Recruiting Forum Football Talk LX

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Nothing wrong with teaching your kids to live with their eyes open when they actually understand what is going on and can form their own opinions.

Edit: My 7yr old has the attention span of a Squirrel.

My boy knew more about the Dawgs at 9 than most of their grownup fans...and it sure wasn't because of me. Before you ask, my kids were born in Georgia, and all their family on their own moms side are from Georgia..
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My boy knew more about the Dawgs at 9 than most of their grownup fans...and it sure wasn't because of me. Before you ask, my kids were born in Georgia, and all their family on their own moms side are from Georgia..

So wait is your boy a Dawg or a Vol..... *Does not compute, does not compute* lol, but seriously he will watch the game and if nothing exciting is happening he just does his own thing.... You know like run around the house and cause a ruckus 😑
So wait is your boy a Dawg or a Vol..... *Does not compute, does not compute* lol, but seriously he will watch the game and if nothing exciting is happening he just does his own thing.... You know like run around the house and cause a ruckus 😑
If I'd done that as a kid, I would have either been shooed out the door for some outside play time with the door locked behind me or spanked.
Well just a heads up I have a 7yr old almost 8yr old who watches Tennessee enjoys watching them play but doesn't know the coach was fired or that he was fired because he couldn't win.

Reason being? I don't explain that to him on purpose. So, my deduction that her parents obviously either talk about it freely or discuss it with her is warranted.

For her to know Tennessee has been bad at football for 9 yrs obviously she has received that information and I doubt it was from the internet. So, I stand with my point that it is petty especially for the family to post it on social media.

Your point is valid in that they clearly talk about it or have told her about it. I still don't get how it's petty to post it on the internet. If you would like to respond once more to have the last word, feel free, but it is not that big a deal in the scheme of things. Happy Friday.
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It wasn't very good even then but now I have given up its so bad. Back to streaming 1310 the ticket on the morning drive...

I knew Jeff, he was a really good dude. That may have tainted my view of the show. He at least played football at the college level so his insight was somewhat valuable. I never listen now.
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I played middle school, high school, and college football and never had a single concussion. I've had my bell rung a few times and I've hit someone to where I made myself not be able to see straight in front of myself but only out of my peripherals for a few seconds.

I also only saw people get a few concussions and when they did it was because they used their head to attack the offensive player.

Very rarely saw an offensive player get a concussion from a hit and if they did it was usually facemask to facemask hits.(Contact to the head) Horse collars cause them as well because of how the back of the head hits the ground but also rare.

Clean hits definitely prevent concussions. Also it is to note that not everyone person is made the same and some get concussions easier.

Your first paragraph describes your concussions.
No loss of consciousness is required. Count each time you couldn’t see straight or got your bell rung the total is how many concussions you have had.

Your description would indicate mild ones, but concussions nevertheless.
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Not to take this discussion to a different tangent, but I find it disappointing that so many kids are playing certain sports on a year-round basis, such as the travel teams you find in youth baseball, soccer, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed growing up and playing football during football season, basketball during basketball season, baseball during baseball season.

If I was a parent today, I think I would worry more about my child burning out in a particular sport than a lot of other things.

Just a pet peeve of mind...

It really is a shame. I coach league softball for my daughters, each year I would take their team to travel tournaments to finish out the year. We would usually play 2 in June after our season. People would always ask if my kids were interested in playing for their travel team and I would always tell them no. Injuries are a major concern for many of the kids playing year round. Their bodies cannot withstand that type of punishment (lack of sleep, lack of recovery, playing through injuries, long travel) on a consistent basis.

We played one year of travel softball and it ended with me throwing the score book in the face of the head coach when he told my daughter she sucked in front of her teammates. I pulled them off and we've never been back.
A lot of hill tribe people don’t have proper papers. Up here, most people are from the tribes, and not ethnic Thai’s. Very easy to traffic when you don’t have identification. Many can never leave a general area or they will be arrested at a police checkpoint

We looked into adopting a girl like this a few years ago... Burmese father, mother died in childbirth. It was next to impossible, but another family has “unofficially” adopted her as her permanent care taker

Yeah, I didn't really know about all that. Kinda crazy. I can't wait to watch the Discovery channel documentary on the rescue tonight.
Well just a heads up I have a 7yr old almost 8yr old who watches Tennessee enjoys watching them play but doesn't know the coach was fired or that he was fired because he couldn't win.

Reason being? I don't explain that to him on purpose. So, my deduction that her parents obviously either talk about it freely or discuss it with her is warranted.

For her to know Tennessee has been bad at football for 9 yrs obviously she has received that information and I doubt it was from the internet. So, I stand with my point that it is petty especially for the family to post it on social media.

So now it’s petty for parents to talk football with their children? 😂
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I knew Jeff, he was a really good dude. That may have tainted my view of the show. He at least played football at the college level so his insight was somewhat valuable. I never listen now.

He was the only redeeming quality. Mickey and Heather were awful and Heather is even worse now if that is possible and Tyler tries to see how verbose he can be with every sentence he speaks. Its trash.
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Lol I don’t know if it had anything to do with intelligence but the blind started to see. Actually I would say that started happening during the GT game.

For me it started after the vandy game in 2016. The florida game last year just sealed the deal.
He was the only redeeming quality. Mickey and Heather were awful and Heather is even worse now if that is possible and Tyler tries to see how verbose he can be with every sentence he speaks. Its trash.

Lol he really does. It kills me when don’t even bother to google something thy have no idea about. They went on one day about how brandin Marshall was with the bears and their WR corps under azzani. I was like dude he hasn’t been there in years lol
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