The slaughter will continue....

An American candidate and President has called for open violence against people that protest him.

That is a problem.

He just told his opposers to "be careful."

You are worried about the mob drowning out people? It is your mob attempting to do that.

Last I checked, questioning authority and being a general ass concerning government was pretty American.

And you are better than the Dim nonsense. How are any of you ever going to get Democrats to agree with you if you constantly insult them?

First, I'd never take much of what Trump says literally. I saw a comment recently "Elect a clown, and you get a circus" - or something close to that. But if you've ever really looked at political action over the last few decades, orchestrated violence has not been something you'd associate with the GOP. Violence and mob rule have been a trademark of the very people who have hijacked the Democratic party.

I'm guessing what Trump was attempting to do was get the inactive GOP base off their collective butts and speak out about liberal violence and intolerance because a stroll back through history shows that complacent societies lose out to the radical elements in their midst, and it doesn't end well at all.

Where we do agree is that in general it has been an American trait to lean towards independence and to speak out against wrongs. Most of America got lazy with good times. We may speak about how poorly congress performs, but we don't actively work to replace "representatives" who aren't. We talk about term limits, but there's no action to make it happen, and congress isn't about to upset a cozy, incestuous relationship.

The vocal, activist, and violent groups are those who claim to be liberal or progressive. They claim "disadvantage" for any number of supposed ills and resort to mob violence and intolerance of anyone else. Their very actions - intolerance and hatred toward anyone else betray their claims. Those are the people who have taken over the Democratic Party and made it the Dimocratic party; and, yes, I'll reserve the right to ridicule that party for as long as people who claim to be Democrats allow it to happen.
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First, I'd never take much of what Trump says literally. I saw a comment recently "Elect a clown, and you get a circus" - or something close to that. But if you've ever really looked at political action over the last few decades, orchestrated violence has not been something you'd associate with the GOP. Violence and mob rule have been a trademark of the very people who have hijacked the Democratic party.

I'm guessing what Trump was attempting to do was get the inactive GOP base off their collective butts and speak out about liberal violence and intolerance because a stroll back through history shows that complacent societies lose out to the radical elements in their midst, and it doesn't end well at all.

Where we do agree is that in general it has been an American trait to lean towards independence and to speak out against wrongs. Most of America got lazy with good times. We may speak about how poorly congress performs, but we don't actively work to replace "representatives" who aren't. We talk about term limits, but there's no action to make it happen, and congress isn't about to upset a cozy, incestuous relationship.

The vocal, activist, and violent groups are those who claim to be liberal or progressive. They claim "disadvantage" for any number of supposed ills and resort to mob violence and intolerance of anyone else. Their very actions - intolerance and hatred toward anyone else betray their claims. Those are the people who have taken over the Democratic Party and made it the Dimocratic party; and, yes, I'll reserve the right to ridicule that party for as long as people who claim to be Democrats allow it to happen.
Too long for a bumper sticker, but should be one nonetheless.

Great post.
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Ignorant and stupid mean the same thing ... Communism and socialism are completely different things, just as I explained.

They are different, true but socialism is derived from Marxist principles. It isn’t some mind blowing discovery invented by Western Europe, There is fundamentally no difference between a pure socialist nation like Venezuela and a pure communist nation like Cuba. They are both shared misery. Take all the time you need and list the Western European nations that have produced more sustained economic growth/widespread wealth for its people over the last century than the US. Germany, the star of Europe was modeled after the US economic system.
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Keep ignoring and trashing millennials. Watch what happens.

Can you stop speaking for an entire generation like we are on the same page? Your entitlement that you will harshly dictate the direction of an entire country is why people hate us. Shut up.
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Maxine Waters would be ALMOST as ridiculous of a choice as was Trump.....ALMOST.
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Be honest, you’d vote for her because you will do anything to keep Trump out of office. Much like people voted for Trump to keep HRC out of office.
She's a racist and a bigot. Therefore, by proxy, luther is a racist and bigot. In addition to being a fascist
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Congrats. The dumbest thing ever posted on this forum. I doubt many democrats would agree with that. I mean Jesus.

Luther will always surprise you with that stuff. He is sneaky. Just when you think he can't get any worse he goes and does something and totally does not redeem himself.

If she were a Republican the entire MSM would be painting her as a dumb woman. I guess being a socialist speaks for itself, but she'll get a pass of course.

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Republican National Committee tops $200 million in fundraising ahead of midterms

The Republican National Committee has raised more than $200 million this election cycle, according to an RNC official, the fastest the committee has reached the milestone in a midterm period.

The fundraising achievement, which was expected after the committee came within $900,000 of $200 million last month, is significant for a party that is trying to buck historical norms in 2018. The political party in power traditionally gets rejected at the ballot box two years after they take power, a fact that President Donald Trump has mentioned numerous times in public and private as Republicans prepare for November.

The RNC raised $13.9 million in the month of June -- the most it has raised in that month in a non-presidential year -- bringing its total fundraising haul to $213 million for the 2017-2018 cycle.

The committee has $50.7 million in the bank and no debt.

The RNC haul far eclipses the more than $101 million the Democratic National Committee has raised this cycle, giving the committee upwards of five times the amount of cash-on-hand as the Democrats.

The DNC raised $67 million in 2017, half of the $132.5 million the RNC raised that year. And, to date, the committee has raised $101 million this cycle, according to a DNC official, a number that pales in comparison to the RNC haul.

The fundraising woes have left the Democrats without much in the bank. According to its last FEC report, the RNC had $47 million in cash on hand, five times as much as the $9 million the Democrats have.
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Why do I get the feeling she would be one of the first in line to vote for a Congressional pay raise when she gets elected?

I feel like this will be her navigating actual political subjects:

If capitalism is so bad...... why aren't people leaving the USA to look for a better life for their families? Why do refugees and immigrants want to come to evil capitalism world?
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