Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Yes he can. Those are his kids and his responsibility. If he doesn’t take full ownership, he will never be a leader and never grow.

Disagree. You take responsibility by cutting him from the team. These guys asked for it and now they are seeing what the real world is like. As a leader, you empower people that do the job and cut those that don’t.
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At least.....

I was downtown Nashville yesterday before our game and saw several Florida fans getting carried out of bars, absolutely hammered. I sat there laughing at them like "yeah dude I'd be drowning my sorrows too if I lost to Vanderbilt"

Anyway, stocking up 2x extra at the liquor store this week. No real reason
AP says Banks had multiple incidents this week and whatever happened on Thursday caused them to leave him at home.

Also says that Banks does not have an injured jaw (meaning Milton didn't punch him).

Also says the other defensive players supported the decision to leave Banks at home.

Wow. This is unreal to happen when you are on the cusp of the playoffs. Whatever happened, really rocked the culture the team had.
With a team, it rarely is unilateral. I played soccer, which has a significantly smaller roster, and that was never perfect. Competitiveness enters, weaknesses become consistent on film and blame games are played. Leadership can dissolve it but at the end of the day, it's on the individual to take criticism as a positive.
Yep, if coaches don’t step in and squash issues quickly, it will become a very big deal. Heupel doesn’t strike me as someone who deals with confrontation well and the team looked way off last night. It obviously had a major effect on the team and that’s on our coach.
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So, Hooker tried to hold Banks accountable and something popped off?

Sounds like Banks was a poor teammate this week (details unclear) and it culminated in Hooker confronting him about stepping on the T. A confrontation ensued, possibly including Banks yapping about Hendon getting big NIL deals (and then not playing well at UGA?). That’s if I’m reading the tea leaves correctly.
AP says Banks had multiple incidents this week and whatever happened on Thursday caused them to leave him at home.

Also says that Banks does not have an injured jaw (meaning Milton didn't punch him).

Also says the other defensive players supported the decision to leave Banks at home.
Sounds like the culture change wont be complete until all the guys from the Pruitt era are gone.
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After last night's pathetic performance, I don't give a damn about excuses. We were on the cusp of the playoffs and all we needed to do was to beat two bad teams.

The coaches did not have the players ready to play and some of the players looked like they didn't care to be playing.

If any of the Banks rumors are true, I hope he never puts on a uniform for this team ever again.

Hadden needs his scholarship pulled after the season. He acted like a punk high school kid all night. Embarrassing!

Some of you can sugarcoat if all you want, but that was an embarrassing effort from the players and coaches. They took what has been a magical season full of joy and hope and took a big dump on themselves and their fans with their pathetic effort on the field last night.

Absolutely disgusting!!!!!
Or our best linebacker broke and a team rule and when confronted by a team leader instead get in his face instead of showing accountability.

There’s no quicker way to lose a culture and cause locker room issues than by selectively enforcing rules based on how good a player is
Lose culture because someone stepped on a T and didn’t want to do push ups? Lol come on. Or have your coaches handle it and squash it really quick. Letting it escalate and obvious conflicts happening before that incident is what led to it. That’s on the coaches for not getting the players in line and reminding them they are all one team.
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I wouldn’t lose sight of the fact we’ve beaten Bama and FL this year. We’re 9-2. Things have been far worse.
Yes thankful for Heupel’s offensive playcalling, coaching, and development for carrying the pathetic defense to 9-2 it’s truly an amazing accomplishment. If not for coach Hype this would be another 5-7 or 4-8 team with any of our other past loser coaches.
AP says Banks had multiple incidents this week and whatever happened on Thursday caused them to leave him at home.

Also says that Banks does not have an injured jaw (meaning Milton didn't punch him).

Also says the other defensive players supported the decision to leave Banks at home.
As messed up as it is, all of this makes me feel slightly better. The rest of the defense supporting the decision means there’s not some mutiny at hand. The biggest issue is we don’t have the depth or talent to be able to handle losing our starting MLB and emotional defensive leader. It’s just the facts. Banks was still ass with the gameplan, but the biggest issue is how big of a loss that is. Screw JB forever, I hope he never plays another down at UT. Causing division at this point of the season is inexcusable. Doubt he lasts long in the NFL, if he even gets a chance there.
We have enough dissension-- I'm not looking to cause more. Things just aren't as unilateral as some might like. Situations are a sum of many variables that led to where we are. A team that was playing well but has played uncharacteristically poorly in two of the last three games, plus friction within a team are symptoms of a bigger problem. A simmering pot just boiled over, and now coaches have a mess to clean up. Another week or two and it could have played itself out. Instead, it cost UT a playoff spot.

I'm going to enjoy the holidays and be thankful for the many blessings I have. Happy Thanksgiving to all of VolNation.
I agree brother, appreciate all the info you bring 👊
AP says Banks had multiple incidents this week and whatever happened on Thursday caused them to leave him at home.

Also says that Banks does not have an injured jaw (meaning Milton didn't punch him).

Also says the other defensive players supported the decision to leave Banks at home.
I would have rather left the other defensive players at home. I think Banks alone could have prevented 63 points from being scored by that putrid offense.
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