The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Ain't got time for you today. We know where you stand, confused name caller and where I stand as a Centrist is where we should be. Governing from the middle and not the extremes.
Yes your posts scream centrist...same as the other liberals here who claim to be centrist but can't see thru your own feeling to realize the Trump been closer to the center the. Obama and Biden..but because Orange man hurt your feelings you can't get over yourself..
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Yes your posts scream centrist...same as the other liberals here who claim to be centrist but can't see thru your own feeling to realize the Trump been closer to the center the. Obama and Biden..but because Orange man hurt your feelings you can't get over yourself..

"hurt feelings"? A comment from a simpleton who can't be taken seriously.

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"hurt feelings"? A comment from a simpleton who can't be taken seriously.

Yes your feeling are hurt because DJT speaks his mind, and people like you live on Twitter and think that's the real's a pathetic existence and one in which your opinion and value comes only from approval on the call people simpletons and rube but constantly post provably false tweets all the can follow simple logic, and your too dumb to realize that if America becomes a socialist country you will be right down in fields with the very rubes your insult because you are not elite and no amount of SJWing will change the that.
Yes your posts scream centrist...same as the other liberals here who claim to be centrist but can't see thru your own feeling to realize the Trump been closer to the center the. Obama and Biden..but because Orange man hurt your feelings you can't get over yourself..
The last centrist Democrat was Bill Clinton. His political instincts were top notch. But after his term; the far left took over the party and the Obama years destroyed the last remnants of the old reasonable Democrat Center I have not voted for a Democrat since Clinton’s second term.
I could sometimes Support Democrats back then before they went absolutely cray cray.
And of course Hillary was never going to be the Centrist Bill was. So glad she didn’t win.
The last centrist Democrat was Bill Clinton. His political instincts were top notch. But after his term; the far left took over the party and the Obama years destroyed the last remnants of the old reasonable Democrat Center I have not voted for a Democrat since Clinton’s second term.
I could sometimes Support Democrats back then before they went absolutely cray cray.
And of course Hillary was never going to be the Centrist Bill was. So glad she didn’t win.
I agree..and that what gets me...DJT polices are center right but closer to center the left..his abortion policy is an example..sure he could go hard right and no abortions but he understands that not feasible and there are circumstances that may be needed..that's a centrist position...but their people can see beyond there hurt egos to understand that
.it's sad
Even if The Donald were found guilty of a felony prior to the election, there is no law preventing him from becoming President. Moreover, he'd appeal it, so it would be continued without sentencing. And even if he were elected President and then sent to a NY jail, he could still legally serve as our President from within a jail cell.

What percentage of his backers would care? Probably not many.
Lol. In that scenario you really believe the State of New York would be able to detain the President of The United States?
Yes your posts scream centrist...same as the other liberals here who claim to be centrist but can't see thru your own feeling to realize the Trump been closer to the center the. Obama and Biden..but because Orange man hurt your feelings you can't get over yourself..
Trump is a Bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic narcissists'. Yes, the Dems are gunning for him, but, that does not change his ability to lead this country or his self serving actions. I find it hard to believe that some support him for his gifts of self serving gab.
Trump has done crap except what he has told the public he has done. He is a con, a showman and a mob boss. He wins he will claim squatter's rights to the Presidency. Time for you to wake up.
Trump is a Bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic narcissists'. Yes, the Dems are gunning for him, but, that does not change his ability to lead this country or his self serving actions. I find it hard to believe that some support him for his gifts of self serving gab.
Trump has done crap except what he has told the public he has done. He is a con, a showman and a mob boss. He wins he will claim squatter's rights to the Presidency. Time for you to wake up.
There are only 3 valid descriptions in your post.
Narcissist, self serving, a showman.

DJT is bad enough on his own merits. I cannot figure out why many of you exaggerate to the extreme. It neuters your impact.
Trump is a Bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic narcissists'. Yes, the Dems are gunning for him, but, that does not change his ability to lead this country or his self serving actions. I find it hard to believe that some support him for his gifts of self serving gab.
Trump has done crap except what he has told the public he has done. He is a con, a showman and a mob boss. He wins he will claim squatter's rights to the Presidency. Time for you to wake up.
Why didn't he do it when he had 2 chances before?? That why you last statement about swatters right is dumb AF..he had a chance during COVID...and according you morons who believe this J6 could have been worse..but alas neither happened, bit it doesn't stop simple mind, stuck in their feelings fools from spouting the same tired about waking up..maybe realize that you being manipulated by the DNC and corporate media..form you own opinion for might be surprised..otherwise..back to the DNC plantation for you
There are only 3 valid descriptions in your post.
Narcissist, self serving, a showman.

DJT is bad enough on his own merits. I cannot figure out why many of you exaggerate to the extreme. It neuters your impact.
The only thing better on that post would have been a photon of a multi colored lib with a single tear streaming and it says " but he will be a dictator if elected". Lol. Completely delusional
Trump is a Bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic narcissists'. Yes, the Dems are gunning for him, but, that does not change his ability to lead this country or his self serving actions. I find it hard to believe that some support him for his gifts of self serving gab.
Trump has done crap except what he has told the public he has done. He is a con, a showman and a mob boss. He wins he will claim squatter's rights to the Presidency. Time for you to wake up.
you and the rest of you leftist sycophants are just sad. Unless you cheat in November (again), or run Big Mike, you are gonna be handed the biggest ass kicking in history.
Trump is a Bipolar, paranoid schizophrenic narcissists'. Yes, the Dems are gunning for him, but, that does not change his ability to lead this country or his self serving actions. I find it hard to believe that some support him for his gifts of self serving gab.
Trump has done crap except what he has told the public he has done. He is a con, a showman and a mob boss. He wins he will claim squatter's rights to the Presidency. Time for you to wake up.
Yet his first term was peaceful and prosperous with no new wars, affordable prices, energy independence, and moves toward peace in the Middle East. Only the release of the Covid Chinese Bioweapon late in his term prevented his four years from being one of the best in American history.
As we say in football, you are what your record says you are.
Yet his first term was peaceful and prosperous with no new wars, affordable prices, energy independence, and moves toward peace in the Middle East. Only the release of the Covid Chinese Bioweapon late in his term prevented his four years from being one of the best in American history.
As we say in football, you are what your record says you are.
That is why he is his 41 out of 44. The experts and facts to disagree with you on this one. Some ranked him 45th and another ranked him the third worse. Not anywhere close to one of the best and you can blame Covid but historians, Presidential authorities and other groups went beyond just calling it Covid. Covid is an excuse for brainwashed followers who refuse to see the facts. Yes, I do agree Covid played into the equation and would not have done so had he handled in a proper manner. The thing with Covid was his flip flopping before he had Covid to after he had it. Poor self serving leader.
His first term was chaotic which was not all his fault but leaders don't let crap get out of hand. His record is 4-8.
That is why he is his 41 out of 44. The experts and facts to disagree with you on this one. Some ranked him 45th and another ranked him the third worse. Not anywhere close to one of the best and you can blame Covid but historians, Presidential authorities and other groups went beyond just calling it Covid. Covid is an excuse for brainwashed followers who refuse to see the facts. Yes, I do agree Covid played into the equation and would not have done so had he handled in a proper manner. The thing with Covid was his flip flopping before he had Covid to after he had it. Poor self serving leader.
His first term was chaotic which was not all his fault but leaders don't let crap get out of hand. His record is 4-8.
„Experts“ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
„Experts“ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I guess you think you offered your expert opinion. Presidential historians are a little more qualified than you are, but keep dreaming that your opinion matters. Step away from the cliff. Try living in Reality vs media based tribal opinions. If you think Covid was Trump's downfall then you have a lot to learn.
I guess you think you offered your expert opinion. Presidential historians are a little more qualified than you are, but keep dreaming that your opinion matters. Step away from the cliff. Try living in Reality vs media based tribal opinions. If you think Covid was Trump's downfall then you have a lot to learn.
„Qualified“? I am a citizen and a voter. That is all the „qualification“ any of us need.
„Experts“ nowadays are the kind of people who say men can get pregnant. Forgive me if I couldn’t really care less what their rankings are. America was designed to be governed by the opinions of the common man.A93BF3FE-A002-4FEA-8DF7-F94D503F9321.jpeg
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„Qualified“? I am a citizen and a voter. That is all the „qualification“ any of us need.
„Experts“ nowadays are the kind of people who say men can get pregnant. Forgive me if I couldn’t really care less what their rankings are. America was designed to be governed by the opinions of the common man.View attachment 640266
You are qualified to vote does not mean you are right, leave that to those that know the whole story and have seen more than just tribal President over the years.
Trump is not a common man and listens to nobody's ideas and thoughts but their own.
Trump negotiated with terrorists one known for sure and more than likely others that are unknown.
This is your idea of Presidential and leadership and protecting Americans? Trump does what is best for Trump. 9/11 he practically surrendered to the Taliban at Camp David. I guess that is ok with you. Well, it is Trump doing Trump, Trump negotiates with Terrorists on 9/11 is a spit in the face. I guess it is ok with you... Yes, Brainwashed enough that you can not see the facts.

OBTW experts that say some men can get pregnant, common sense would tell me they are not experts, shifting the discussion is a little immature. I would not call them experts but you might.
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Best way to rank Presidents

1. Relected or no?
2. Congressional control? How did it change
3. State control? How did it change
4. Operate at deficit or surplus?
5. GDP Growth
6. Long-term impact of a policy, etc

I could care less what a biased expert says
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