The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Just when you think DOJ/FBI can’t get more corrupt, they prove us all wrong.

From the article

In other words, in their zeal to stage a phony photo using official classified cover sheets, FBI agents might have failed to accurately match the placeholder sheet with the appropriate document. This is a potentially case-blowing mistake, particularly if the document in question is one of the 34 records that represents the basis of espionage charges against Trump.

It is safe to assume Judge Cannon will not take these new revelations lightly--particularly since Bratt also had to admit in the same filing that he did not tell her the truth when she asked about the condition of the boxes during a hearing last month. On April 12, Cannon directly asked Bratt, “are the boxes in their original, intact form as seized?” Bratt replied yes, but “with one exception, and that is that the classified documents have been removed and placeholders have been put in the documents [place.]”

These idiots can’t even frame somebody.
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Question in your opinion, with the hush money case. Stormy has said no less then 5 sperate times that she and DTJ never had sex spa ning over 6 years I believe. That along with the tape from basically admitting extortion, why do you think the judge is so unwilling to dismiss this case??? Seems like this was at best a nuisance lawsuit, whether true or not which isn't illegal, there for payments would be correctly enter as legal fees paid to a lawyer..
Question in your opinion, with the hush money case. Stormy has said no less then 5 sperate times that she and DTJ never had sex spa ning over 6 years I believe. That along with the tape from basically admitting extortion, why do you think the judge is so unwilling to dismiss this case??? Seems like this was at best a nuisance lawsuit, whether true or not which isn't illegal, there for payments would be correctly enter as legal fees paid to a lawyer..
Criminal cases almost never get dismissed on contested motions. The exceptions are generally for defects in the indictment.

Whether she’s credible is a determination for a jury to make. Defense took the better part of a day to impeach her. Seemed strong on Tuesday, to me. Haven’t paid much attention since. What I’ve seen seemed bad for defense but it was from some people who are not always credible.

I don’t know enough New York law to say whether what he did is illegal. Falsifying business records to facilitate or conceal another crime sounds criminal. The grand jury signed off on it. I’m skeptical of claims that it‘s not criminal, but I’m also skeptical of the enhancement to a felony.

From outward appearances, he’s getting the same due process and fairness of trial that everybody else gets, so the jury’s determination will be as sound as what we as a society have deemed acceptable. I’m good with the outcome of the trial and appeal, whichever way it shakes out.
No way. The 2020 election was the most secure in United States history. Nothing to see here. Let’s get on with hanging the gangster.
You’re cracking me up with this. Well done. I wonder how many more such posts I’ll find. I’ve hit 4 in about 10 minutes.
I hope GOPers are giving at least some thought to the long term consequences of standing by Trumplestilskin. While every opponent at that level claims the other side is being untruthful, in Trump we have a guy that EVERYONE acknowledges lies virtually every single day, about at least one thing.

Every. Day.

And rather than criticize him for it, many GOPers back him, excuse it, and justify it.

So when down the line a Dem runs for POTUS who is honesty-challenged, you are going to have a hard time with straight face complaining about it.
This is possibly the dumbest post I’ve ever seen from you and that’s impressive. Congratulations to you sir!
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Biden's transgressions are not even remotely in the same universe as Trump's.
Hilarious. You talked about Trump lying and Biden lies pretty much every time he talks. Did you vote for Biden or support Biden against Trump for the upcoming election? I’m willing to bet yes on both as you clearly and willfully don’t see Biden lies. Hypocrisy runs deep with you, although that certainly isn’t breaking news.
Hilarious. You talked about Trump lying and Biden lies pretty much every time he talks. Did you vote for Biden or support Biden against Trump for the upcoming election? I’m willing to bet yes on both as you clearly and willfully don’t see Biden lies. Hypocrisy runs deep with you, although that certainly isn’t breaking news.

You're clueless, dude. No, really--seriously clueless.
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Hilarious. You talked about Trump lying and Biden lies pretty much every time he talks. Did you vote for Biden or support Biden against Trump for the upcoming election? I’m willing to bet yes on both as you clearly and willfully don’t see Biden lies. Hypocrisy runs deep with you, although that certainly isn’t breaking news.

An hypocrisy level that apparently knows no boundaries.
Here's our mobster ex-prez, trying more of his mobster things. First we read that he's attempted to bribe oil-industry executives, and now we
read that he offered to pay hush money to a former Mobster Inc. executive if he refused to testify.

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Here's our mobster ex-prez, trying more of his mobster things. First we read that he's attempted to bribe oil-industry executives, and now we
read that he offered to pay hush money to a former Mobster Inc. executive if he refused to testify.

This appears to be accurate based on quotes from the judge.

If any of us 'normal' defendants were on trial, a guilty verdict would be a certainty. But when you got millions of (other peoples') money to buy the best lawyers available, nothing would surprise me here.

My guess is we'll have one juror oppose conviction, and a hung jury will result...

And that one juror will be counting all the 0's in his/her new Swiss bank account.
Here's our mobster ex-prez, trying more of his mobster things. First we read that he's attempted to bribe oil-industry executives, and now we
read that he offered to pay hush money to a former Mobster Inc. executive if he refused to testify.

You realize the verbage in the severance document is standard...not disparaging the company verbally or written doesn't mean don't cooperate with law enforcement....more attempts and slandering Trump.
Criminal cases almost never get dismissed on contested motions. The exceptions are generally for defects in the indictment.

Whether she’s credible is a determination for a jury to make. Defense took the better part of a day to impeach her. Seemed strong on Tuesday, to me. Haven’t paid much attention since. What I’ve seen seemed bad for defense but it was from some people who are not always credible.

I don’t know enough New York law to say whether what he did is illegal. Falsifying business records to facilitate or conceal another crime sounds criminal. The grand jury signed off on it. I’m skeptical of claims that it‘s not criminal, but I’m also skeptical of the enhancement to a felony.

From outward appearances, he’s getting the same due process and fairness of trial that everybody else gets, so the jury’s determination will be as sound as what we as a society have deemed acceptable. I’m good with the outcome of the trial and appeal, whichever way it shakes out.
Appreciate the thoughts...
Does Bragg have to disclose the crime of which he is accusing Trump of covering up??? And why wouldn't he charge him with that crime as well??

Also what should the payments to the attorney have been put at in the ledger??
And what are your thoughts on nuisance lawsuits, and wouldn't this qualify?
What happens if Trump can't run due to his potential legal problems? Do the republicans have a back up candidate? From what I have read, the current president has the lowest rating in history. I would think lots of candidates could beat him. Not trying to be political here, just curious..... 🤔
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What happens if Trump can't run due to his potential legal problems? Do the republicans have a back up candidate? From what I have read, the current president has the lowest rating in history. I would think lots of candidates could beat him. Not trying to be political here, just curious..... 🤔
It's new territory but you can bet both GOPs and Dems are plotting and planning the 'what ifs'.
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This appears to be accurate based on quotes from the judge.

If any of us 'normal' defendants were on trial, a guilty verdict would be a certainty. But when you got millions of (other peoples') money to buy the best lawyers available, nothing would surprise me here.

My guess is we'll have one juror oppose conviction, and a hung jury will result...

And that one juror will be counting all the 0's in his/her new Swiss bank account.
I doubt it. Don't you know, that one juror will be under a microscope and she/he will never be able to use any of that money.

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