This can't all be coincidence...

The competition level this year was MUCH lower (exception Bama) than we have had in previous years.

SEC East was down. We didn't win it.

We were LUCKY to survive UGA(I'll take it) and APPY State...we survived Appy State...that is sad.

The same injured team that beat Misery and Kensucky, for some reason couldn't beat USCjr and Vandy.

Face it, this was our year and we blew it. Next year, I see us 4-8 to 6-6 best case.
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The competition level this year was MUCH lower (exception Bama) than we have had in previous years.

SEC East was down. We didn't win it.

We were LUCKY to survive UGA(I'll take it) and APPY State...we survived Appy State...that is sad.

The same injured team that beat Misery and Kensucky, for some reason couldn't beat USCjr and Vandy.

Face it, this was our year and we blew it. Next year, I see us 4-8 to 6-6 best case.

There is no excuse to lose to SC coming off of a bye. That was bad enough.

To cap off the season with a loss to Vanderbilt (and that CRAZY homefield advantage they have) is absurd.
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I say we let Butch go to Purdue. Row the boat to Western Michigan and get PJ Fleck if he's listening. Nothing to lose at this point.

Nothing to lose?

Don't forget the bowl game, although it's meaningless to the NC, it is not when it comes to when is the last time we won 3 bowls in a row?

Butch may leave on his on, he may stay, or he may get fired, what else is there? As long as he is here I'm gonna hope for the best for the effort he has put into our program.

I'm not sure who the insiders are but if you just a fan(like me), with no idea what has gone on behind the doors and are just posting rumors and other garbage, please realize that's all you got, rumors and garbage.

Get it together Butch!

Go Vols!
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The competition level this year was MUCH lower (exception Bama) than we have had in previous years.

SEC East was down. We didn't win it.

We were LUCKY to survive UGA(I'll take it) and APPY State...we survived Appy State...that is sad.

The same injured team that beat Misery and Kensucky, for some reason couldn't beat USCjr and Vandy.

Face it, this was our year and we blew it. Next year, I see us 4-8 to 6-6 best case.

I think you underestimate our redshirt QB. Defense will fix itself by getting healthy and another year worth of development.

Florida and Ga are both on a downward spiral so it boils down to bama and LSU. My money is on the Vols. 11-1 SEC east.

Let go win a bowl game and get ready for NSD.

Go Vols!
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1. Butch is no where to be found, supposedly recruiting.

2. No tweet at all from Butch concerning the Gatlinburg fire.

3. Two flights from Knoxville to Purdue University in the past few days.

4. Butch "shortening" his press conference after Vandy (this has been explained, but still a sketch move)

5. Losing 3 recruits in 30 minutes.

6. One of the recruits retweeting a tweet telling Butch to just leave....

We may very well be looking for another coach at a terrible time to be doing so. Anyone else think this is all just coincidence?
Maybe there is a coach at Purdue he wants to hire
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Flight paths are a joke. Alot of AD and coaches meet to discuss job openings in random towns not to their schools. That way people don't start freaking out one way or another when someone catches an eye of said coach walking into AD at schools office.
There is no happy ending here.

Butch leaves and we have nobody to hire his replacement.
Butch stays and he's a lame duck coach at best.

The happy ending is to name a intern coach and wait until the new ad is in place...and continue to wait until we have the right coach
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Butch will never win the east much less an SEC or National Championship and all you guys know it!!! Why wait? Kiffin would come back in a heartbeat but we are going to screw around with the life champion and lose out on him. Everybody knows Butch is gone next year. Why wait????
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Butch will never win the east much less an SEC or National Championship and all you guys know it!!! Why wait? Kiffin would come back in a heartbeat but we are going to screw around with the life champion and lose out on him. Everybody knows Butch is gone next year. Why wait????

Kiffin will never be back at Tennessee.
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We don't pay his butt $11,000 a day to build life championships. He says the dumbest things I've ever heard a coach say. It really didn't bother me at first but the more and more I hear it, it is starting to make me sick.
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Butchy leaving Rockytop for Purdue is like leaving Beyoncé for Rosie O'Donnell

You can be complacent with Rosie though. Beyonce you will have to constantly work at and impress. 8-4 at Purdue will probably get you a lot of free lunches in town. But on Rocky top that will get you run out of town, or there will at least be pitch forks. There's a lot less stress with settling for Rosie and you're still making a nice fat paycheck either way.
Kiffin will never be back at Tennessee.

Never say never. I never thought Saban would come back to college and especially to ALABAMA! I never thought Kiffin would be back in the SEC especially to ALABAMA! I never thought Orgeron would be a head coach again especially in the SEC. Crazier things have happened.
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Maybe I'm missing something, but wasn't this a UT plane? If I'm looking to leave my employer, UT, I'm not sure I'd advertise that by using the company plane? 2+2=5??
Maybe I'm missing something, but wasn't this a UT plane? If I'm looking to leave my employer, UT, I'm not sure I'd advertise that by using the company plane? 2+2=5??

Maybe UT said, "Hey Butch use our plane if you think you can get the job, We'll pay for the fuel and pilots".
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You guys are FREAKING RIDICULOUS!!!!! Chill the h.ll OUT!!! Our coaches are recruiting their a$$e$ off. The Gaddy twins as stated multiple times have academic issues. You happen to think Butch and Co. may have "suggested" they look around?'s too easy to push the PANIC button! The Cotham was a soft commitment to begin with. You guys get on here and post such garbage about our program and our have NO IDEA how much 17/18 year old kids read your garbage! What a great fan base!!! I'm sure rival schools love it and use it against us as well! Keep up the good work fans!!!
Don't call these "fire butch" posters fans. They really are clueless and many of us who oppose them do it for the university in case some recruits would read some of the madness that gets posted on here. It does happen at every school.:twocents:
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Maybe I'm missing something, but wasn't this a UT plane? If I'm looking to leave my employer, UT, I'm not sure I'd advertise that by using the company plane? 2+2=5??

A plane ride or 10 million, which is the better deal?
Maybe I'm missing something, but wasn't this a UT plane? If I'm looking to leave my employer, UT, I'm not sure I'd advertise that by using the company plane? 2+2=5??

Maybe look at Purdue's coaching staff? Like OL coach, DB coach? Looks like a couple of them could have crossed Butch's or DeBord's paths in the past.
Fahr Butch!!!

This post brought to you by a True Fan of 36 years who happens to be an alumnus.

Exactly! He calls us clueless and I call him delusional! I guess if you like 8-4, 7-5, 9-3, getting our butts handed to us by Alabama while they win championship after championship then ok. There's no way they can honestly believe Butch is championship caliber. Saban, kiffin, mcelwane, spurrier, petrino, etc...would have chewed up the east with our talent.
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I say we let Butch go to Purdue. Row the boat to Western Michigan and get PJ Fleck if he's listening. Nothing to lose at this point.
He's not listening and no one is talking anyway. That MAC ballplaying don't work in the SEC....just like the Big East. UT has a lot to lose if a new coach comes in and tries to install a new scheme. good try.. u talking just to be talking IMO.
Don't call these "fire butch" posters fans. They really are clueless and many of us who oppose them do it for the university in case some recruits would read some of the madness that gets posted on here. It does happen at every school.:twocents:

So we're not fans because we don't like mediocrity or accept ridiculous life championships? I will always love the University of Tennessee whether Derek Doolander or Botch Jones is the coach. The coaches are not the reason I love the University or why I'm so passionate about the Athletic Dept.

People don't have to agree. You like Coach Jones, I don't. I can guarantee you my passion for The University and our Athletic Dept is just as strong as yours, if not more. I'm a Tennessean. I'm a Volunteer. I'm a VFL.

Side note: If a recruit is swayed because of a message board then I hate to break it you you but more than likely it's NOT THE MESSAGE BOARD. Chance are he doesn't want to settle for mediocrity either.
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