SJW Culture, Pride Parades, Tolerance and such

You know that reeks of a governmental attempt to control the people. What a crock of crap.

I've always thought that particular verse to be ironic:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Especially given Christianity was flipping off the Romans at the time.
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Personally I enjoy watching the religious right claim that Trump is the choice of God, as well. The lengths that people will go to justify abhorrent behavior by members of their own party is entertaining.
You really don’t understand how G-d works do you.
Personally I enjoy watching the religious right claim that Trump is the choice of God, as well. The lengths that people will go to justify abhorrent behavior by members of their own party is entertaining.
Wasn't Obola "The Chosen One"?
Like throwing money in a fountain?

Everyone seems to think G-d has put a leader in place only when it supports their way of thinking. If you don’t like that leader then you mock people for saying it. That’s not how it works. Not even close. All leaders are in place at the will of G-d. For what purpose is mostly unknown to us.

Claiming G-d chose a leader because you like them is ignorant. Mocking that is just as ignorant
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Everyone seems to think G-d has put a leader in place only when it supports their way of thinking. If you don’t like that leader then you mock people for saying it. That’s not how it works. Not even close. All leaders are in place at the will of G-d. For what purpose is mostly unknown to us.

Claiming G-d chose a leader because you like them is ignorant. Mocking that is just as ignorant

Why do you leave out the o in God?

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