The Official “Let’s Rally Behind The Team” Thread

Should we be thankful that is his way of rallying behind the team? Really low-class trolling on a thread meant to support the team.

He's picked a fight with me. After a series of silly back and forths, I've resorted to the same tactic - ask him a direct question to get him to commit to a position. We'll see if he does.
He's picked a fight with me. After a series of silly back and forths, I've resorted to the same tactic - ask him a direct question to get him to commit to a position. We'll see if he does.

Honestly, should anyone care what he says? What makes his opinion important to anyone but himself? I've not read one realistic or thoughtful post from him so why does this guy matter? Go back and read some of his posts and you quickly realize he is an argumentative poster who sometimes uses cruelty and belittlement to argue. Frankly, he's just another a$$wip looking to become a recognizable character like Darth or the Rutgers troll. Let the drive-by drive on we can spend our energy on better things.
Nope. I asked you a direct question and you didn’t answer it. Which pretty much answered my question anyhow. You’re the one who showed up and started arguing with everyone suddenly.
Takes two to tango—I'm not on your computer forcing you to hit "reply." Feel free to take the high road whenever you like so you can have another reason to pat yourself on the back.

And your question, which was oddly phrased, almost generated a sarcastic response, but I elected to ignore it instead. I pulled many hairs during Holly's tenure.

Those of us who supported the team through all the Holly mess, and watched everyone of those ugly games, do not appreciate the drive by bullies like you. Projecting doom and gloom just in hopes you’ll look right in the end is low key immature and high key annoying.
If people disagreeing with you is all it takes for you to play the victim card and pull out the "I'm a better fan" playbook, I think I low key know all I need to know about you.

Maybe just be happy we have a really quality team that’s won a lot of ball games this year?
It's okay for other people to have feelings that don't align with yours completely. You're probably a devoted fan, and you certainly won't find me telling you how to feel.
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I didn't say EE isn't a fair goal. It is fair to set your goals high, even if to something that seems out of reach. I said it's unrealistic to expect it in Harper's third year. Goals set by the team and for the team are one thing, but the fans having realistic expectations is another. I want them to get to the FF this year, I think they might have what it takes. And I think that should be their goal. But I don't expect it of them. Not this year with the lineup they have. There's a difference.

We are ranked 7 now, but the season isn't over. We have many tough games left, beginning with the one tonight. These rankings are not predictions of where the teams will end up in the national tournament. They are estimates of relative strength base on their body of work so far. It isn't inconsistent to think it unrealistic that a club in their third rebuilding year should be expected make the EE even even though the team is ranked 7 mid to late season.
We have different definitions of "realistic," so we can just leave that be.

Let's quit quibbling here and cut to the chase: What are your expectations of Kellie Harper? A natty every year? A FF every year? How long til she should get to the FF? EE?, etc.
Yes, I clearly stated that Kellie needs to get to the Final Four and win a championship every year. And it's definitely not an attempt to make your opponent look more unreasonable that he really is, because it's easier to defend yourself against crazy ideas.

In any case, I 100% think getting to the Sweet Sixteen is a baseline expectation this year, and getting to an Elite Eight should not be regarded as an unfathomable achievement. I'll say it all day long, but with the right coach, our program doesn't need seven years to get back to that point.

For now, let's hope they pull it together against Florida.
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Takes two to tango—I'm not on your computer forcing you to hit "reply." Feel free to take the high road whenever you like so you can have another reason to pat yourself on the back.

And your question, which was oddly phrased, almost generated a sarcastic response, but I elected to ignore it instead. I pulled many hairs during Holly's tenure.

If people disagreeing with you is all it takes for you to play the victim card and pull out the "I'm a better fan" playbook, I think I low key know all I need to know about you.

It's okay for other people to have feelings that don't align with yours completely. You're probably a devoted fan, and you certainly won't find me telling you how to feel.
Sure, you can disagree. But the thing is, your observations are inaccurate. That’s why teams have coaches: accurate assessments and adjustments. Your expression of your feelings and observations is selfish, exactly the kind of “false fan” I have heard players say brings them down. So, to the false fans out there, be gone.
Sure, you can disagree. But the thing is, your observations are inaccurate. That’s why teams have coaches: accurate assessments and adjustments. Your expression of your feelings and observations is selfish, exactly the kind of “false fan” I have heard players say brings them down. So, to the false fans out there, be gone.

He's a Barnes ,,,uhhh,,fan?
Condolences for those fans who drank the kool-aid and got suckered into believing Kellie was a great coach. Reality checks are hard...

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Well, at least we can see that the players work on areas that need improvement. The improved free throw shooting shows that.

The players have time to regain their confidence. The least real fans can do is to encourage them and get behind them. Just block out the haters and the fair weather fans and those whose agenda is to damage the team. Instead, concentrate on discussing how the team can maximize their strengths.

The staff has a major challenge ahead to recover momentum and make the season a success. It's not an insurmountable task. Now is the time to circle the wagons rather than running away like sniveling cowards and/or ripping the same players we were praising a few weeks ago.

It's an opportunity to write a great story. There's more than one Cinderella season left for this program.
Well, at least we can see that the players work on areas that need improvement. The improved free throw shooting shows that.

The players have time to regain their confidence. The least real fans can do is to encourage them and get behind them. Just block out the haters and the fair weather fans and those whose agenda is to damage the team. Instead, concentrate on discussing how the team can maximize their strengths.

The staff has a major challenge ahead to recover momentum and make the season a success. It's not an insurmountable task. Now is the time to circle the wagons rather than running away like sniveling cowards and/or ripping the same players we were praising a few weeks ago.

It's an opportunity to write a great story. There's more than one Cinderella season left for this program.


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