The Atlanta Braves Thread

Most home runs yes, burn if we are talking best pure hitter overall I would throw Pete Rose into the mix. He also cheated but in the opposite direction as Bonds. Dude deserves respect for what he accomplished.

Barry Bonds was a much much much much better hitter than Pete Rose
Lmao, because he cheated.

Barry Bonds, at age 42, when PED testing was in full effect (oh he also never tested positive under the new system that was put in place in 2005) led the league in OBP at .480, hit 28 bombs in 126 games, and had an OPS of 1.045. Wake me up when that happens again.
Barry Bonds, at age 42, when PED testing was in full effect (oh he also never tested positive under the new system that was put in place in 2005) led the league in OBP at .480, hit 28 bombs in 126 games, and had an OPS of 1.045. Wake me up when that happens.

Look at pictures of when he played as a Pirate and then a few years later as a Giant. His head doubled in size. If you don't think he cheated, then you are one of the very few who believe that.

He is not the homerun king. He will never be in the hall of fame. He is a disgrace to baseball. His numbers are a lie

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