The Weightlifters Thread



RIP SweetAsSoda, Captain of the Cheerleaders
Dec 6, 2009
Just seeing who else lifts on VN. I currently play highschool football and lift 4 days a week, on a lower/upper body plan. We power clean and squat on mondays and thurdsday, and bench press and various shoulder workouts on wednesday and friday. Also many people think football players in highschool are overworked, what do you all thing of this? Happy Lifting! :hi:
In the gym 5-6 days a week. Most important day today, legs day.

5'10.5" 225-230lbs depending on the time of day, 10-11ish% body fat (as best as I can guess)

I don't do 1RM's... Don't see the point other than lame-ass bragging rights.

Most of my sets tend to be 4x8's, I'll drop to 3-5 reps if I'm trying to put up more weight, 8-10 if I'm really feeling it.

Squat: usually in the neighborhood of 365lbs
Bench: 95-110lb dumbells (haven't done barbell in months)
Shrug: ~455lbs
Deadlift: 315

Just some general stuff, upper chest and shoulders can be difficult for me because of a bad rotator cuff and damaged cartilage in my left shoulder but I get it done.
3 days on, 1 off. I mostly do 5x5's and 2 body parts a day. Also I don't recommend doing barbell decline press, messed up my rotator cuff.
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In the gym 5-6 days a week. Most important day today, legs day.

5'10.5" 225-230lbs depending on the time of day, 10-11ish% body fat (as best as I can guess)

I don't do 1RM's... Don't see the point other than lame-ass bragging rights.
Most of my sets tend to be 4x8's, I'll drop to 3-5 reps if I'm trying to put up more weight, 8-10 if I'm really feeling it.

Squat: usually in the neighborhood of 365lbs
Bench: 95-110lb dumbells (haven't done barbell in months)
Shrug: ~455lbs
Deadlift: 315

Just some general stuff, upper chest and shoulders can be difficult for me because of a bad rotator cuff and damaged cartilage in my left shoulder but I get it done.

1RM's are mainly for bragging rights around the locker room. And Dumbbell benchpress... I've always heard it is an excellent lift. You like it more then barbell? why?
Just seeing who else lifts on VN. I currently play highschool football and lift 4 days a week, on a lower/upper body plan. We power clean and squat on mondays and thurdsday, and bench press and various shoulder workouts on wednesday and friday. Also many people think football players in highschool are overworked, what do you all thing of this? Happy Lifting! :hi:

Tell the Coach you're switching to Bow-Flex. That you want a real work out.
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I lift 6 days a week. I take Jack3d for my pre supp and cycle Novedex XT 8 weeks on 4 weeks off. I can bench 225 six times without a spotter. I go through a jug of Muscle Milk every couple weeks.
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Lift hardcore 2 days + 2 days of pure cardio. I am 29 with a full time job and a 2 year old. It's the best I can do. I'm at the gym at 4:50am 4 days a week, I take it pretty seriously. Respect to anyone that takes care of themselves.
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I lift 6 days a week. I take Jack3d for my pre supp and cycle Novedex XT 8 weeks on 4 weeks off. I can bench 225 six times without a spotter. I go through a jug of Muscle Milk every couple weeks.
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Not right now chief ..
I'm in the ****ing zone..
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Muscle Milk is the best tasting protein powder I've ever had. What does that in the zone quote mean?
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They sell Muscle Milk 18G at football. Best taste is Banana by FAR. I'm thinking about getting a membership at Gold's or Olympus.
Muscle milk tastes great and mixes well but it's a bit high in fat content for my tastes.

I use Optimum Nutrition protein, Jack3d, Cell Mass, Gaspari SizeOn and Animal Pak vitamins. Pretty simple stack.
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I got a couple sample packs of that size on stuff with my last order. Haven't tried it yet. How do you like it?
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Pretty well. Solid intra-workout cocktail, read up on it.

Tastes like french fries if you drink it at room temp...

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