trump than Biden if ALIENS ATTACK: Daily Mail UFO poll shows 40% think aliens have visited in last 50 years - and 70% think Joe is hiding something​

More than seven in 10 Americans believe the Biden administration is withholding information about UFOs, a DailyMail.com poll has revealed.

And nearly four in 10 think that Earth has been visited by aliens from another planet in the past fifty years, according to the survey.

More than four in 10 respondents said they would feel safer if Donald Trump were President of the US if aliens were to invade Earth, while a third said they would feel safer under Joe Biden. The rest were unsure.

View attachment 582449

"Aliens possessing the advanced technology to travel from another solar system could invade Earth. Morons believe Donald Trump has the ability to fend them off. Film at 11 or whenever the alien overlords decide."
Amazing how, with all these phenomenal cameras and platforms all we ever catch are 2 to 3 seconds of blurry images.

In fairness, the sightings are usually around specific military bases, test ranges (mainly over open ocean at night), or rural areas at night in transit paths between the two. Not exactly great opportunities to capture high quality pictures.

Ironically, most people haven't been able to connect the dots as why that might be.
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In fairness, the sightings are usually around specific military bases, test ranges (mainly over open ocean at night), or rural areas at night in transit paths between the two. Not exactly great opportunities to capture high quality pictures.

Ironically, most people haven't been able to connect the dots as why that might be.

To your first point, a lot are around bases and rural areas, but there's a lot of sightings in large cities as well. (Phoenix for example)

To the 2nd, most critics say it's "our" tech, so to say most can't connect the dots isn't true. Even hardcore believers admit a percent of sightings aren't otherworldly. Still the question where the technology comes from is legitimate. It's not just a few decades ahead.
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To your first point, a lot are around bases and rural areas, but there's a lot of sightings in large cities as well. (Phoenix for example)

Sure. Large urban areas are bound to have some sightings; especially considering all the extra possible explanatory phenomena happening around densely populated areas and the sheer number of possible observers. However, when adjusting sightings for per capita, rural areas, military bases, and test ranges are the hot spots.

To the 2nd, most critics say it's "our" tech, so to say most can't connect the dots isn't true. Even hardcore believers admit a percent of sightings aren't otherworldly. Still the question where the technology comes from is legitimate. It's not just a few decades ahead.

They end up being the exact same question, just proposed slightly differently. Essentially, the crux of the issue is whether UFO technology (tic-tac and others) are a result of human-only US black projects or a result of aliens/alien-assisted technology drop?

There are two main persuasive arguments for the former:

1) The US military white platforms are still propelling US military dominance via cutting-edge technology. This is astonishing given the fact that there hasn't been a fundamentally new US military white technology released in over 40 years; stealth technology was developed in the 70's. For the most part, we have been recycling, slightly modifying, and repurposing old technology to meet the needs of new platforms as time progressed. This is especially true of aircraft technology with respect to speed. The SR-71 is still the fastest air-breathing (white) plane despite being developed in the late 50's and early 60's.

Within the last 40 years, US black projects have had virtually unlimited budgets, the smartest engineers, and the best supercomputers (also black projects) to develop new fundamental technological advances. It should also be noted, that the US places supreme importance on air dominance technology in comparison to other countries. Thus, it isn't a stretch to imagine US black air dominance projects having technology sufficiently advanced which would be indistinguishable from "magic" to the average person; no different than taking a smartphone to someone 40 years ago.

Couple caveats. Bear in mind, I am referring to the new fundamental technology. There have certainly been a lot of cool technology released, think looking through a platform and targeting with only your eye balls, but that isn't really fundamental. One could certainly make the argument of AI being a fundamental new technology. I would agree. There have been whispers of AI being developed 20-30 years ago for black project design and cyber capabilities.

2) While it is almost a statistical certainty that there is other (intelligent) life in the universe, there is almost the same statistical certainty that such alien life is not traveling to Earth via propulsion. Propulsion, liberally defined as any technology which moves a physical object through spacetime (could be wrap drives, not just our caveman oxidizing chemicals via Newton's third law propulsion), is utterly insufficient for intergalactic travel. Thus, any alien visiting Earth would be doing so via interdimensional travel. Documented UFO technology is obviously moving through spacetime vs interdimensional. Thus, we can safely rule out aliens traveling to Earth via observed UFO technology.

The most generous argument for aliens intervention would be interdimensional aliens technology dropping for the US military and no one else.
Sure. Large urban areas are bound to have some sightings; especially considering all the extra possible explanatory phenomena happening around densely populated areas and the sheer number of possible observers. However, when adjusting sightings for per capita, rural areas, military bases, and test ranges are the hot spots.

They end up being the exact same question, just proposed slightly differently. Essentially, the crux of the issue is whether UFO technology (tic-tac and others) are a result of human-only US black projects or a result of aliens/alien-assisted technology drop?

There are two main persuasive arguments for the former:

1) The US military white platforms are still propelling US military dominance via cutting-edge technology. This is astonishing given the fact that there hasn't been a fundamentally new US military white technology released in over 40 years; stealth technology was developed in the 70's. For the most part, we have been recycling, slightly modifying, and repurposing old technology to meet the needs of new platforms as time progressed. This is especially true of aircraft technology with respect to speed. The SR-71 is still the fastest air-breathing (white) plane despite being developed in the late 50's and early 60's.

Within the last 40 years, US black projects have had virtually unlimited budgets, the smartest engineers, and the best supercomputers (also black projects) to develop new fundamental technological advances. It should also be noted, that the US places supreme importance on air dominance technology in comparison to other countries. Thus, it isn't a stretch to imagine US black air dominance projects having technology sufficiently advanced which would be indistinguishable from "magic" to the average person; no different than taking a smartphone to someone 40 years ago.

Couple caveats. Bear in mind, I am referring to the new fundamental technology. There have certainly been a lot of cool technology released, think looking through a platform and targeting with only your eye balls, but that isn't really fundamental. One could certainly make the argument of AI being a fundamental new technology. I would agree. There have been whispers of AI being developed 20-30 years ago for black project design and cyber capabilities.

2) While it is almost a statistical certainty that there is other (intelligent) life in the universe, there is almost the same statistical certainty that such alien life is not traveling to Earth via propulsion. Propulsion, liberally defined as any technology which moves a physical object through spacetime (could be wrap drives, not just our caveman oxidizing chemicals via Newton's third law propulsion), is utterly insufficient for intergalactic travel. Thus, any alien visiting Earth would be doing so via interdimensional travel. Documented UFO technology is obviously moving through spacetime vs interdimensional. Thus, we can safely rule out aliens traveling to Earth via observed UFO technology.

The most generous argument for aliens intervention would be interdimensional aliens technology dropping for the US military and no one else.

While I disagree with parts of this post, it is well thought out and logically sound. I would expect nothing less from you because i know from your posting history dating back many years that you are both intelligent and educated.

The Tic Tac craft and the Orbs in transparent squares both exhibit a total lack of a heat signature. As you know, this not only rules out any means of propulsion known to the public on Earth...more amazingly it rules out the crafts encountering ANY friction from the air that they are moving thru in our atmosphere...which is far more amazing. The SR71 blackbird you mentioned has a canopy made of perfect quartz crystal an inch thick...because we couldnt produce any kind of glass that could hold up to the heat created from air friction above mach3...and even that inch thick canopy got so hot that it would burn the pilots if they touched it with bare hands at those speeds. The tic tac craft for example is shown on camera and FLIR accelerating straight up towards space from zero to at least 20 times the speed of sound instantly. Gone in fractions of a second. That means these craft have to be enveloped in some type of field where they do not actually touch our atmosphere....or the whole craft would glow white hot approaching those speeds despite no visible means of propulsion. That isnt technology a decade or 2 ahead of what is known to science....that is completely rewriting the standard model of physics. That breaks many different accepted laws. Its hundreds of years ahead of anything on Earth if not thousands. Most of the literature i have read suggests that these craft have harnessed and are therefore unaffected by gravity itself, electromagnetism, or both of those known forces in the universe. The only 2 forces as you know that are not just at the atomic level....like weak and strong nuclear forces.

Another theory about these craft is that they are not from another place at all....but rather from another time. Somewhere in the future where technology has not only mastered gravity etc...but also time travel. A solid logical case can be built for this assessment, and at least we know for sure that the future actually exists. We do not know that the human race will be around to see various points in the future...but we can be pretty certain that the future itself does actually exist based on our experiences of the past and time being linear. This differs from the theory of mastering gravity or magnetism. Humanity (or anyone else) ever mastering either of those 2 forces to the point that they can create crafts which can move in an insane manner is not something we have any certainty of whatsoever...as those 2 things are so far out of reach and in conflict with so much of the standard model and our current understanding of the universe around us that until recently they were only discussed in fiction by the likes of Heinlein and Asimov. We dont even know how to begin trying to make machines that could harness or change those 2 forces...in fact we have almost zero understanding of HOW they work much less WHY. I personally think there might be merit to these craft coming from another time or dimension altogether....but even then once they are here they still have to deal with the same gravity problem here on earth squashing any living thing inside those craft into a puddle of pink goo when accelerating at the velocities we have recorded. They also still have to have the aforementioned technology to generate ZERO heat compared to their surroundings while traveling thru our atmosphere at insane speeds where they should be encountering incredible amounts of friction. Those 2 physics shattering problems still have to be dealt with once a craft arrives here on Earth regardless of where or when they came from...

I just cannot fathom that our government has acquired the means to absolutely turn science and our entire understanding of the universe around us completely on its head...like "throw out every physics book on the planet" style...and yet nobody else on Earth knows about it. At all. Not a single retired scientist, not the ever spying Chicoms that have stolen pretty much every single design our military has had in the last 50 years (NASA too) nobody. I think that idea is FAR more preposterous to believe than simply believing we have been visited regularly by a spacefaring race from somewhere when like you said, it is a virtual certainty that there is other intelligent lifeforms out there. Probably lots of them actually. While the universe is unimaginably huge and we seem to kinda be out in the weeds...it is also unimaginably full of earthlike planets and likely other advanced civilizations. In short, i think Occams razor falls on the side of aliens. Not on the side of our notoriously inept government which hasnt even been able to put a man back on the moon for 50 years also simultaneously making incredible advances that are hundreds or thousands of years ahead of everyone else on this planet.
Sure. Large urban areas are bound to have some sightings; especially considering all the extra possible explanatory phenomena happening around densely populated areas and the sheer number of possible observers. However, when adjusting sightings for per capita, rural areas, military bases, and test ranges are the hot spots.

They end up being the exact same question, just proposed slightly differently. Essentially, the crux of the issue is whether UFO technology (tic-tac and others) are a result of human-only US black projects or a result of aliens/alien-assisted technology drop?

There are two main persuasive arguments for the former:

1) The US military white platforms are still propelling US military dominance via cutting-edge technology. This is astonishing given the fact that there hasn't been a fundamentally new US military white technology released in over 40 years; stealth technology was developed in the 70's. For the most part, we have been recycling, slightly modifying, and repurposing old technology to meet the needs of new platforms as time progressed. This is especially true of aircraft technology with respect to speed. The SR-71 is still the fastest air-breathing (white) plane despite being developed in the late 50's and early 60's.

Within the last 40 years, US black projects have had virtually unlimited budgets, the smartest engineers, and the best supercomputers (also black projects) to develop new fundamental technological advances. It should also be noted, that the US places supreme importance on air dominance technology in comparison to other countries. Thus, it isn't a stretch to imagine US black air dominance projects having technology sufficiently advanced which would be indistinguishable from "magic" to the average person; no different than taking a smartphone to someone 40 years ago.

Couple caveats. Bear in mind, I am referring to the new fundamental technology. There have certainly been a lot of cool technology released, think looking through a platform and targeting with only your eye balls, but that isn't really fundamental. One could certainly make the argument of AI being a fundamental new technology. I would agree. There have been whispers of AI being developed 20-30 years ago for black project design and cyber capabilities.

2) While it is almost a statistical certainty that there is other (intelligent) life in the universe, there is almost the same statistical certainty that such alien life is not traveling to Earth via propulsion. Propulsion, liberally defined as any technology which moves a physical object through spacetime (could be wrap drives, not just our caveman oxidizing chemicals via Newton's third law propulsion), is utterly insufficient for intergalactic travel. Thus, any alien visiting Earth would be doing so via interdimensional travel. Documented UFO technology is obviously moving through spacetime vs interdimensional. Thus, we can safely rule out aliens traveling to Earth via observed UFO technology.

The most generous argument for aliens intervention would be interdimensional aliens technology dropping for the US military and no one else.
A couple of points...

I don't know the numbers, but I'm sure there are more sightings around military targets. My point was there's more urban sightings that you may be not be aware of. They seem very interested in our nuclear installations.

No doubt there's technology we haven't seen that the black ops are working on, no one disputes that (and their enormous off the books budget), my point is simply there's such a difference between what we have and what is being witnessed. Again, it's fair to point out the huge jump we made starting around the 1940s to present day. Compare it to the rest of human history, and thats a short time frame.

To your point about propulsion, "they" are somehow manipulating gravity and spacetime. I'm no scientist, but I'd imagine wormholes are used, that way travel is instantaneous. That's why they can blink in and out in a flash. If you believe the Bob Lazar story, Element 115 was used. I'm not sure why you think they couldn't create a wormhole that way, but again I'm no expert. If you know more than me about it, great.

As far as why they're here, that's all conjecture. I have no idea, but there's too many whistle-blowers and former military that have went on the record for me to believe it's all a hoax or manmade. Some believe they are us from the future. I have a feeling it's not just a simple black or white answer, and our military will never be honest. However, if the technology is ours, a lot of our problems with energy are over with.

One thing I question is the timing of the military discussing it now.
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While I disagree with parts of this post, it is well thought out and logically sound. I would expect nothing less from you because i know from your posting history dating back many years that you are both intelligent and educated.

The Tic Tac craft and the Orbs in transparent squares both exhibit a total lack of a heat signature. As you know, this not only rules out any means of propulsion known to the public on Earth...more amazingly it rules out the crafts encountering ANY friction from the air that they are moving thru in our atmosphere...which is far more amazing. The SR71 blackbird you mentioned has a canopy made of perfect quartz crystal an inch thick...because we couldnt produce any kind of glass that could hold up to the heat created from air friction above mach3...and even that inch thick canopy got so hot that it would burn the pilots if they touched it with bare hands at those speeds. The tic tac craft for example is shown on camera and FLIR accelerating straight up towards space from zero to at least 20 times the speed of sound instantly. Gone in fractions of a second. That means these craft have to be enveloped in some type of field where they do not actually touch our atmosphere....or the whole craft would glow white hot approaching those speeds despite no visible means of propulsion. That isnt technology a decade or 2 ahead of what is known to science....that is completely rewriting the standard model of physics. That breaks many different accepted laws. Its hundreds of years ahead of anything on Earth if not thousands. Most of the literature i have read suggests that these craft have harnessed and are therefore unaffected by gravity itself, electromagnetism, or both of those known forces in the universe. The only 2 forces as you know that are not just at the atomic level....like weak and strong nuclear forces.

Another theory about these craft is that they are not from another place at all....but rather from another time. Somewhere in the future where technology has not only mastered gravity etc...but also time travel. A solid logical case can be built for this assessment, and at least we know for sure that the future actually exists. We do not know that the human race will be around to see various points in the future...but we can be pretty certain that the future itself does actually exist based on our experiences of the past and time being linear. This differs from the theory of mastering gravity or magnetism. Humanity (or anyone else) ever mastering either of those 2 forces to the point that they can create crafts which can move in an insane manner is not something we have any certainty of whatsoever...as those 2 things are so far out of reach and in conflict with so much of the standard model and our current understanding of the universe around us that until recently they were only discussed in fiction by the likes of Heinlein and Asimov. We dont even know how to begin trying to make machines that could harness or change those 2 forces...in fact we have almost zero understanding of HOW they work much less WHY. I personally think there might be merit to these craft coming from another time or dimension altogether....but even then once they are here they still have to deal with the same gravity problem here on earth squashing any living thing inside those craft into a puddle of pink goo when accelerating at the velocities we have recorded. They also still have to have the aforementioned technology to generate ZERO heat compared to their surroundings while traveling thru our atmosphere at insane speeds where they should be encountering incredible amounts of friction. Those 2 physics shattering problems still have to be dealt with once a craft arrives here on Earth regardless of where or when they came from...

I just cannot fathom that our government has acquired the means to absolutely turn science and our entire understanding of the universe around us completely on its head...like "throw out every physics book on the planet" style...and yet nobody else on Earth knows about it. At all. Not a single retired scientist, not the ever spying Chicoms that have stolen pretty much every single design our military has had in the last 50 years (NASA too) nobody. I think that idea is FAR more preposterous to believe than simply believing we have been visited regularly by a spacefaring race from somewhere when like you said, it is a virtual certainty that there is other intelligent lifeforms out there. Probably lots of them actually. While the universe is unimaginably huge and we seem to kinda be out in the weeds...it is also unimaginably full of earthlike planets and likely other advanced civilizations. In short, i think Occams razor falls on the side of aliens. Not on the side of our notoriously inept government which hasnt even been able to put a man back on the moon for 50 years also simultaneously making incredible advances that are hundreds or thousands of years ahead of everyone else on this planet.

You beat me to a lot of what I posted. There's some interesting things on the moon too.

Another point I forgot to make is if we did recover crashes from another civilization, not only would the military hide and study it they would seed it to various contractors.
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You beat me to a lot of what I posted. There's some interesting things on the moon too.

Another point I forgot to make is if we did recover crashes from another civilization, not only would the military hide and study it they would seed it to various contractors.

Good posts man. All the way around. I enjoy this thread and always keep an eye on it. These craft are absolutely interested in our nuclear sites...the USAF made public telecasts about when they even simultaneously shut down 10 different silos on the same site from "a craft in the sky". No 2 silos had ever malfunctioned at the same time before because each are necessarily completely separate. They said it was incredibly rare that even 1 silo would ever have any problems. Largely because they were so LOW tech that they are basically mechanical in nature and predate computers. Theres nothing there to malfunction basically. Theres also 1st person testimonials from military and scientists about UFO craft actually shooting down one of our ballistic missiles that we were testing by flying circles around it as it flew at many times the speed of sound and shooting it with what looked like a "beam" style weapon. It was completely destroyed mid flight. If you do some digging you can find more info about it even on youtube.

While I tend to disagree with PKT apparently about this topic, he is an extremely intelligent dude and has far more formal education than I have. I never attended a university and am largely self educated but this particular subject is one that i have long been interested in. There are some amazing videos on youtube, amazon, and netflix as well as a dearth of information in written form available on the web. I think this has also contributed greatly to the government releasing more info lately simply because people in general are far more educated about UFOs, and if the polls are to be believed more than 50% of this country currently believes we have been visited by aliens. The excuse for hiding and covering up UFOs that " the public would panic and fall apart" has been shown to be a farce since more than half of us already believe in aliens coming here.

Bear with me in what I post here guys. I am certainly not an expert on any of this stuff...I am just a citizen scientist that tries to stay grounded in logic and reason. I appreciate everyone elses opinions here and look forward to any info yall come across whether old or new. I find it fascinating. Btw...there is a video on amazon that shows the audio from our astronauts that was not public when on the moon. They openly talk repeatedly about "visitors were here again" even though they were THE 1st and only humans on the moon at that point. Also about the "music" they all heard for hours on the far side of the moon...which is very weird and eerie. It scared the crap out of our astronauts, and the audio as well as transcripts are there in the video. It was very eye opening for me. There are also MANY objects/craft that flew right past them and are on NASA video....again while we were in space and on the moon for the very 1st time and satellites nor space junk even existed yet. Crazy stuff.
Good posts man. All the way around. I enjoy this thread and always keep an eye on it. These craft are absolutely interested in our nuclear sites...the USAF made public telecasts about when they even simultaneously shut down 10 different silos on the same site from "a craft in the sky". No 2 silos had ever malfunctioned at the same time before because each are necessarily completely separate. They said it was incredibly rare that even 1 silo would ever have any problems. Largely because they were so LOW tech that they are basically mechanical in nature and predate computers. Theres nothing there to malfunction basically. Theres also 1st person testimonials from military and scientists about UFO craft actually shooting down one of our ballistic missiles that we were testing by flying circles around it as it flew at many times the speed of sound and shooting it with what looked like a "beam" style weapon. It was completely destroyed mid flight. If you do some digging you can find more info about it even on youtube.

While I tend to disagree with PKT apparently about this topic, he is an extremely intelligent dude and has far more formal education than I have. I never attended a university and am largely self educated but this particular subject is one that i have long been interested in. There are some amazing videos on youtube, amazon, and netflix as well as a dearth of information in written form available on the web. I think this has also contributed greatly to the government releasing more info lately simply because people in general are far more educated about UFOs, and if the polls are to be believed more than 50% of this country currently believes we have been visited by aliens. The excuse for hiding and covering up UFOs that " the public would panic and fall apart" has been shown to be a farce since more than half of us already believe in aliens coming here.

Bear with me in what I post here guys. I am certainly not an expert on any of this stuff...I am just a citizen scientist that tries to stay grounded in logic and reason. I appreciate everyone elses opinions here and look forward to any info yall come across whether old or new. I find it fascinating. Btw...there is a video on amazon that shows the audio from our astronauts that was not public when on the moon. They openly talk repeatedly about "visitors were here again" even though they were THE 1st and only humans on the moon at that point. Also about the "music" they all heard for hours on the far side of the moon...which is very weird and eerie. It scared the crap out of our astronauts, and the audio as well as transcripts are there in the video. It was very eye opening for me. There are also MANY objects/craft that flew right past them and are on NASA video....again while we were in space and on the moon for the very 1st time and satellites nor space junk even existed yet. Crazy stuff.

I try to keep UAP stuff that is more political in this one and over to pub thread for other stuff. It seems the good people in .gov has hit a brick wall on this topic and has stalled. If one day this turns out to be non human tech and earth is being visited. The people that are holding this information from normal people like myself are still alive they should be hung.
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I try to keep UAP stuff that is more political in this one and over to pub thread for other stuff. It seems the good people in .gov has hit a brick wall on this topic and has stalled. If one day this turns out to be non human tech and earth is being visited. The people that are holding this information from normal people like myself are still alive they should be hung.

Thanks bud. I didnt know there was a thread in the pub. Dont usually venture in there. Posts in the PF do not have to be political or involve the government in any way though. We kinda have our own little ecosystem in here lol. Anything that affects Americans is fair game, and everyone here usually gets along well despite having opposing views politically. The Gramps OT thread is more or less our watercooler type thread where the only rule is NO politics or butthead comments allowed haha. Feel free to post anything UFO/UAP related here bud...and don't be a stranger to the PF. Lots of the guys here have eachothers emails and even phone numbers etc. Some really good posters in here though the PF regulars admittedly tend to be a little older and more conservative in their views than VN in general. Thanks for posting here and GO VOLS. I look forward to hearing from you and everyone else in the future.
This video is a repost from the thread in the pub...but just interested to hear what the naysayers have to say about this guys expert eyewitness testimony. He was only trusted so much by our government 15 plus years AFTER filling out ISN reports about his first encounter with "saucer shaped craft that could operate at higher altitudes and greater speed than anything we had to fly" that they selected him as 1 of the men we sent into space on the Mercury missions.

Listen to his testimony about the craft that could "move laterally instantly" when we were still flying F86 in 1952 over Europe. Thats right at the beginning, there is plenty more.

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Looks like Grusch is finally going to talk in a SCIF.
Interesting. I watched an interview with Burchett the other day where he said people are still running interference and he’s still not getting anywhere. He specifically called out Marco Rubio as someone that stood him up for a lunch meeting over this stuff.
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