The Problems with Trans-ideology

"After Bissonnette withdrew from the competition, the transgender athlete reportedly issued a statement accusing her of “outing” him.

“Rather than turning to me, my coach or the Quebec Olympic Boxing Federation for more information, she decided to turn directly to the media to out me,” wrote Walmsley. “This kind of behavior puts athletes at risk of being excluded or receiving personal attacks based on hearsay … I am afraid that this type of accusation could eventually be used to delegitimize athletes in the women’s category, and justify arbitrary and invasive regulations.”

This is sick. Maybe when one of these men kill a woman in competition this crap will stop.
A month after the liberal mentally ill trans girl in Nashville murdered the innocent people at the school, another liberal mentally ill man shot up a bank in Louisville. His manifesto was released today just like every shooter in past events. His motive was bringing attention to lax guns laws. Evidently there is no threat of him encouraging other like minded democrats. It wasn't leaked, it was just released by authorities.

Pope Francis Holds Vatican Luncheon With Transgender women​

Pope Francis invited a group of transgender women to a Vatican luncheon late last week in celebration of the Catholic Church's World Day of the Poor.

The group was among the 1,200 poor or homeless in attendance at the luncheon.

The transgender community developed a stronger relationship with the Catholic Church when the strict COVID-19 lockdowns in the Italian town of Torvaianica led starving transgender sex workers to show up at the Rev. Andrea Conocchia's local parish.

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This is anecdotal, but at a minimum once a week I see another autistic patient who is trans (I'm not seeing them for that complaint, but for various other reasons). In the UK one gender clinic had a patient population that was 37% autistic compared to 1% of the general population.

At some point we have to ask the question: Are we castrating the mentally ill in the name of inclusion?
This is anecdotal, but at a minimum once a week I see another autistic patient who is trans (I'm not seeing them for that complaint, but for various other reasons). In the UK one gender clinic had a patient population that was 37% autistic compared to 1% of the general population.

At some point we have to ask the question: Are we castrating the mentally ill in the name of inclusion?
I don’t think there is anything we (humanity) are not willing to do in the name of inclusion. Postmodernist thinking combined with Critical Theory and Intersectionality is the recipe that will produce evils beyond anything we’ve seen in human history. See the celebration that follows after a 13 year old girl has her breast removed and starts a daily testosterone regimen. And those that would dare speak out against these actions are accused of bigotry and the ultimate sin in our current culture…Not being inclusive.

So is she arguing for unisex sports? Let's just take down the barriers and schools can just have one sport. Think of all the money they'll save. Were I questioning her, this is exactly what I'd ask

We're either going to have separate sports or we're not. We're not going to make exceptions and say "OK, some men can play with the women". No
Brilliant! Now toy stores are allowed to display pogo sticks and candy land in only one area rather than in the boys and girls sections and Lego has decided to expand market share by marketing to girls too…..they want to make sure all households are outfitted with tiny land mines for bare feet


Riley correctly called that bullmoose a misogynist and she tried to get it removed from the official record lmao...all the while having called Riley a transphobic which is a fictional term anyway. Love Rileys quick wit too...she said " I would say a man pretending to be a woman is the one putting on personalities" hahahaha. Watch the Dimwits scatter like roaches trying to keep the actual TRUTH from going into the records. AOC sitting there flabbergasted tells you without a doubt that there is NOBODY in her day to day life to ever call her out on her BS or keep her on the rails. Just an echo chamber of fairyland Dimwits that still believe they can make up a new gender every week and that when they DO try and make up their own fictional reality that somehow everyone else who is sane, and grounded in logic, reason, and actual reality like biology is just gonna go along with them on their BS...

It is amazing to watch these people try to rationalize biological men competing with women. Truly insane...and they just cannot fathom that everyone else does not believe their lies. Hahahahahaha

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