SI: TN to finish last in SEC EAST

Since I go to another SEC school (Miss St), if UT finishes last in the SEC east, I will run through campus only wearing a UT thong and UT knee high socks and will personally hand a $100 bill to everyone from VN that sees me do it.:eek:lol:

Hmmm... you say that but I'm pretty sure you could get away that on Miss State's campus whether we win or lose. :)
The saddest thing about this is that there is no accountability. These guys do no research, spew out preseason predictions, then no one remembers to hold them accountable at the end... so they keep doing the same stuff AND getting PAID.

I'm in full agreement. These writers are clueless! And they have to be on crack if they think we're going to lose to Ky.
About the author. "Senior writer Andy Staples is biding his time at Sports Illustrated until someone hires him to edit and write for a publication dedicated only to barbecue."
I have a theory that the more people pick us to be terrible, like SI, the better we will end up finishing. Every thing is setting up to be a 9-10 win season( in my head) but not very likely in real life.
did anyone do any research before writing this article? seriously. we are unproven but miss state and kentucky are bad.

ya know im glad theyre hating. that way when we stomp a hole in floridas asses we can all point and laugh.
Never lost 8 games in the history of the program and by god we're not planning on starting this year. Especially when we're better this year than last year and our schedule is easier this year than last year.

Just my opinion.

Yes, Tennessee and Ohio St are the only 2 teams that's never lost 8 games in a season and we're not starting now...... SI can _ _ _ _ _:furious3::mad::censored:
I know they have not earned national respect but I hope the team is paying attention to what all of the pundits are saying. Picking them to finish last in the division. With some picking them to go 4-8 which would make them the worst in school history I hope they are taking notice and allowing it to motivated them in the weight room and on the field. I know respect is earned but the disrespect being dished out is all over the place. I have always liked a team that has its back against the wall, I hope they have the us against the world mentality of an underdog with fight.


I love this stuff. Seriously. Gotta give these players and coaches a chip to play / lead with.

Plus, go 6-6, we look like overachievers and Butch has a selling point for recruiting. It's a win.

I guarantee you, Butch & co are glad to see this.
THis is Sports Freaking Illustrated - This isn't Bleacher Report or SDS.....

This surprises me. With all of these horrible predictions from reputable medial outlets, if CBJ gets TN to a bowl he should be considered for SEC COY.[/QUOTE]

He went 5-7 last year. So if he goes 6-6 this year and goes to a bowl he is COY? Seems reasonable.
I guarantee that if Butch Jones finished 4-8 the entire state of Tennessee would be going for his head.

Its not going to happen, however, and SI is on some kind of drugs. Butch guaranteed a bowl appearance, and I trust him. IBIT (In Butch I Trust)
Since I go to another SEC school (Miss St), if UT finishes last in the SEC east, I will run through campus only wearing a UT thong and UT knee high socks and will personally hand a $100 bill to everyone from VN that sees me do it.:eek:lol:

I got excited about the money until I realized what I would have to watch. Some things cannot be unseen! :sick: :)
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SI said is that we finish last in the east. Technically we could still finish the season at 8-4 and end up last in the East. It's just a transposed record SI printed.

Wins over:
USU, ASU, OU, VU, UF, UA, OleMiss, UTC, then USCw in the bowl to be 9-4 overall. Good way to roll into 2015'. SI loves us IMO!
Since I go to another SEC school (Miss St), if UT finishes last in the SEC east, I will run through campus only wearing a UT thong and UT knee high socks and will personally hand a $100 bill to everyone from VN that sees me do it.:eek:lol:

What is is that gives me the inkling that you're secretly wanting to lose this bet? :glare:
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