'19 TN ILB Christopher Russell (Texas A&M signee)

I’m being told now that there may not even be a Tennessee or Auburn hat to be found.
So if it is just verbal, then he can change at any time. Nothing is in stone till he signs the papers. Unless he has morals and doesn't want to go back on his word. Oh well, it is what it is.

Wasn't he committed to Memphis at one point?
Chavis never put the pressure on. Pruitt and company didn’t put the pressure on, it was Fisher. The tactics were that he kept asking him to commit on the spot. He kept on and on and on, until he silently committed.
We did put on pressure though. So much that CJP burned his in-home to try and get Chris before ESD. Something else had to have happened.
You realize you're saying Russell is so weak-minded he can't make his own decisions, right? I don't believe that, but if it were the case, I'm glad he chose elsewhere.
It sounds like he took the bait/money and now there is no backing out. UT coaches probably called him out.

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