Reuters: Russia Prepping Troops For Libyan Deployment



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Exclusive: Russia appears to deploy forces in Egypt, eyes on Libya role - sources

The top U.S. military commander overseeing troops in Africa, Marine General Thomas Waldhauser, told the U.S. Senate last week that Russia was trying to exert influence in Libya to strengthen its leverage over whoever ultimately holds power.

"They're working to influence that," Waldhauser told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.

Asked whether it was in the U.S. interest to let that happen, Waldhauser said: "It is not."

No, it is in our best interest to leave Libya in the condition it is in right now as a failed state. Meanwhile, Russia is attempting to bring stability to the region.
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Exclusive: Russia appears to deploy forces in Egypt, eyes on Libya role - sources

No, it is in our best interest to leave Libya in the condition it is in right now as a failed state. Meanwhile, Russia is attempting to bring stability to the region.

yet when we get involved anywhere to provide stability it is meddling and practically a war crime. Russia has done such a great job of providing stability to Syria. Here, you want to see some pictures?


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yet when we get involved anywhere to provide stability it is meddling and practically a war crime. Russia has done such a great job of providing stability to Syria. Here, you want to see some pictures?

We were never invited in to Syria by Assad. Russia was, however. So we are meddling.
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We were never invited in to Syria by Assad. Russia was, however. So we are meddling.

The recent developements of US troops in Syria and now Israel's increasing involvement against Hezbollah speaks volumes...

It's shows that western funded terrorist are losing the zionist plan of unseating Assad at any cost. It shows desperation...

Russia is the only country trying to stablize the ME...
We were never invited in to Syria by Assad. Russia was, however. So we are meddling.

you are making my point for me.

at least according to your links Russia has received no invitation to Libya, and seems to be working with one of the rebel factions. please continue to defend how this is different.
There are two groups fighting for control of Libya. The Western backed, UN recognized group and the Libyan people's chosen leadership (the so-called rebel faction). Russia is working with the so-called rebels.
There are two groups fighting for control of Libya. The Western backed, UN recognized group and the Libyan people's chosen leadership (the so-called rebel faction). Russia is working with the so-called rebels.

despite not being invited by that same group? and again what is the difference here? the people of Syria clearly dont like Assad.

and its funny that Russia gets involved once the rebels lose the most valuable oil field in the area.....
you are making my point for me.

at least according to your links Russia has received no invitation to Libya, and seems to be working with one of the rebel factions. please continue to defend how this is different.

despite not being invited by that same group?and again what is the difference here? the people of Syria clearly dont like Assad.

and its funny that Russia gets involved once the rebels lose the most valuable oil field in the area.....

One of Libya’s Rival Governments Asks Russia for Military Assistance
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He promised Libya will pay $4 billion in Gadhafi-era military debt owed to Russia

and has invited Russian lawmakers to visit eastern Libya.
not just the military. Again why is it different when Russia is invited by a rebel force than when the US is? thats been the whole point.

His remarks come just a day after the Kremlin denied multiple reports that a team of Russian special forces and drones have been deployed to a military base in Egypt near the Libyan border
so are the Russians lying? surely they would never do that.

The Libyan National Army (LNA) is loyal to the HoR, but Haftar is an independent-minded commander who doesn't always see eye-to-eye with HoR politicians.
and it doesn't sound like they are actually working with the government. But admittedly I know even less about the various rebel groups in Libya than I do in Syria.

but again why is it ok for Russia to back rebels?
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One more time... what you and the UN are calling "rebels" are actually the recognized govt of Libya by the people of Libya. I've tried to spell that out to you several times in my responses but you just don't want to pay attention and understand. These so-called rebels are the real voice of the people, not of western interests.
One more time... what you and the UN are calling "rebels" are actually the recognized govt of Libya by the people of Libya. I've tried to spell that out to you several times in my responses but you just don't want to pay attention and understand. These so-called rebels are the real voice of the people, not of western interests.

We love playing wrecking ball with governments.
Rights group urges Libyan general to probe killings

Hifter's army backs Libya's last elected parliament, which was driven out of Tripoli in 2015 when Islamist-leaning militias and militias from the city of Misrata took over the capital in a blitz. The parliament is now based in the eastern city of Tobruk, and the interim government based on it is in the nearby city of Beida. They both oppose the United Nations-backed government in Tripoli.
One more time... what you and the UN are calling "rebels" are actually the recognized govt of Libya by the people of Libya. I've tried to spell that out to you several times in my responses but you just don't want to pay attention and understand. These so-called rebels are the real voice of the people, not of western interests.

this is actually the first time you have made reference to them being the "real" government. and as one of your articles pointed out Hifter/Haftar (assuming they are the same person) doesn't see eye to eye with the government you are referencing. haftar is only really interested in the assets (the oil fields he lost and now needs russian help to reclaim) not the people.

and democratic elections with only 18% of people voting? Thats worse than Assad. 630,000 people to represent the whole country?

I haven't seen anything official on that investigation but there are a lot of ties back to her murder with those in charge including your "real" government.

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