This is positive stuff

Asking out of ignorance, but doesn't attrition reflect in the APR? If not, don't want those who don't want to be here!
- your reply to me

"Good grief! This isn't HARD to understand." - Your reply to another poster.

You are condescending and so positive that you understand things that others do not...yes, I imagine they attack you.
No. I am positive that I have a reason for saying and believing what I do. When someone attacks me personally or throws some smart aleck un-reasoned response at me... then my responses may well come off as condescending. Sorry about that... It would just be nice if some of these guys reasoned rather than reacted.

Just pretend, by some crazy misfire in the universe, that I am correct...

All of the posters are smart enough to know that there are several possiblities for a players departure but also understood that Travis gave the most common.
READ THE THREAD. If "all" of the posters are that smart then they are defying their own intelligence by what they're posting.

Now in this wild scenerio of everyone understanding, only 1 poster felt the need to point out (in argumentative form) these other possibilities.
So I should assume that people believe things contrary to what they actually post because you think that is far more "reasonable" than disagreeing with them in a forum where "argument" is pretty much part and parcel to whole concept.

If my theory is correct, then said posters would feel insulted and weary of your assumptions.
So unless I agree with YOUR assumption against what these other posters LITERALLY wrote in this thread...

Just read the thread. You ASSUMED. I just read what they wrote.
No. I am positive that I have a reason for saying and believing what I do. When someone attacks me personally or throws some smart aleck un-reasoned response at me... then my responses may well come off as condescending. Sorry about that... It would just be nice if some of these guys reasoned rather than reacted.

READ THE THREAD. If "all" of the posters are that smart then they are defying their own intelligence by what they're posting.

So I should assume that people believe things contrary to what they actually post because you think that is far more "reasonable" than disagreeing with them in a forum where "argument" is pretty much part and parcel to whole concept.

So unless I agree with YOUR assumption against what these other posters LITERALLY wrote in this thread...

Just read the thread. You ASSUMED. I just read what they wrote.

Or, I got the gist. Which was the entire point.
It's a fanboard. "they couldn't hack it" = most common reason.
Your entire post to NashVol (or close) about not being able to work with someone is not being the same as "can't hack it"
What if they were asked - "Couldn't you hack playing with/for that guy for 4 years given all the opportunities?"

Response: "Nah, I couldn't hack that"

You are being extremely literal for a board. Which could be seen as good but if you expect everyone else to be and base your debates off these expectations, most discussions will go as this thread has.
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Or, I got the gist. Which was the entire point.
I have no doubt that you pretty much agreed with me... and am confused why you chose to argue with me. The only thing I see that we disagree on is a fact- that some here have insisted on that one reason for players leaving.

It's a fanboard. "they couldn't hack it" = most common reason.
Words... You lectured me about making assumptions and now because I didn't make the one you think I should have.
Your entire post to NashVol (or close) about not being able to work with someone is not being the same as "can't hack it"
NO. I could have stayed at my previous job until I retired. I had more than enough ability to do the job. I CHOSE to leave because I thought there was something better for me out there. That company was a "good" company. I liked my boss but not some of the other management.

They didn't cut me nor did I leave because I couldn't hack it or because they were "recruiting over" me.

What if they were asked - "Couldn't you hack playing with/for that guy for 4 years given all the opportunities?"

Response: "Nah, I couldn't hack that"
Hendrix said before going very silent that he didn't like the way he was talked to. Of course many here just mocked him and accused him of not being able to "hack it". He could have stayed. The staff probably "heard" him. He chose to leave.

You are being extremely literal for a board. Which could be seen as good but if you expect everyone else to be and base your debates off these expectations, most discussions will go as this thread has.

So 34 made a statement. I made a polite response in disagreement. You and others then took up the charge to "put me in my place"... and you end up here. Read this thread... and the false accusations I responded to. Hit the links I posted above.

Generally you seem to be a pretty fair guy. I don't believe you are concerning this.
I have no doubt that you pretty much agreed with me... and am confused why you chose to argue with me. The only thing I see that we disagree on is a fact- that some here have insisted on that one reason for players leaving.

Words... You lectured me about making assumptions and now because I didn't make the one you think I should have.
NO. I could have stayed at my previous job until I retired. I had more than enough ability to do the job. I CHOSE to leave because I thought there was something better for me out there. That company was a "good" company. I liked my boss but not some of the other management.

They didn't cut me nor did I leave because I couldn't hack it or because they were "recruiting over" me.

Hendrix said before going very silent that he didn't like the way he was talked to. Of course many here just mocked him and accused him of not being able to "hack it". He could have stayed. The staff probably "heard" him. He chose to leave.

So 34 made a statement. I made a polite response in disagreement. You and others then took up the charge to "put me in my place"... and you end up here. Read this thread... and the false accusations I responded to. Hit the links I posted above.

Generally you seem to be a pretty fair guy. I don't believe you are concerning this.

Thanks, but I will give one last shot and then leave you be:
" I made a polite response in disagreement."

You started your first post with "Despite your 63 likes"
(Or close, I didn't go back for the exact number)
You love your job examples so...

Do you start conversations with you superiors with
"Despite how many people like you" ?

Do you engage a new employee with
"Despite how many people like you" ?

Who does that and thinks it's "polite"?

It sounded like a teenage girl upset that her older, prettier sister was getting all the attention.

That probably sounded bad.
Sorry, that's not me being insulting but trying to point out what other people are seeing.

I appreciate your insight on things. Wts, I engage in debates almost nightly, yet very rare is the occasion that I am called a name or "attacked".
Feel free to check my posts, read the debates and see for yourself. You are a smart guy, if you check, draw your own conclusion as to why I and so many others can do this.
Thanks, but I will give one last shot and then leave you be:
" I made a polite response in disagreement."

You started your first post with "Despite your 63 likes"
(Or close, I didn't go back for the exact number)
You love your job examples so...
I did not mean that to be offensive but rather defensive. Many here are pretty impressed with their "likes". Sorry for that misstatement or misunderstanding.

Do you start conversations with you superiors with
"Despite how many people like you" ?
Maybe not in those exact words but I am willing to challenge people. I've kind of locked horns right now with an "Ivory Tower" manager over some local pricing/costs. He outranks me but I think he's costing the company money and am pushing him for an answer as to why he thinks differently.

Do you engage a new employee with
"Despite how many people like you" ?

Who does that and thinks it's "polite"?
You've parsed one part of a pretty benign disagreement. I didn't mean what you "assumed".

It sounded like a teenage girl upset that her older, prettier sister was getting all the attention.
:lolabove: I do not compare to 34... and have no jealousy over the respect he gets.

That probably sounded bad.
Sorry, that's not me being insulting but trying to point out what other people are seeing.
Thanks. Sincerely. It is hard to always convey feelings and attitudes and especially when disagreeing in writing. It didn't sound bad... it was a good use of analogy.

I appreciate your insight on things. Wts, I engage in debates almost nightly, yet very rare is the occasion that I am called a name or "attacked".
Feel free to check my posts, read the debates and see for yourself. You are a smart guy, if you check, draw your own conclusion as to why I and so many others can do this.
I have a habit of not letting go when someone won't answer. Whether a flaw or a strength or both... it is something that I do instinctively. The more disagreeable or unreasoning a person becomes... the more doggedly I am likely to pursue them.

All in all, I appreciate the tone you took here and the perspective. We don't have PM's anymore but please feel free to "check" me like this anytime.:hi:
Wow! Chill out folks! Xanax is usually just a call away and almost always covered on insurance. Go do something productive tonight instead of arguing with one of the best Vols to ever suit up in Orange. Slow deep breaths. By the way 34, thank you and I completely agree with you. You gotta work hard and handle criticism in a positive way to earn your time sometimes.
I thought these types of childish breakdowns of threads were the very things that Freak politely requested stop on this board. Debate is one thing; schoolyard bickering is another. I know there are those that start these types of arguments more than others, but please, quit making a mockery of an honest post by a poster that has far more insight than any other on this site. The name calling and silliness can be moved to another thread.
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I don't like making threads. Just know, what is happening on rocky top is positive and exciting. These recruit transfers that is happening is positive. This occurs because they are getting out recruited. This exposes the lack of competitiveness of some of these young guys, yet excels the competitiveness everywhere else. If your soft now, wait til things get tough. The reason why y'all are freakin is because it has been so long since we have been back to this stage, a stage of top flight recruits and back to the winning ways. This will happen every year and be happy for it. It could be, the soft guys stay, and we got no other better recruits to replace them with, such as when coach DD was here. If players that are buried in depth aren't transferring, and coaches aren't being pursued then your not doing something right.

Good point; like Kamara transferring away from Bama.
I wonder...when sjt isn't making one of his 26,000 posts...if he isn't doing his best Judge Reinhold impersonation from Fast Times at Ridgement High. He seems to have a lot of time on his "hands."
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Anyone know what Travis Stephens was rated coming out of HS?

Not sure if they had stars back then but as someone that watched him when he was in high school the guy was as highly ranked as they come. To this day if you're decent playing ball in Clarksville you're automatically compared to him.

I was a 1st team all state cornerback, but if TS was playing on my team I'd served him a Gatorade bottle after he scored.
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Not sure if they had stars back then but as someone that watched him when he was in high school the guy was as highly ranked as they come. To this day if you're decent playing ball in Clarksville you're automatically compared to him.

I was a 1st team all state cornerback, but if TS was playing on my team I'd served him a Gatorade bottle after he scored.
Oh alright, and that's funny stuff.
He's on the VN football board.

I'm not sure I'm following you on that?
dude, the claim that all of the kids leaving or thinking about leaving just couldn't hack it... Is all but certain to be false regardless of who says it. I can't say why 34 would suggest that. Maybe he's just being comforting or trying to rationalize it himself. These aren't catastrophic losses and if you'd paid any attention at all to my recent posts you'd have known i believe that.

Players leave for various reasons... Not just because they couldn't hack it.

Dude, don't compound your overreaction with a lie. There are people doing some serious handwringing right now over these kids leaving and the coaching change(s). I ain't one of 'em. I'm very simply pointing out that being "soft" isn't the only reason someone might leave the program.

I even used a personal example where things looked good when i hired someone but then didn't line up afterwards. We didn't change. I don't think she intentionally cultivated expectations that didn't match the job we gave her. She's neither bad nor untalented because she's having trouble with the new job.

You people are sometimes amazingly afraid of anything that you actually have to think about to understand.

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I don't like making threads. Just know, what is happening on rocky top is positive and exciting. These recruit transfers that is happening is positive. This occurs because they are getting out recruited. This exposes the lack of competitiveness of some of these young guys, yet excels the competitiveness everywhere else. If your soft now, wait til things get tough. The reason why y'all are freakin is because it has been so long since we have been back to this stage, a stage of top flight recruits and back to the winning ways. This will happen every year and be happy for it. It could be, the soft guys stay, and we got no other better recruits to replace them with, such as when coach DD was here. If players that are buried in depth aren't transferring, and coaches aren't being pursued then your not doing something right.

This thread and quote needs to stay at the top and bring back to the top whenever we see the Negavols whining! Go Vols!
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