Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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The officials are doing what they're told.

Duke be like....
Win or lose, no one has a thing to complain about Barnes. He's already further in the tournament than the Barnes haters said we would be. We should win, but anything can happen.
I love RB and they have gone further than I said we would...fantastic coaching job.
Alright guys. Spring practice starts this week. The mods were thoughtful enough to have created a basketball forum in the site design. I'm sure you guys who want to talk b-ball will have a great time over there.

Tennessee Vols Basketball
You have been here long enough to know better, come on.
I expect the refs to be a handful Thursday… everyone including FAU coach already lobbying for everyone to believe we are axe murderers.
Yeah...that is exactly what I think is going to happen, and usually when the refs call ticky-tack puss fouls on our defense it REALLY effects the offense has been a really weird correlation all year.
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Cover your eyes bc I will be on here b$tching. 😂
If we lose in the Sweet 16 you'll be complaining about Barnes and calling this season a failure for him? Seriously?

It's the Sweet G-D 16. Against a team that is 33-3. You're just looking at the logo and assuming we should win and are failing to acknowledge the situation and everything that got to this point.
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