This can't all be coincidence...

Maybe I'm missing something, but wasn't this a UT plane? If I'm looking to leave my employer, UT, I'm not sure I'd advertise that by using the company plane? 2+2=5??

I'm surprised more haven't asked that rather than jumped straight into a panicked frenzy.
You can be complacent with Rosie though. Beyonce you will have to constantly work at and impress. 8-4 at Purdue will probably get you a lot of free lunches in town. But on Rocky top that will get you run out of town, or there will at least be pitch forks. There's a lot less stress with settling for Rosie and you're still making a nice fat paycheck either way.

8-4 gets you run out of town - unless you're Lane Kiffin. Then 7-6, leaving after a year, taunting us on twitter and to our fans' faces on our home field, earns you the chance to come back.
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8-4 gets you run out of town - unless you're Lane Kiffin. Then 7-6, leaving after a year, taunting us on twitter and to our fans' faces on our home field, earns you the chance to come back.

ungh, shots fired....
He's been working on his core,



Sooooo glad I'm alone in the office today!!!!
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We don't want Dave Hart making a single hire. Dude needs to get out.

Butch Jones isn't leaving for Purdue. That talk is crazy. He has a guarantee of 10 million if he doesn't walk. Who in their right mind, unless you're winning and you get some other major gig, would do such a thing? Not Butch! He is staying away from the media because he wants the emotion from the Vandy loss to die down. And yes, i believe he is scrambling to try and correct some things.

In his mind, he can't understand how he can go 8-4 and be in danger of losing his job. Welcome to the SEC Butch!
I say we let Butch go to Purdue. Row the boat to Western Michigan and get PJ Fleck if he's listening. Nothing to lose at this point.

What do you mean, like wave his buyout??

If he doesn't want to be here for Purdue then, yes. I question the legitimacy of this rumor. If Butch left for that job it would be a huge confirmation for his detractors that he wasn't a big time coach, and a big blow to his ego and infallible system.
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Butch will never win the east much less an SEC or National Championship and all you guys know it!!! Why wait? Kiffin would come back in a heartbeat but we are going to screw around with the life champion and lose out on him. Everybody knows Butch is gone next year. Why wait????

Because there nobody to fire Butch and hire a replacement.
Only jobs he might consider leaving us for would be Oregon...maybe Baylor. His agent could sell him as skilled at "reclamation projects". I can't see either of those program interested unless they get way down on their lists, particularly Oregon. Phil Knight doesn't have that many more years, no time to wait on Butch's 7-year plan.
We don't pay his butt $11,000 a day to build life championships. He says the dumbest things I've ever heard a coach say. It really didn't bother me at first but the more and more I hear it, it is starting to make me sick.

Clearly, you missed the Dooley speech about Hygiene.
1. Butch is no where to be found, supposedly recruiting.

2. No tweet at all from Butch concerning the Gatlinburg fire.

3. Two flights from Knoxville to Purdue University in the past few days.

4. Butch "shortening" his press conference after Vandy (this has been explained, but still a sketch move)

5. Losing 3 recruits in 30 minutes.

6. One of the recruits retweeting a tweet telling Butch to just leave....

We may very well be looking for another coach at a terrible time to be doing so. Anyone else think this is all just coincidence?

Maybe Butch is butt hurt from all the mean fans. Probably hiding out.
Supposedly, Butch is in Jackson trying desperately to convince Trey Smith to commit to Vols over Bama. Smith announces on the 6th or 7th, I believe. So a week from now we'll have a pretty good idea as to whether Butch is going to be able to turn this recruiting class around. Also, the BOT meets in Nashville on the 15th and will probably go ahead and install the chancellor so that everything will be in place to hire a new AD. Whatever is happening now is probably the result of the staff throwing out lifelines. Whatever happens after December 15 will not be up to Butch.
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There wasn't a lot of talent on defense this year....and our offense, statistically had one of its best seasons in a long, long time. If you average 36 points a game you could expect to win most games, unless you are playing with mostly 2nd and 3rd stringers on defense. It was just a crazy season for us, we could have easily went 6-6, or 10-1 and ended up right in the middle. Not what we wanted for sure, but as much as some of you don't want to accept it, the amount of injuries derailed our season. Is Butch the guy? We still don't know. I'm not defending opinions either way, but there is no benefit to all the negativity. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I don't think your anti-Vol if you feel like Butch should be replaced, I just think we should put the pitchforks away. Our most important move right now is getting the right person in as AD.
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The happy ending is to name a intern coach and wait until the new ad is in place...and continue to wait until we have the right coach

Something tells me that you are not a donor or season ticket holder if you are willing to throw away a interim coach year but still pay the piper (AD):hi::hi:

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