Rob Smith

CRAP! I love my Kentucky boys!

I guess Jared Hostetter will have to turn it up a notch!
*Yes I know it is Robert Peace but I can hope can't I?*
*Sorry I could not help myself because of your name and signature.*

A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example.
Anyone else agree with me that if a player leaves a school early the should have to repay the school for their scholarship...
i kinda felt like he would leave early, if u remember he was very upset about Jimmy Ray Stephens getting fired. Another one of the I attitudes on the team if u ask me, good riddens.
(RammerJammer84 @ Jan 4 said:
Anyone else agree with me that if a player leaves a school early the should have to repay the school for their scholarship...
It depends on the situation. Rob has been there four years and will graduate with one more class. If he is training in Knoxville as the article says then I am sure he will finish school. What more can you ask? If he comes back that is just an extra year of his life. IMO a better way to handle this would be to disallow scholarships for players who are in a redshirt year. Talk about creating parity.
(RammerJammer84 @ Jan 4 said:
Anyone else agree with me that if a player leaves a school early the should have to repay the school for their scholarship...

Maybe if they get paid for their efforts while at Tennessee. But they don't. So no, don't think they should have to pay back anything.
(hohenfelsvol @ Jan 4 said:
Maybe if they get paid for their efforts while at Tennessee. But they don't. So no, don't think they should have to pay back anything.
The more I think about it the more I am in agreement with you. If a very smart kid on an academic scholarship decides to quit school after his sophmore year and backpack through Europe or something I do not believe that there would be any basis for asking him to repay the scholarship. The only situation where I have heard of anyone repaying a scholarship was an ROTC scholarship where the student decided that they really did not want to be in the military.
(hohenfelsvol @ Jan 4 said:
Maybe if they get paid for their efforts while at Tennessee. But they don't. So no, don't think they should have to pay back anything.

I totally disagree do you know how much College cost... They are rewarded with a free education, some of us who are not gifted with talent have to struggle to pay for school, books, and food. Football players are taken care of very well... An out of state student at UTK will pay almost 30K a year to attend school....
(RammerJammer84 @ Jan 4 said:
I totally disagree do you know how much College cost... They are rewarded with a free education, some of us who are not gifted with talent have to struggle to pay for school, books, and food. Football players are taken care of very well... An out of state student at UTK will pay almost 30K a year to attend school....

Yes I do know how much college costs. I have an undergraduate from UT and a graduate degree from another school. I know first hand that it is not cheap. And god bless you for going through the financial agony to get a degree. Its not easy and I you are great for doing it but.... The truth is these kids playing football more then pay for their scholarships with money they make for the school in ticket sales, TV $$, and merchandizing. When they leave early alot of them do put money back into UT after they turn pro. It is a complicated issue but in the end I just feel they shouldn't have to pay back.
(RammerJammer84 @ Jan 4 said:
Anyone else agree with me that if a player leaves a school early the should have to repay the school for their scholarship...
Give the players a cut of mechandising and ticket sales, then I might consider it.
I love football and the players. But I think they owe it to the university to stay the full 4 years and give there all. Being a kid in band, I am used to seeing all the football players handed everything. Don't argue, I am in high school and sit next to a UVa defensive end commitment in Advanced Algebra/Trig and he gets 60's on everything, yet has a high C. If they think they are good enough to jump to the NFL to make the big bucks, they should pay the school back.
(RammerJammer84 @ Jan 4 said:
Anyone else agree with me that if a player leaves a school early the should have to repay the school for their scholarship...

Absolutely not..playing in the NFL gives UT more exposure than the price of the scholly would be worth. There is a correlation to the top programs and who has the most players in the NFL.
i think thats a bad move on his part. not sure if those guys remember munoz and respert not getting drafted at all last year. good luck to him, but he really needed another year to prove himself IMO
(Brasszilla @ Jan 4 said:
This shouldn't be about bring school revenue in the long run
If it did not bring in the revenue then they would not give the scholarships for it. Lots of people pick a college based on party reputation/atmosphere and how attractive the coeds are but they do not give scholarships for being the most drunk or best looking. I know there are some sports that lose money but scholarships are still available and I cannot explain it.
(hohenfelsvol @ Jan 4 said:
Maybe if they get paid for their efforts while at Tennessee. But they don't. So no, don't think they should have to pay back anything.

That's why Bama players are afraid to go Pro early.....
I don't blame him. He deserves anything positive.He had and has the heart and desire of a lion.Tennessee would have been playing tonight if everyone on UT's team emulated his personality and work ethics.
I doubt he will even be drafted, but I say he will sign as a free agent after the draft. Bad move :bad: ........................

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