stock market was up today...

If investors don't know what the game is how can they know where to put their money? With Trump no one knows what the game is. Especially the endgame. He needs to settle these trade wars asap. If they bleed over into '20 he's going to have an uphill battle because most of the counties he's battling don't want him reelected and therefore will less likely to give in to his demands.

They won't be settled in 2020 unless it looks obvious that he's gong to be reelected. (That is one of our weaknesses in dealing with other countries)

China knows that if Trump isn't reelected it will go back to business as usual with us bending over for them so they are just waiting.
If it was just China, you'd have point. But he's been monkeying around with on-again, off-again tariff threats against North America, the EU, and other Asian countries upcoming (probably).

This is no way to have a stable business investment environment.

Its how his administration operates. Its loves chaos.
Trump needs to stop playing games now. Right now.

Make nice with the Chinese. Make nice with the EU.

Do everything in his power to feed the Market.

I’m really quite sick of all his monkey ass bullish!t
Yo. Why would you invest in BND, SCHZ? Such little gains.
Portfolio construction. If you are looking to allocate a % of your portfolio to Fixed Income.

Or you’re in your 60’s, close to retirement. Don’t want equity exposure, but want to outpace inflation.

I use BlackRock iShares IUSB as a short term savings account. Growth outpaces inflation, and I collect about $100 a month in dividend payments that I send to my daughter’s 529.
It has taken decades for it to get this ****ed up. He has been working at this for 2 years. It takes longer ti un-**** something than it does to ruin it in the first place, and the .gov has a 20 year head start at least. I'm willoing to endure a little pain in the short term so YOUR kids will see the benefit in the long run. Maybe you don't care and are willing to do nothing other than whining about the government being incompetent and 'kicking the candown the road' for YOUR children to deal with.

You assume the current course will lead to resolution, when we could just be spinning in the mud.
You assume the current course will lead to resolution, when we could just be spinning in the mud.
That is correct. I also know that the appeasement course was getting us deeper and deeper in the quicksand. I guess since it isn't your boy or your girl doing all this you want it to blow up in spectacular fashion, and if it takes the economic engine of the USA down with it, well that is just the bonus that gets rid of Orange Man. Then when whatever clown from the Rat party gets elected goes back to appeasement as usual, you can conveniently blame their failure on the same Orange Man.
You don't say how it's broken, but it is an interesting question the extent to which the Fed will be able to work its magic with interest rates threatening negative.

I maintain that fundamentally it is because so much wealth is manufactured by derivative instruments and debt, rather than with sound and sustained patterns of increasing demand. The broker trades on margin for the client. The broker than borrows against future income to buy a house, with a mortgage then bundled with others into an instrument which someone else sells short. Its a game of musical chairs because, eventually, the music stops and there aren't enough chairs.
Every time the market corrects a few (or several) hundred points all the great pontificators show up on TV and claim gloom and doom and use some cherry picked statistic to prove their point. Personally I don't see any big signs we're about to go into a recession. What I did see was an overheated stock market that took care of itself.
Every time the market corrects a few (or several) hundred points all the great pontificators show up on TV and claim gloom and doom and use some cherry picked statistic to prove their point. Personally I don't see any big signs we're about to go into a recession. What I did see was an overheated stock market that took care of itself.
The talking heads on TV and so called " economic experts " are trying to scare us into a recession no doubt.

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