Spurrier to receive Neyland award

Spurrier was a fantastic college coach who brought 2 programs out of the gutter. I hate Florida, but I respect the accomplishments of the man.
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Ha, nope, he won't say that because it's not true. He's 6-7 at Neyland Stadium, lifetime (that includes games while coaching Duke, Florida, and South Carolina all three).

If you're a legendary coach whose lifetime win percentage is above 70% (above 80% while at Florida), you seriously gotta dislike having to play in a stadium where you're winning less than half the time.

He may have had Tennessee's number more often than not, but he didn't have Neyland Stadium's.

Don't get me wrong, it's not too shabby winning almost half your games on the road against a quality conference opponent...not saying the man sucked. Just saying he totally won't be bragging on how much he won in our house.

[even Dooley has more than twice as many Neyland Stadium wins as Spurrier ... shocking, I know]

Go Vols!

EDIT: Breakdown: 1-1 in Neyland while at Duke ... 3-3 in Neyland while at Florida ... 2-3 in Neyland while at USCe.

Nice stat. I always felt worse than that. It's sad that under 500 is considered dominant or is it dominating. It don't matter since under just 500 has never been considered either except for batting average but that's apples.

Jump higher Vols.
Spurrier was a fantastic college coach who brought 2 programs out of the gutter. I hate Florida, but I respect the accomplishments of the man.

I think there is a chance for the cocks to revert back to being completely irrelevant, just like Mo. Join the likes of Vandy and Ky.

Florida and Ga will always have potential from instate talent

Go Vols!

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