The Gardening Thread

I ended up getting a German Johnson (red) and an Old German (orangish) from the menonite garden center this year. So far, it appears from the presence of green tomatoes that all my varieties are setting up well for the first ripening. Will see how continued harvest goes. But, it seems at the moment the 2 Sweet Italian I had to buy are gonnas be my heavy hitters this year. I always do 2-3 varieties of reds, then fill in with the sweet colors and dwarfs. Don't normally do 2 cherry styles. Expecially both red. But, I had bought a husky cherry, then my Reisentraube kicked in gear, so I'm gonna be smothered in cherry maters.
So how many individual tomato plants have you wound up with this year?
I have been a really bad gardener this year. I had well over 1/2 dozen volunteer tomato plants come up next to where I plant my tomatos. Could have crossed and come up a whole new variety. Alas, I would pull them up instead of seeing what I'd get.

And I've had really bad luck direct sowing herbs and marigolds. Prob got marigold and basil next to the maters for 4 weeks now. 2nd sowing in the same spot. Got some marigold only couple inches tall and only one basil coming up. None of my direct sow herbs at house beds came up. 2 attempts. Store bought basil, thyme, mint, tarragon, rosemary have not grown at all in the month plus they been in the ground. I always get good herb growth by the house (west side). Maters, Corn, squash, melons, cukes, green beans, brocoli, butter peas all doing good. Carrots are so-so but my first time trying. Okra finally coming on. Peppers lagging and a little disappointing, but producing some. Egg Plant never germinated. Garden is about 80% of what I'd hoped for, so not bad considering the rainy spring/summer and overall lack of hot days. Just cup seeded brussels for fall planting. And put in some pumpkins. As long as I get Maters,Green Beans, Squash and some Okra, I'm happy.
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I have been a really bad gardener this year. I had well over 1/2 dozen volunteer tomato plants come up next to where I plant my tomatos. Could have crossed and come up a whole new variety. Alas, I would pull them up instead of seeing what I'd get.
I let two grow and pulled out the rest. Still pulling out more, in fact. I’d’ve been in serious trouble if I’d left them all in!
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1 German Johnson
1 Old German
1 Husky Cherry
1 Cherokee Purple
2 Sweet Italian
1 Reisentraube
1 Can't Remember (Possibly a Santiago)
2 Dwarf Purple Reign
2 Dwarf Sweet Scarlet
1 Dwarf Beryl Beauty
The ‘I Can’t Remember’ sounds like an heirloom! 😁
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The ‘I Can’t Remember’ sounds like an heirloom! 😁

I edited. It was a San Marzano Redorta. I had a Santiago in the cup, but I sat them out on the deck to harden and grow, and what I did get started got treated like a soccer ball by the kittens. So between kittens and germination issues, ended up with store boughts and dwarf starters.
Has anyone canned or frozen Cherokee Purple tomatoes??
Were they still good?
We usually blanch (hot water) n peel tomatoes, quarter and put in freezer bags. Just wondering about doing this with Cherokee's
The last of my Cherokee purple tomatoes are ripening on the vines, as are my two varieties of cherry tomatoes. I’m hopeful for the one fruit on my heirloom German vine.

Delicata squash are flowering profusely and growing fruits, though one of my vines looks caput. Two early fruits ripened small (the size of peaches), but I’m hopeful the others will grow to expected size.

My night blooming cereus plant produced two blossoms last week, and I did manage to stay awake late enough to see them. The moon flowers have been glorious. Alas, I have no pictures to share.
Cardinals are moving through my tomato vines, picking off the caterpillars that I missed. Wish that they’d done that earlier this season. I don’t use pesticides and have benefited from the Cardinals’ grooming for several seasons.
The last of my Cherokee purple tomatoes are ripening on the vines, as are my two varieties of cherry tomatoes. I’m hopeful for the one fruit on my heirloom German vine.

Delicata squash are flowering profusely and growing fruits, though one of my vines looks caput. Two early fruits ripened small (the size of peaches), but I’m hopeful the others will grow to expected size.

My night blooming cereus plant produced two blossoms last week, and I did manage to stay awake late enough to see them. The moon flowers have been glorious. Alas, I have no pictures to share.
Still have some small green peppers coming in.

Was a hard year for everything else. Started strong but, lack of sun, too much rain - and then just heat didnt bode well.
I have a bunch of new unused 16 ounce Mason Jar lids which I will not be using.
If anyone is interested in these, let me know.
You can have them for free. You pay shipping
Got the garden cleaned out over the weekend. Neighbor has a rather large pile of mature percolated cow manure. He's gonna spread some out for me and till it in to finish baking in the soil over the remaining winter. this will be my first real ammendment to my garden spot in the 4 years I've had it in that location. Hoping for some great returns.
Daffies against the west facing stone wall are blooming on Feb. 11… Many others in my yard are producing bloom stalks with buds. I fear that a late hard freeze may take them out.
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