SHS Stepping Down

I am really digging the new standard adopted on this board. Glad we are finally seeing so much outrage when politicians lie and when their lackeys lie for them. It's gonna make for a really fun campaign season as candidates on both sides of the aisle are raked over the coals for all the lies told. I mean, surely we aren't going to single out one party's candidates are we? I am disappointed so far in the lack of copy/paste tweets excoriating the liberal candidates but that must be coming. Right?
Did you have a stroke and forget where you were for a moment?
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Trump gave her his normal slurred speech send-off. Here's hoping she disappears from politics entirely.
I know a few nurses that got hooked on that stuff..
Ya, we are under strict narcotic orders at my new place because they had one who ran amuck last year, emptied the oxy cabinet and went home. I'm sure she had afew hazy days before the cops came to get her.

On another side before your license is suspend they give you a rehab option and limited practice now. 20 years ago it didn't matter, your license was done.
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Ya, we are under strict narcotic orders at my new place because they had one who ran amuck last year, emptied the oxy cabinet and went home. I'm sure she had afew hazy days before the cops came to get her.
One of the ones I know had to go to rehab and attend meetings forever to keep her job. She was a lot of fun though.
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Gotta love how scared the lefties are of a bold independent woman like SHS.
Not sure what is so bold or independent about her. She was a mouthpiece for Trump. Now she will either head to Fox News to keep being a mouthpiece for him or she will run for governor of Arkansas and still keep being a mouthpiece for him.
Not sure what is so bold or independent about her. She was a mouthpiece for Trump. Now she will either head to Fox News to keep being a mouthpiece for him or she will run for governor of Arkansas and still keep being a mouthpiece for him.
Hates SHS because of her ownership of Democratic mouthpiece Jim Acosta.

Just cant handle a strong brilliant woman. Misogynist much?
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Hates SHS because of her ownership of Democratic mouthpiece Jim Acosta.

Just cant handle a strong brilliant woman. Misogynist much?
I don't really care about her "owning" Jim Acosta, or anyone else for that matter.
Never one time have I doubted or questioned her intelligence. Would have been nice if she did her job.
I am not a “leftie”, but let’s be honest, no one is scared of her. Well maybe the manager of the Little Rock Golden Corral.

Probably not even him/her. They'll just harass her and ask her to leave.

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