The slaughter will continue....

An American candidate and President has called for open violence against people that protest him.

That is a problem.

He just told his opposers to "be careful."

You are worried about the mob drowning out people? It is your mob attempting to do that.

Last I checked, questioning authority and being a general ass concerning government was pretty American.

And you are better than the Dim nonsense. How are any of you ever going to get Democrats to agree with you if you constantly insult them?

You claim not to be a democrat so why do you care?
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We are in our early thirties, late twenties now. Keep trashing us all you want, but we are voting and starting to run for office. Keep pissing on an entire generation and watch what happens.

Here it is again. The same old lame hollow threat.

Watch what happens, watch what happens, like you can just wish for it and it come true.
Also.. From the earlier description, it looks to me like communism is simply socialism in the wrong hands. And as far as I’m concerned, the wrong hands are the people who are in control of United States government. Remind me of the last time we gave them an inch and they didn’t take a mile?
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The Dems are racing to the left quicker than a freight train. This should be a gigantic red flag to reasonable voters during the upcoming midterm elections. If the Democrats were to somehow win both the House and the Senate, they WILL impeach Trump even before the Mueller report comes out. Already several Dems are openly advocating for this.

We must get to the polls in November or else a Bolshevik style coup d'etat against a sitting President will occur. And there, my friends, will be the start of the 2nd American Civil War.
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That's not cool man. Ze could be gender fluid. You can't go making gender assumptions like that.

Please accept my humble apologies. I would first like to say I'm not a racist, my remarks were insensitive in nature, written in the script, and meant to be funny. I in no way support the actual abused of young, ignorant millennials. I believe we should care and educate all of them in the hopes that they may one day understand that spending mom and dad's money needs to stop and that they should become tax paying wage slaves like the rest of us. And again, please accept my apologies, I now understand that words are sharp edged weapons that hurt millennials everyday.

5) Finally, socialism and communism differ in their views on capitalism. Socialists believe that the capitalist class can be used as a good instrument as long as it is properly controlled. Communists, however, believe that capitalism must be totally destroyed in order to give way to a classless society.

How are capitalists supposed to be controlled?
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We are in our early thirties, late twenties now. Keep trashing us all you want, but we are voting and starting to run for office. Keep pissing on an entire generation and watch what happens.
I really do hope you enact socialism. That way you can pay form my health care in retirement.

Get off the interwebs and get your ass to work.
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We are in our early thirties, late twenties now. Keep trashing us all you want, but we are voting and starting to run for office. Keep pissing on an entire generation and watch what happens.

We’ll have to bail you out like we’re doing the baby boomers?
If you're talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York's 14th District, who is a self-described "democratic socialist" ... well, it just sounds like you don't understand the 5 fundamental differences between socialism and communism. Should you care to know, here they are:

1) Socialism is just an economic system while communism is both an economic system and a political system. Socialism is commonly regarded as an economic system that seeks to achieve equality among members of society. Communism, on the other hand, is both an economic system and a political ideology that advocates a classless and stateless society and rejects religion. It is regarded as a more extreme form of socialism.

2) They also differ in the management and control of the economy. In socialism, the people themselves decide through communes or popularly elected councils on how the economy should work. This makes socialism a liberal system because the majority of the people have a say on how the economy should run. Communism, on the other hand, controls it's economy through a single authoritarian party. It is therefore characterized as conservative because the economy functions based on the decisions of a few.

3) The views of socialism and communism also differ in the distribution of wealth produced by the economy. Socialism supports the view that the goods and services produced should be dispensed based on the productivity of an individual. In contrast, communism believes that the wealth should be shared by the masses based on the needs of the individual.

4) Socialists can own personal properties while communists can not.

5) Finally, socialism and communism differ in their views on capitalism. Socialists believe that the capitalist class can be used as a good instrument as long as it is properly controlled. Communists, however, believe that capitalism must be totally destroyed in order to give way to a classless society.

Literally every bullet statement has been espoused by a democrat in the past 3 years.

Remember how uncomfortable Jim Webb looked around the other DNC candidates back in 2016? Its because he hadn't been around that many communists since he was in Vietnam. Fact.
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